C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.07CEST22:20:45 Alpha Centauri -------------- Object * alf Cen --- ** --- OID=@3396059 (@@66419,8) --- coobox=21758 Coordinates(ICRS,ep=J2000,eq=2000): 14 39 36.50 -60 50 02.3 (Opt ) D [~ ~ ] 2001AJ....122.3466M Coordinates(FK4,ep=B1950,eq=1950): 14 36 11.50 -60 37 43.1 Coordinates(Gal,ep=J2000,eq=2000): 315.73419 -00.67964 hierarchy counts: #parents=0, #children=2, #siblings=0 Proper motions: -3608 686 [30 25 179] C ~ Parallax: 750.81 [0.38] B 2021AJ....162...14A Radial Velocity: -22.3 [0.9] A 1979IAUS...30...57E Redshift: -0.000074 [0.000003] A 1979IAUS...30...57E cz: -22.30 [0.90] A 1979IAUS...30...57E Flux B : 0.4 [~] E ~ Flux V : -0.1 [~] E ~ Spectral type: G2V+K1V C 2006A&A...460..695T Morphological type: ~ ~ ~ Angular size: ~ ~ ~ (~) ~ ~ Identifiers (34): 2XMM J143933.0-605008 GES J14392972-6049560 * alf Cen 2E 3308 2RE J143941-605000 2RE J1439-605 CCDM J14396-6050AB CPD-60 5483 CSI-60 5483 43 Ci 20 875 FK5 538 GC 19728 GCRV 8519 IDS 14328-6025 AB LPM 534 RE J1439-605 RE J143944-605008 1E 143556-6037.3 1ES 1435-60.6 2E 1435.9-6037 2EUVE J1439-60.8 EUVE J1439-60.8 [TSA98] J143948.42-605021.66 WDS J14396-6050AB RX J1439.5-6050 IRAS 14359-6037 SAO 252838 1RXS J143940.4-605020 PM 14362-6038 ** RHD 1 1E 143555-6037.6 CD-60 5293 ** LDS 494AB uvby98 100128620 References 1850-2024 () (961): 1918ApJ....48..182L Astrophys. 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High-resolution laboratory measurements of coronal lines near the Fe IX line at 171 {AA}. -Files: (abstract) 2018ApJ...854..123Z Astrophys. J., 854, 123-123 (2018/February-3) ZHANG B. and LI K. Relativistic astronomy. -Files: (abstract) 2018ApJS..234...39S Astrophys. J., Suppl. Ser., 234, 39-39 (2018/February-0) SCHLAFLY E.F., GREEN G.M., LANG D., DAYLAN T., FINKBEINER D.P., LEE A., MEISNER A.M., SCHLEGEL D. and VALDES F. The DECam Plane Survey: optical photometry of two billion objects in the southern Galactic plane. -Status: Large table(s) will be appraised for possible ingestion in VizieR. // All or part of tables of objects will not be ingested in SIMBAD. -Files: (abstract) 2018AJ....155..130Q Astron. J., 155, 130-130 (2018) QUARLES B. and LISSAUER J.J. Long-term stability of tightly packed multi-planet systems in prograde, coplanar, circumstellar orbits within the {alpha} Centauri AB system. -Files: (abstract) 2018A&A...610L..11D Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 610, L11-11 (2018/2-1) DYBCZYNSKI P.A. and KROLIKOWSKA M. Investigating the dynamical history of the interstellar object 'Oumuamua. -Files: (abstract) 2018MNRAS.474.3212F Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 474, 3212-3220 (2018/March-1) FORGAN D.H., HELLER R. and HIPPKE M. Photogravimagnetic assists of light sails: a mixed blessing for Breakthrough Starshot? -Files: (abstract) 2018ApJ...856...10J Astrophys. J., 856, 10-10 (2018/March-3) JOYCE M. and CHABOYER B. Not all stars are the Sun: empirical calibration of the mixing length for metal-poor stars using one-dimensional stellar evolution models. -Files: (abstract) 2018MNRAS.474.4412F Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 474, 4412-4420 (2018/March-2) FENG F. and JONES H.R.A. 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J., 156, 49-49 (2018/August-0) RIEDEL A.R., SILVERSTEIN M.L., HENRY T.J., JAO W.-C., WINTERS J.G., SUBASAVAGE J.P., MALO L. and HAMBLY N.C. The solar neighborhood. XLIII. Discovery of new nearby stars with {mu}<0.18"/yr (TINYMO sample). -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2018A&A...615A.172M Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 615A, 172-172 (2018/7-1) MOREL T. The chemical composition of {alpha} Centauri AB revisited. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2018ApJ...864...24B Astrophys. J., 864, 24-24 (2018/September-1) BEIERSDORFER P., HELL N. and LEPSON J.K. Temperature measurements using the dielectronic satellite lines of Fe XVII. -Files: (abstract) 2018ApJ...864...99J Astrophys. J., 864, 99-99 (2018/September-1) JOYCE M. and CHABOYER B. Classically and asteroseismically constrained 1D stellar evolution models of {alpha} Centauri A and B using empirical mixing length calibrations. -Files: (abstract) 2018MNRAS.479..171F Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 479, 171-182 (2018/September-1) FORBES J.C. and LOEB A. Evaporation of planetary atmospheres due to XUV illumination by quasars. -Files: (abstract) 2018MNRAS.479.1953D Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 479, 1953-1973 (2018/September-2) DEL BURGO C. and ALLENDE PRIETO C. Testing models of stellar structure and evolution - I. Comparison with detached eclipsing binaries. -Files: (abstract) 2018MNRAS.479.4486H Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 479, 4486-4498 (2018/October-0) HOGG M.A., WYNN G.A. and NIXON C. The galactic rate of second- and third-generation disc and planet formation. -Files: (abstract) 2018MNRAS.480..236Z Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 480, 236-244 (2018/October-2) ZURLO A., GRATTON R., MESA D., DESIDERA S., ENIA A., SAHU K., ALMENARA J.