C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.02CEST01:01:20 * 36 And A ---------- Object * 36 And A --- PM* --- OID=@11610148 (@@-1,255) --- coobox=11651 Coordinates(ICRS,ep=J2000,eq=2000): 00 54 58.1056364946 +23 37 41.928651572 (Opt ) A [0.1143 0.1292 90] 2018yCat.1345....0G Coordinates(FK4,ep=B1950,eq=1950): 00 52 17.1448523482 +23 21 29.048413507 Coordinates(Gal,ep=J2000,eq=2000): 123.9759539123153 -39.2362771063653 hierarchy counts: #parents=1, #children=0, #siblings=0 Proper motions: 129.034 -39.167 [0.256 0.244 90] A 2018yCat.1345....0G Parallax: 23.3123 [0.1509] A 2018yCat.1345....0G Radial Velocity: ~ [~ ~ ] ~ ~ Redshift: ~ [~ ~ ] ~ ~ cz: ~ [~ ~ ] ~ ~ Flux B : 7.05 [0.02] D 2002A&A...384..180F Flux V : 6.00 [0.01] D 2002A&A...384..180F Flux G : 5.762556 [0.003383] C 2020yCat.1350....0G Spectral type: ~ ~ ~ Morphological type: ~ ~ ~ Angular size: ~ ~ ~ (~) ~ ~ Identifiers (9): Gaia DR3 2803936143261926272 ADS 755 A BD+22 146A CSI+22 146 3 WDS J00550+2338A * 36 And A TYC 1739-2318-1 ** STF 73A Gaia DR2 2803936143261926272 Bibcodes 1850-2024 () (12): 2017ApJ...844..103T 2012A&A...546A..69M 2012MNRAS.422.1057P 2011AJ....141..157M 2009AJ....137.3358M 2000A&A...363.1019T 1998IBVS.4604....1T 1989A&AS...77..125L 1988A&AS...72..563T 1985A&AS...60..485M 1983LAstr..97..277W 1983PAZh....9..559T Measures (distance:1 MK:1 PLX:1 PM:1 ): distance:1MK:1PLX:1PM:1 Notes (0) : ================================================================================