C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.03CEST23:21:01 PSR J1819-1458 -------------- Object PSR J1819-1458 --- Psr --- OID=@2566189 (@@136281,15) --- coobox=18715 Coordinates(ICRS,ep=J2000,eq=2000): 18 19 34.173 -14 58 03.57 (Rad ) C [~ ~ ] 2009MNRAS.400.1439L Coordinates(FK4,ep=B1950,eq=1950): 18 16 42.570 -14 59 22.81 Coordinates(Gal,ep=J2000,eq=2000): 016.019010 +00.080343 hierarchy counts: #parents=0, #children=0, #siblings=0 Proper motions: ~ ~ [~ ~ ] ~ ~ Parallax: ~ [~] ~ ~ Radial Velocity: ~ [~ ~ ] ~ ~ Redshift: ~ [~ ~ ] ~ ~ cz: ~ [~ ~ ] ~ ~ Flux Spectral type: ~ ~ ~ Morphological type: ~ ~ ~ Angular size: ~ ~ ~ (~) ~ ~ Identifiers (4): [MLL2006] J1819-1458 PSR J1819-1458 CXOU J181934.1-145804 2XMMi J181933.9-145802 References 1850-2024 () (123): 2006ApJ...639L..71R Astrophys. J., 639, L71-L74 (2006/March-2) REYNOLDS S.P., BORKOWSKI K.J., GAENSLER B.M., REA N., McLAUGHLIN M., POSSENTI A., ISRAEL G., BURGAY M., CAMILO F., CHATTERJEE S., KRAMER M., LYNE A. and STAIRS I. 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