-M., KERVELLA P., AVENHAUS H., GIRARD J., JANSON M., LAGADEC E., LANGLOIS M., MILLI J., PERROT C., SCHLIEDER J.-E., THALMANN C., VIGAN A., GIRO E., GLUCK L., RAMOS J. and ROUX A. The gravitational mass of Proxima Centauri measured with SPHERE from a microlensing event. -Files: (abstract) 2018MNRAS.480.2660B Mon. 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Galactic panspermia. -Files: (abstract) 2018MNRAS.480.3595S Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 480, 3595-3608 (2018/November-1) SCHWARZ R., BAZSO A., GEORGAKARAKOS N., LOIBNEGGER B., MAINDL T.I., BANCELIN D., PILAT-LOHINGER E., KISLYAKOVA K.G., DVORAK R. and DOBBS-DIXON I. Exocomets in the Proxima Centauri system and their importance for water transport. -Files: (abstract) 2018MNRAS.481..217T Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 481, 217-225 (2018/November-3) TRIGILIO C., UMANA G., CAVALLARO F., AGLIOZZO C., LETO P., BUEMI C.S., INGALLINERA A., BUFANO F. and RIGGI S. Detection of {alpha} Centauri at radio wavelengths: chromospheric emission and search for star-planet interaction. -Files: (abstract) 2018AJ....156..274A Astron. J., 156, 274-274 (2018/December-0) AYRES T.R. Serendipitous X-ray sources in the Chandra HRC field around Alpha Centauri. -Flags: Fig. 1, Table 2: <[A2018c] NN> (Nos 1-10). -Files: (abstract) 2019MNRAS.482..372M Mon. Not. R. Astron. 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Slingshot prominences: nature's wind gauges. -Files: (abstract) 2019A&A...622A..46D Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 622A, 46-46 (2019/2-1) DOS SANTOS L.A., BOURRIER V., EHRENREICH D. and KAMEDA S. Observability of hydrogen-rich exospheres in Earth-like exoplanets. -Files: (abstract) 2019MNRAS.484..648P Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 484, 648-658 (2019/March-3) POPE B.J.S., WITHERS P., CALLINGHAM J.R. and VOGT M.F. Exoplanet transits with next-generation radio telescopes. -Files: (abstract) 2019A&A...623A..72K Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 623A, 72-72 (2019/3-1) KERVELLA P., ARENOU F., MIGNARD F. and THEVENIN F. Stellar and substellar companions of nearby stars from Gaia DR2. Binarity from proper motion anomaly. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2019RAA....19...35D Research in Astron. and astroph., 19, 35-35 (2019/March-0) DRYOMOVA G.N. and DRYOMOV V.V. Role of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect in the study of close binaries. -Files: (abstract) 2019MNRAS.485.4804L Mon. Not. R. Astron. 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KOI-3890: a high-mass-ratio asteroseismic red giant+M-dwarf eclipsing binary undergoing heartbeat tidal interactions. -Files: (abstract) 2019MNRAS.487.1653B Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 487, 1653-1661 (2019/August-1) BANIK I. and KROUPA P. Directly testing gravity with Proxima Centauri. -Files: (abstract) 2019PASP..131g4501B Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 131, part no 7, 4501-74501 (2019/July-0) BENTON D.M. A proposed method for a photon-counting laser coherence detection system to complement optical SETI. -Files: (abstract) 2019ApJ...879...94F Astrophys. J., 879, 94-94 (2019/July-2) FERNANDES C.S., VAN GROOTEL V., SALMON S.J.A.J., ARINGER B., BURGASSER A.J., SCUFLAIRE R., BRASSARD P. and FONTAINE G. Evolutionary models for ultracool dwarfs. -Files: (abstract) 2019MNRAS.487.5291B Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 487, 5291-5303 (2019/August-3) BANIK I. A new line on the wide binary test of gravity. -Files: (abstract) 2019MNRAS.489.2595H Mon. Not. R. Astron. 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Ser., 244, 39-39 (2019/October-0) FENG F., LISOGORSKYI M., JONES H.R.A., KOPEIKIN S.M., BUTLER R.P., ANGLADA-ESCUDE G. and BOSS A.P. PEXO: a global modeling framework for nanosecond timing, microarcsecond astrometry, and {mu}m s^-1^ radial velocities. -Files: (abstract) 2019A&A...631A..45S Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 631A, 45-45 (2019/11-1) SANZ-FORCADA J., STELZER B., COFFARO M., RAETZ S. and ALVARADO-GOMEZ J.D. Multi-wavelength variability of the young solar analog {iota} Horologii. X-ray cycle, star spots, flares, and UV emission. -Files: (abstract) 2019MNRAS.489.4712S Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 489, 4712-4720 (2019/November-2) SPADA F. and DEMARQUE P. Testing the entropy calibration of the radii of cool stars: models of {alpha} Centauri A and B. -Files: (abstract) 2019ApJS..245....8P Astrophys. J., Suppl. Ser., 245, 