SIMBAD: Nomenclature in SIMBAD

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The nomenclature does matter: it is the keystone of the SIMBAD and NED databases. The primary role of Nomenclature is to ensure that acronyms permit the identification of astronomical objects in an unambiguous way: a given name must correspond to a unique object.

In the dictionary of Nomenclature you can check what already exists, more than 15,000 acronyms. If you are going to publish a new survey or new observations that require a new acronym, please check the IAU Recommendations, and submit it to the IAU Working Group on Nomenclature & Designations prior to publication.

Dictionary of Nomenclature (

IAU Recommendations for Nomenclature (

Submission of a new acronym (

IAU Functional Working Group on Designations & Nomenclature (

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