8-8 (2019/November-0) POPE B.J.S., WHITE T.R., FARR W.M., YU J., GREKLEK-MCKEON M., HUBER D., AERTS C., AIGRAIN S., BEDDING T.R., BOYAJIAN T., CREEVEY O.L. and HOGG D.W. The K2 bright star survey. I. Methodology and data release. -Files: (abstract) 2019ApJ...886...41L Astrophys. J., 886, 41-41 (2019/November-3) LINSKY J.L., REDFIELD S. and TILIPMAN D. The interface between the outer heliosphere and the inner local ISM: morphology of the Local Interstellar Cloud, its hydrogen hole, Stromgren shells, and ^60^Fe accretion. -Files: (abstract) 2019ApJ...886...56Q Astrophys. J., 886, 56-56 (2019/November-3) QUARLES B., LI G. and LISSAUER J.J. Obliquity evolution of circumstellar planets in Sun-like stellar binaries. -Files: (abstract) 2019AJ....158..246B Astron. J., 158, 246-246 (2019/December-0) BERDYUGINA S.V. and KUHN J.R. Surface Imaging of Proxima b and other exoplanet's: albedo maps, biosignatures, and technosignatures. -Files: (abstract) 2020AJ....159...18B Astron. 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Nonlinear convergence of solar-like stars chromospheres using millimeter, submillimeter, and infrared observations. -Files: (abstract) 2020A&A...633A..18V Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 633A, 18-18 (2020/1-1) VISSER P.M. and MOL M.A. Fourier series for eclipses on exoplanet binaries. -Files: (abstract) 2020A&A...633A..76C Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 633A, 76-76 (2020/1-1) CRETIGNIER M., DUMUSQUE X., ALLART R., PEPE F. and LOVIS C. Measuring precise radial velocities on individual spectral lines. II. Dependance of stellar activity signal on line depth. -Files: (abstract) 2020MNRAS.491.1795P Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 491, 1795-1799 (2020/January-2) PETIT DIT DE LA ROCHE D.J.M., VAN DEN ANCKER M.E., KISSLER-PATIG M., IVANOV V.D. and FEDELE D. New constraints on the HR 8799 planetary system from mid-infrared direct imaging. -Files: (abstract) 2020AJ....159...80Q Astron. J., 159, 80-80 (2020/March-0) QUARLES B., LI G., KOSTOV V. and HAGHIGHIPOUR N. Orbital stability of circumstellar planets in binary systems. -Files: (abstract) 2020AJ....159...85H Astron. J., 159, 85-85 (2020/March-0) HIPPKE M. Interstellar communication network. I. 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RefPlanets: Search for reflected light from extrasolar planets with SPHERE/ZIMPOL. -Files: (abstract) 2020A&A...635L..14K Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 635, L14-14 (2020/3-1) KERVELLA P., ARENOU F. and SCHNEIDER J. Orbital inclination and mass of the exoplanet candidate Proxima c. -Files: (abstract) 2020MNRAS.493.4657L Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 493, 4657-4676 (2020/April-3) LETO P., TRIGILIO C., LEONE F., PILLITTERI I., BUEMI C.S., FOSSATI L., CAVALLARO F., OSKINOVA L.M., IGNACE R., KRTICKA J., UMANA G., CATANZARO G., INGALLINERA A., BUFANO F., AGLIOZZO C., PHILLIPS N.M., CERRIGONE L., RIGGI S., LORU S., MUNARI M., GANGI M., GIARRUSSO M. and ROBRADE J. Evidence for radio and X-ray auroral emissions from the magnetic B-type star {rho} Oph A. -Files: (abstract) 2020ApJ...894...76W Astrophys. J., 894, 76-76 (2020/May-1) WHITE J.A., TAPIA-VAZQUEZ F., HUGHES A.G., MOOR A., MATTHEWS B., WILNER D., AUFDENBERG J., HUGHES A.M., DE LA LUZ V. and BOLEY A.C. The MESAS project: ALMA observations of the F-type stars {gamma} Lep, {gamma} Vir A, and {gamma} Vir B. -Files: (abstract) 2020A&A...636A..49C Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 636A, 49-49 (2020/4-1) COFFARO M., STELZER B., ORLANDO S., HALL J., METCALFE T.S., WOLTER U., MITTAG M., SANZ-FORCADA J., SCHNEIDER P.C. and DUCCI L. An X-ray activity cycle on the young solar-like star {epsilon} Eridani. -Files: (abstract) 2020MNRAS.494.1297M Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 494, 1297-1307 (2020/May-1) MESQUITA A.L. and VIDOTTO A.A. Global trends in winds of M dwarf stars. -Files: (abstract) 2020AJ....159..265T Astron. J., 159, 265-265 (2020/June-0) TOKOVININ A. Nearby quintuple systems {kappa} Tucanae and {xi} Scorpii. -Files: (abstract) 2020PASP..132a5002B Publ. Astron. Soc. 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Transit search for exoplanets around Alpha Centauri a and B with ASTERIA. -Files: (abstract) 2021A&A...649A...6G Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 649A, 6-6 (2021/5-1) GAIA COLLABORATION, SMART R.L., SARRO L.M., RYBIZKI J., REYLE C., ROBIN A.C., HAMBLY N.C., ABBAS U., BARSTOW M.A., DE BRUIJNE J.H.J., BUCCIARELLI B., CARRASCO J.M., COOPER W.J., HODGKIN S.T., MASANA E., MICHALIK D., SAHLMANN J., SOZZETTI A., BROWN A.G.A., VALLENARI A., PRUSTI T., BABUSIAUX C., BIERMANN M., CREEVEY O.L., EVANS D.W., EYER L., HUTTON A., JANSEN F., JORDI C., KLIONER S.A., LAMMERS U., LINDEGREN L., LURI X., MIGNARD F., PANEM C., POURBAIX D., RANDICH S., SARTORETTI P., SOUBIRAN C., WALTON N.A., ARENOU F., BAILER-JONES C.A.L., BASTIAN U., CROPPER M., DRIMMEL R., KATZ D., LATTANZI M.G., VAN LEEUWEN F., BAKKER J., CASTANEDA J., DE ANGELI F., DUCOURANT C., FABRICIUS C., FOUESNEAU M., FREMAT Y., GUERRA R., GUERRIER A., GUIRAUD J., JEAN-ANTOINE-PICCOLO A., MESSINEO R., MOWLAVI N., NICOLAS C., NIENARTOWICZ K., 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A., DELGADO H.E., DELISLE J.-B., DI MATTEO P., DIAKITE S., DIENER C., DISTEFANO E., DOLDING C., EAPPACHEN D., EDVARDSSON B., ENKE H., ESQUEJ P., FABRE C., FABRIZIO M., FAIGLER S., FEDORETS G., FERNIQUE P., FIENGA A., FIGUERAS F., FOURON C., FRAGKOUDI F., FRAILE E., FRANKE F., GAI M., GARABATO D., GARCIA-GUTIERREZ A., GARCIA-TORRES M., GAROFALO A., GAVRAS P., GERLACH E., GEYER R., GIACOBBE P., GILMORE G., GIRONA S., GIUFFRIDA G., GOMEL R., GOMEZ A., GONZALEZ-SANTAMARIA I., GONZALEZ-VIDAL J.J., GRANVIK M., GUTIERREZ-SANCHEZ R., GUY L.P., HAUSER M., HAYWOOD M., HELMI A., HIDALGO S.L., HILGER T., HLADCZUK N., HOBBS D., HOLLAND G., HUCKLE H.E., JASNIEWICZ G., JONKER P.G., JUARISTI CAMPILLO J., JULBE F., KARBEVSKA L., KERVELLA P., KHANNA S., KOCHOSKA A., KONTIZAS M., KORDOPATIS G., KORN A.J., KOSTRZEWA-RUTKOWSKA Z., KRUSZYNSKA K., LAMBERT S., LANZA A.F., LASNE Y., LE CAMPION J.-F., LE FUSTEC Y., LEBRETON Y., LEBZELTER T., LECCIA S., LECLERC N., LECOEUR-TAIBI I., LIAO S., LICATA E., LINDSTROM H.E.P., LISTER T.A., LIVANOU E., LOBEL A., MADRERO PARDO P., MANAGAU S., MANN R.G., MARCHANT J.M., MARCONI M., MARCOS SANTOS M.M.S., MARINONI S., MAROCCO F., MARSHALL D.J., MARTIN POLO L., MARTIN-FLEITAS J.M., MASIP A., MASSARI D., MASTROBUONO-BATTISTI A., MAZEH T., McMILLAN P.J., MESSINA S., MILLAR N.R., MINTS A., MOLINA D., MOLINARO R., MOLNAR L., MONTEGRIFFO P., MOR R., MORBIDELLI R., MOREL T., MORRIS D., MULONE A.F., MUNOZ D., MURAVEVA T., MURPHY C.P., MUSELLA I., NOVAL L., ORDENOVIC C., ORRU G., OSINDE J., PAGANI C., PAGANO I., PALAVERSA L., PALICIO P.A., PANAHI A., PAWLAK M., PENALOSA ESTELLER X., PENTTILA A., PIERSIMONI A.M., PINEAU F.-X., PLACHY E., PLUM G., POGGIO E., PORETTI E., POUJOULET E., PRSA A., PULONE L., RACERO E., RAGAINI S., RAINER M., RAITERI C.M., RAMBAUX N., RAMOS P., RAMOS-LERATE M., RE FIORENTIN P., REGIBO S., RIPEPI V., RIVA A., RIXON G., ROBICHON N., ROBIN C., ROELENS M., ROHRBASSER L., ROMERO-GOMEZ M., ROWELL N., ROYER F., RYBICKI K.A., SADOWSKI G., SAGRISTA 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Gaia Early Data Release 3. The Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars. -Status: All or part of tables of objects could be ingested in SIMBAD; there are some issues with cross-identifications or classifications. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2021A&A...649A...9G Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 649A, 9-9 (2021/5-1) GAIA COLLABORATION, KLIONER S.A., MIGNARD F., LINDEGREN L., BASTIAN U., McMILLAN P.J., HERNANDEZ J., HOBBS D., RAMOS-LERATE M., BIERMANN M., BOMBRUN A., DE TORRES A., GERLACH E., GEYER R., HILGER T., LAMMERS U., STEIDELMULLER H., STEPHENSON C.A., BROWN A.G.A., VALLENARI A., PRUSTI T., DE BRUIJNE J.H.J., BABUSIAUX C., CREEVEY O.L., EVANS D.W., EYER L., HUTTON A., JANSEN F., JORDI C., LURI X., PANEM C., POURBAIX D., RANDICH S., SARTORETTI P., SOUBIRAN C., WALTON N.A., ARENOU F., BAILER-JONES C.A.L., CROPPER M., DRIMMEL R., KATZ D., LATTANZI M.G., VAN LEEUWEN F., BAKKER J., CASTANEDA J., DE ANGELI F., DUCOURANT C., FABRICIUS C., FOUESNEAU M., FREMAT Y., GUERRA R., GUERRIER A., GUIRAUD J., JEAN-ANTOINE-PICCOLO A., MASANA E., MESSINEO R., MOWLAVI N., NICOLAS C., NIENARTOWICZ K., PAILLER F., PANUZZO P., RICLET F., ROUX W., SEABROKE G.M., SORDO R., TANGA P., THEVENIN F., GRACIA-ABRIL G., PORTELL J., TEYSSIER D., ALTMANN M., ANDRAE R., BELLAS-VELIDIS I., BENSON K., BERTHIER J., BLOMME R., BRUGALETTA E., BURGESS P.W., BUSSO G., CARRY B., CELLINO A., CHEEK N., CLEMENTINI G., DAMERDJI Y., DAVIDSON M., DELCHAMBRE L., DELL'ORO A., FERNANDEZ-HERNANDEZ J., GALLUCCIO L., GARCIA-LARIO P., GARCIA-REINALDOS M., GONZALEZ-NUNEZ J., GOSSET E., HAIGRON R., HALBWACHS J.-L., HAMBLY N.C., HARRISON D.L., HATZIDIMITRIOU D., HEITER U., HESTROFFER D., HODGKIN S.T., HOLL B., JANSSEN K., JEVARDAT DE FOMBELLE G., JORDAN S., KRONE-MARTINS A., LANZAFAME A.C., LOFFLER W., LORCA A., MANTEIGA M., MARCHAL O., MARRESE P.M., MOITINHO A., MORA A., MUINONEN K., OSBORNE P., PANCINO E., PAUWELS T., RECIO-BLANCO A., RICHARDS P.J., RIELLO M., RIMOLDINI L., ROBIN A.C., ROEGIERS T., RYBIZKI J., SARRO L.M., SIOPIS C., SMITH M., SOZZETTI A., ULLA A., UTRILLA E., VAN LEEUWEN M., VAN REEVEN W., ABBAS U., ABREU ARAMBURU A., ACCART S., AERTS C., AGUADO J.J., AJAJ M., ALTAVILLA G., ALVAREZ M.A., ALVAREZ CID-FUENTES J., ALVES J., ANDERSON R.I., ANGLADA VARELA E., ANTOJA T., AUDARD M., BAINES D., BAKER S.G., BALAGUER-NUNEZ L., BALBINOT E., BALOG Z., BARACHE C., BARBATO D., BARROS M., BARSTOW M.A., BARTOLOME S., BASSILANA J.-L., BAUCHET N., BAUDESSON-STELLA A., BECCIANI U., BELLAZZINI M., BERNET M., BERTONE S., BIANCHI L., BLANCO-CUARESMA S., BOCH T., BOSSINI D., BOUQUILLON S., BRAMANTE L., BREEDT E., BRESSAN A., BROUILLET N., BUCCIARELLI B., BURLACU A., BUSONERO D., BUTKEVICH A.G., BUZZI R., CAFFAU E., CANCELLIERE R., CANOVAS H., CANTAT-GAUDIN T., CARBALLO R., CARLUCCI T., CARNERERO M.I., CARRASCO J.M., CASAMIQUELA L., CASTELLANI M., CASTRO-GINARD A., CASTRO SAMPOL P., CHAOUL L., CHARLOT P., CHEMIN L., CHIAVASSA A., COMORETTO G., COOPER W.J., CORNEZ T., COWELL S., CRIFO F., CROSTA M., CROWLEY C., DAFONTE C., DAPERGOLAS A., DAVID M., DAVID P., DE LAVERNY P., DE LUISE F., DE MARCH R., DE RIDDER J., DE SOUZA R., DE TEODORO P., DEL PELOSO E.F., DEL POZO E., DELGADO A., DELGADO H.E., DELISLE J.-B., DI MATTEO P., DIAKITE S., DIENER C., DISTEFANO E., DOLDING C., EAPPACHEN D., ENKE H., ESQUEJ P., FABRE C., FABRIZIO M., FAIGLER S., FEDORETS G., FERNIQUE P., FIENGA A., FIGUERAS F., FOURON C., FRAGKOUDI F., FRAILE E., FRANKE F., GAI M., GARABATO D., GARCIA-GUTIERREZ A., GARCIA-TORRES M., GAROFALO A., GAVRAS P., GIACOBBE P., GILMORE G., GIRONA S., GIUFFRIDA G., GOMEZ A., GONZALEZ-SANTAMARIA I., GONZALEZ-VIDAL J.J., GRANVIK M., GUTIERREZ-SANCHEZ R., GUY L.P., HAUSER M., HAYWOOD M., HELMI A., HIDALGO S.L., HLADCZUK N., HOLLAND G., HUCKLE H.E., JASNIEWICZ G., JONKER P.G., JUARISTI CAMPILLO J., JULBE F., KARBEVSKA L., KERVELLA P., KHANNA S., KOCHOSKA A., KORDOPATIS G., KORN A.J., KOSTRZEWA-RUTKOWSKA Z., KRUSZYNSKA K., LAMBERT S., LANZA A.F., LASNE Y., LE CAMPION J.-F., LE FUSTEC Y., LEBRETON Y., LEBZELTER T., LECCIA S., LECLERC N., LECOEUR-TAIBI I., LIAO S., LICATA E., LINDSTROM H.E.P., LISTER T.A., LIVANOU E., LOBEL A., MADRERO PARDO P., MANAGAU S., MANN R.G., MARCHANT J.M., MARCONI M., MARCOS SANTOS M.M.S., MARINONI S., MAROCCO F., MARSHALL D.J., MARTIN POLO L., MARTIN-FLEITAS J.M., MASIP A., MASSARI D., MASTROBUONO-BATTISTI A., MAZEH T., MESSINA S., MICHALIK D., MILLAR N.R., MINTS A., MOLINA D., MOLINARO R., MOLNAR L., MONTEGRIFFO P., MOR R., MORBIDELLI R., MOREL T., MORRIS D., MULONE A.F., MUNOZ D., MURAVEVA T., MURPHY C.P., MUSELLA I., NOVAL L., ORDENOVIC C., ORRU G., OSINDE J., PAGANI C., PAGANO I., PALAVERSA L., PALICIO P.A., PANAHI A., PAWLAK M., PENALOSA ESTELLER X., PENTTILA A., PIERSIMONI A.M., PINEAU F.-X., PLACHY E., PLUM G., POGGIO E., PORETTI E., POUJOULET E., PRSA A., PULONE L., RACERO E., RAGAINI S., RAINER M., RAITERI C.M., RAMBAUX N., RAMOS P., RE FIORENTIN P., REGIBO S., REYLE C., RIPEPI V., RIVA A., RIXON G., ROBICHON N., ROBIN C., ROELENS M., ROHRBASSER L., ROMERO-GOMEZ M., ROWELL N., ROYER F., RYBICKI K.A., SADOWSKI G., SAGRISTA SELLES A., SAHLMANN J., SALGADO J., SALGUERO E., SAMARAS N., SANCHEZ GIMENEZ V., SANNA N., SANTOVENA R., SARASSO M., SCHULTHEIS M., SCIACCA E., SEGOL M., SEGOVIA J.C., SEGRANSAN D., SEMEUX D., SIDDIQUI H.I., SIEBERT A., SILTALA L., SLEZAK E., SMART R.L., SOLANO E., SOLITRO F., SOUAMI D., SOUCHAY J., SPAGNA A., SPOTO F., STEELE I.A., SUVEGES M., SZABADOS L., SZEGEDI-ELEK E., TARIS F., TAURAN G., TAYLOR M.B., TEIXEIRA R., THUILLOT W., TONELLO N., TORRA F., TORRA J., TURON C., UNGER N., VAILLANT M., VAN DILLEN E., VANEL O., VECCHIATO A., VIALA Y., VICENTE D., VOUTSINAS S., WEILER M., WEVERS T., WYRZYKOWSKI L., YOLDAS A., YVARD P., ZHAO H., ZOREC J., ZUCKER S., ZURBACH C. and ZWITTER T. Gaia Early Data Release 3. Acceleration of the Solar System from Gaia astrometry. -Files: (abstract) 2021A&A...649A..96J Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 649A, 96-96 (2021/5-1) JOHNSTONE C.P., BARTEL M. and GUDEL M. The active lives of stars: A complete description of the rotation and XUV evolution of F, G, K, and M dwarfs. -Files: (abstract) 2021AJ....162....1H Astron. J., 162, 1-1 (2021/July-0) HIPPKE M. Searching for interstellar quantum communications. -Files: (abstract) 2021AJ....162...14A Astron. J., 162, 14-14 (2021/July-0) AKESON R., BEICHMAN C., KERVELLA P., FOMALONT E. and BENEDICT G.F. Precision millimeter astrometry of the {alpha} Centauri AB system. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2021A&A...650A.201R Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 650A, 201-201 (2021/6-1) REYLE C., JARDINE K., FOUQUE P., CABALLERO J.A., SMART R.L. and SOZZETTI A. The 10 parsec sample in the Gaia era. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2021MNRAS.505.3537M Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 505, 3537-3548 (2021/August-2) MARCY G.W. A search for optical laser emission from Proxima Centauri. -Files: (abstract) 2021ApJ...915...37W Astrophys. J., 915, 37-37 (2021/July-1) WOOD B.E., MULLER H.-R., REDFIELD S., KONOW F., VANNIER H., LINSKY J.L., YOUNGBLOOD A., VIDOTTO A.A., JARDINE M., ALVARADO-GOMEZ J.D. and DRAKE J.J. New observational constraints on the winds of M dwarf stars. -Files: (abstract) 2021ApJ...916...36A Astrophys. J., 916, 36-36 (2021/July-3) AYRES T., DE PONTIEU B. and TESTA P. In the trenches of the solar-stellar connection. IV. Solar full-disk scans of C II, Si IV, and Mg II by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph. -Files: (abstract) 2021A&A...651A..89V Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 651A, 89-89 (2021/7-1) VISWANATH G., JANSON M., DAHLQVIST C.-H., PETIT DIT DE LA ROCHE D., SAMLAND M., GIRARD J., PATHAK P., KASPER M., FENG F., MEYER M., BOEHLE A., QUANZ S.P., JONES H.R.A., ABSIL O., BRANDNER W., MAIRE A.-L., SIEBENMORGEN R., STERZIK M. and PANTIN E. Constraints on the nearby exoplanet {epsilon} Indi Ab from deep near- and mid-infrared imaging limits. -Files: (abstract) 2021AJ....162...58Q Astron. J., 162, 58-58 (2021/August-0) QUARLES B., EGGL S., ROSARIO-FRANCO M. and LI G. Exomoons in systems with a strong perturber: applications to {alpha} Cen AB. -Files: (abstract) 2021A&A...652A..45L Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 652A, 45-45 (2021/8-1) LINDEGREN L. and DRAVINS D. Astrometric radial velocities for nearby stars. -Files: (abstract) 2021A&A...652A.104S Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 652A, 104-104 (2021/8-1) SILSBEE K. and RAFIKOV R.R. Planet formation in stellar binaries: global simulations of planetesimal growth. -Files: (abstract) 2021A&A...652A.121P Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 652A, 121-121 (2021/8-1) PATHAK P., PETIT DIT DE LA ROCHE D.J.M., KASPER M., STERZIK M., ABSIL O., BOEHLE A., FENG F., IVANOV V.D., JANSON M., JONES H.R.A., KAUFER A., KAUFL H.-U., MAIRE A.-L., MEYER M., PANTIN E., SIEBENMORGEN R., VAN DEN ANCKER M.E. and VISWANATH G. High-contrast imaging at ten microns: A search for exoplanets around Eps Indi A, Eps Eri, Tau Ceti, Sirius A, and Sirius B. -Files: (abstract) 2021AJ....162..115G Astron. J., 162, 115-115 (2021/September-0) GUO K. and KOKUBO E. Planetesimal dynamics in the presence of a giant planet. -Files: (abstract) 2021AJ....162..157G Astron. 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Soc., 507, 3593-3611 (2021/November-1) MOE M. and KRATTER K.M. Impact of binary stars on planet statistics - I. Planet occurrence rates and trends with stellar mass. -Files: (abstract) 2021ApJ...920..108H Astrophys. J., 920, 108-108 (2021/October-3) HEINZE A.N., METCHEV S., KURTEV R. and GILLON M. Weather on other worlds. VI. Optical spectrophotometry of Luhman 16B reveals large-amplitude variations in the alkali lines. -Files: (abstract) 2021A&A...655A.113M Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 655A, 113-113 (2021/11-1) MOHAN A., WEDEMEYER S., PANDIT S., SABERI M. and HAUSCHILDT P.H. EMISSA (Exploring Millimeter Indicators of Solar-Stellar Activity). I. The initial millimeter-centimeter main-sequence star sample. -Files: (abstract) 2021AJ....162..252K Astron. J., 162, 252-252 (2021/December-0) KERBY S. and WRIGHT J.T. Stellar gravitational lens engineering for interstellar communication and artifact SETI. -Files: (abstract) 2021NatAs...5.1148S Nature Astronomy, 5, 1148-1152 (2021/November-0) SMITH S., PRICE D.C., SHEIKH S.Z., CZECH D.J., CROFT S., DEBOER D., GAJJAR V., ISAACSON H., LACKI B.C., LEBOFSKY M., MacMAHON D.H.E., NG C., PEREZ K.I., SIEMION A.P.V., WEBB C.I., DREW J., WORDEN S.P. and ZIC A. A radio technosignature search towards Proxima Centauri resulting in a signal of interest. -Files: (abstract) 2022MNRAS.509.3798M Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 509, 3798-3814 (2022/January-3) MARCY G.W., TELLIS N.K. and WISHNOW E.H. Laser communication with Proxima and Alpha Centauri using the solar gravitational lens. -Files: (abstract) 2022MNRAS.509.2736Q Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 509, 2736-2757 (2022/January-2) QUARLES B., LI G. and LISSAUER J.J. Milankovitch cycles for a circumstellar Earth-analogue within {alpha} Centauri-like binaries. -Files: (abstract) 2021ApJ...923..192A Astrophys. J., 923, 192-192 (2021/December-3) AYRES T.R. In the trenches of the solar-stellar connection. V. High-resolution ultraviolet and X-ray observations of Sun-like stars: the curious case of Procyon. -Files: (abstract) 2022MNRAS.510.5154B Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 510, 5154-5163 (2022/March-2) BELBRUNO E. and GREEN J. When leaving the Solar system: Dark matter makes a difference. -Files: (abstract) 2022A&A...657A...7K Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 657A, 7-7 (2022/1-1) KERVELLA P., ARENOU F. and THEVENIN F. Stellar and substellar companions from Gaia EDR3. Proper-motion anomaly and resolved common proper-motion pairs. -Status: Tables of objects will be appraised for possible ingestion in SIMBAD. -Dic: erratum vol. 684, art. C2 (2024) -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2022PASP..134c5001G Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 134, part no 3, 5001-5001 (2022/March-1033) GAI M., VECCHIATO A., RIVA A., BUTKEVICH A.G., BUSONERO D., QI Z. and LATTANZI M.G. Relative Astrometry in an Annular Field. -Status: Objects in title, abstract, text, figures, and all or part of small table(s) being processed in SIMBAD. -Files: (abstract) 2022MNRAS.512.1751P Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 512, 1751-1764 (2022/May-2) POPPENHAEGER K. Helium absorption in exoplanet atmospheres is connected to stellar coronal abundances. -Files: (abstract) 2022A&A...659A...3S Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 659A, 3-3 (2022/3-1) SELI B., OLAH K., KRISKOVICS L., KOVARI Z., VIDA K., BALAZS L.G., LAMING J.M., VAN DRIEL-GESZTELYI L. and BAKER D. Extending the FIP bias sample to magnetically active stars. Challenging the FIP bias paradigm. -Status: Objects in title, abstract, text, figures, and all or part of small table(s) being processed in SIMBAD. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2022ApJ...927L..30W Astrophys. J., 927, L30-L30 (2022/March-2) WRIGHT J.T., HAQQ-MISRA J., FRANK A., KOPPARAPU R., LINGAM M. and SHEIKH S.Z. The Case for Technosignatures: Why They May Be Abundant, Long-lived, Highly Detectable, and Unambiguous. -Files: (abstract) 2022ApJ...927..134W Astrophys. J., 927, 134-134 (2022/March-2) WANG H.S., LINEWEAVER C.H., QUANZ S.P., MOJZSIS S.J., IRELAND T.R., SOSSI P.A., SEIDLER F. and MOREL T. A Model Earth-sized Planet in the Habitable Zone of {alpha} Centauri A/B. -Files: (abstract) 2022AJ....163..218H Astron. J., 163, 218-218 (2022/May-0) HURT S.A., FULTON B., ISAACSON H., ROSENTHAL L.J., HOWARD A.W., WEISS L.M. and PETIGURA E.A. Confirmation of the Long-period Planet Orbiting Gliese 411 and the Detection of a New Planet Candidate. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2022MNRAS.513.2652B Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 513, 2652-2662 (2022/June-3) BEATTY T.G. The detectability of nightside city lights on exoplanets. -Files: (abstract) 2022ApJ...930...36O Astrophys. J., 930, 36-36 (2022/May-1) OTANI T., VON HIPPEL T., BUZASI D., OSWALT T.D., STONE-MARTINEZ A. and MAJEWSKI P. A Monte Carlo Method for Evaluating Empirical Gyrochronology Models and Its Application to Wide Binary Benchmarks. -Files: (abstract) 2022AJ....164...16H Astron. J., 164, 16-16 (2022) HARPER G.M., BENNETT P.D., BROWN A., AYRES T.R., OHNAKA K. and GRIFFIN E. HST STIS Observations of {zeta} Aurigae A's Irradiated Atmosphere. -Files: (abstract) 2022MNRAS.514.2259S Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 514, 2259-2268 (2022/August-1) SAIRAM L. and TRIAUD A.H.M.J. The need for a public forecast of stellar activity to optimize exoplanet radial velocity detections and transmission spectroscopy. -Files: (abstract) 2022MNRAS.515.2914E Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 515, 2914-2927 (2022/September-2) ELLITHORPE E.A. and KAIB N.A. Dynamical fates of S-type planetary systems in embedded cluster environments. -Files: (abstract) 2022A&A...663A.119F Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 663A, 119-119 (2022/7-1) FUHRMEISTER B., ZISIK A., SCHNEIDER P.C., ROBRADE J., SCHMITT J.H.H.M., PREDEHL P., CZESLA S., FRANCE K. and GARCIA MUNOZ A. The high energy spectrum of Proxima Centauri simultaneously observed at X-ray and FUV wavelengths. -Files: (abstract) 2022ApJ...935L...9B Astrophys. J., 935, L9 (2022/August-2) BAILER-JONES C.A.L. Stars That Approach within One Parsec of the Sun: New and More Accurate Encounters Identified in Gaia Data Release 3. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2022MNRAS.515.3898M Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 515, 3898-3910 (2022/September-3) MARCY G.W., TELLIS N.K. and WISHNOW E.H. A search for monochromatic light towards the Galactic Centre. -Files: (abstract) 2022AJ....164..106L Astron. J., 164, 106 (2022/September-0) LINSKY J.L., REDFIELD S., RYDER D. and CHASAN-TABER A. Inhomogeneity within Local Interstellar Clouds. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2022MNRAS.515.5175C Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 515, 5175-5184 (2022/October-1) CHEN R., LI G. and TAO M. Low spin-axis variations of circumbinary planets. -Files: (abstract) 2022MNRAS.515.5523L Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 515, 5523-5538 (2022/October-1) LETO P., OSKINOVA L.M., BUEMI C.S., SHULTZ M.E., CAVALLARO F., TRIGILIO C., UMANA G., FOSSATI L., PILLITTERI I., KRTICKA J., IGNACE R., BORDIU C., BUFANO F., CATANZARO G., CERRIGONE L., GIARRUSSO M., INGALLINERA A., LORU S., OWOCKI S.P., POSTNOV K.A., RIGGI S., ROBRADE J. and LEONE F. Discovery and origin of the radio emission from the multiple stellar system KQ Vel. -Files: (abstract) 2022AJ....164..116T Astron. J., 164, 116-116 (2022) TUSAY N., HUSTON M.J., DEDRICK C.M., KERBY S., PALUMBO III M.L., CROFT S., WRIGHT J.T., ROBERTSON P., SHEIKH S., DUFFY L., FOOTE G., HYDE A., LAFOND J., MULLIKIN E., PARTS W., SANDHAUS P., SMITH H.H., SNEED E.L., CZECH D., GAJJAR V. (The Breakthrough Listen) A Search for Radio Technosignatures at the Solar Gravitational Lens Targeting Alpha Centauri. -Files: (abstract) 2022A&A...664L...9M Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 664, L9-9 (2022/8-1) MOHAN A., WEDEMEYER S., HAUSCHILDT P.H., PANDIT S. and SABERI M. EMISSA (Exploring millimetre indicators of solar-stellar activity). II. Towards a robust indicator of stellar activity. -Files: (abstract) 2022A&A...664A..34A Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 664A, 34-34 (2022/8-1) AL MOULLA K., DUMUSQUE X., CRETIGNIER M., ZHAO Y. and VALENTI J.A. Measuring precise radial velocities on individual spectral lines. III. Dependence of stellar activity signal on line formation temperature. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2022A&A...664A..59M Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 664A, 59-59 (2022/8-1) MEINKE K., STAM D.M. and VISSER P.M. Exoplanet cartography using convolutional neural networks. -Files: (abstract) 2022ApJ...934..178A Astrophys. J., 934, 178 (2022/August-1) ASHRAF A., BARDALEZ GAGLIUFFI D.C., MANJAVACAS E., VOS J.M., MECHMANN C. and FAHERTY J.K. Disentangling the Signatures of Blended-light Atmospheres in L/T Transition Brown Dwarfs. -Status: Large table(s) will be appraised for possible ingestion in VizieR. -Files: (abstract) 2022ApJ...935..113G Astrophys. J., 935, 113 (2022/August-3) GUO K. and KOKUBO E. Planetesimal Dynamics in the Presence of a Giant Planet. II. Dependence on Planet Mass and Eccentricity. -Files: (abstract) 2022ApJ...936...60R Astrophys. J., 936, 60 (2022/September-1) RYABTSEV A.N., KONONOV E.Y. and YOUNG P.R. Additions to the Spectrum of Fe IX in the 110-200 Å Region. -Files: (abstract) 2022MNRAS.516...39S Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 516, 39-52 (2022/October-2) SATYAL S., QUARLES B. and ROSARIO-FRANCO M. Moon packing around an Earth-mass planet. -Files: (abstract) 2022MNRAS.516..693N Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 516, 693-719 (2022/October-2) NEUHAUSER R., TORRES G., MUGRAUER M., NEUHAUSER D.L., CHAPMAN J., LUGE D. and COSCI M. Colour evolution of Betelgeuse and Antares over two millennia, derived from historical records, as a new constraint on mass and age. -Files: (abstract) 2022ApJ...936..189W Astrophys. J., 936, 189 (2022/September-2) WILSON D.J., YOUNGBLOOD A., TOLOZA O., DRAKE J.J., FRANCE K., FRONING C.S., GANSICKE B.T., REDFIELD S. and WOOD B.E. Testing Lyα Emission-line Reconstruction Routines at Multiple Velocities in One System. -Files: (abstract) 2022MNRAS.516.3709B Mon. Not. R. Astron. 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Binary-star Wave Front Control Based on a Common-path Visible Nulling Coronagraph. -Files: (abstract) 2022A&A...667A.142L Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 667A, 142 (2022/11-1) LE COROLLER H., NOWAK M., WAGNER K., KASPER M., CHAUVIN G., DESGRANGE C., CONSEIL S., JAKOB G., KAUFL U., LEVERATTO S., PANTIN E., SIEBENMORGEN R. and ARSENAULT R. Efficiently combining α CenA multi-epoch high-contrast imaging data Application of K-Stacker to the 80 hours NEAR campaign. -Status: Examining the need for a new acronym. -Files: (abstract) 2022A&A...667A.165B Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 667A, 165 (2022/11-1) BOCCALETTI A., COSSOU C., BAUDOZ P., LAGAGE P.O., DICKEN D., GLASSE A., HINES D.C., AGUILAR J., DETRE O., NICKSON B., NORIEGA-CRESPO A., GASPAR A., LABIANO A., STARK C., ROUAN D., REESS J.M., WRIGHT G.S., RIEKE G., GARCIA MARIN M., LAJOIE C., GIRARD J., PERRIN M., SOUMMER R. and PUEYO L. 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The Kinematics and Excitation of Infrared Water Vapor Emission from Planet-forming Disks: Results from Spectrally Resolved Surveys and Guidelines for JWST Spectra. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2023A&A...670A..19G Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 670A, 19 (2023/2-1) GOLOVIN A., REFFERT S., JUST A., JORDAN S., VANI A. and JAHREISS H. The Fifth Catalogue of Nearby Stars (CNS5). -Status: Tables of objects will be appraised for possible ingestion in SIMBAD. -Flags: (Nos 0-5930). -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2023A&A...670A.102G Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 670A, 102 (2023/2-1) GONZALEZ-PAYO J., CABALLERO J.A. and CORTES-CONTRERAS M. Reaching the boundary between stellar kinematic groups and very wide binaries IV. The widest Washington Double Star systems with ρ ≥ 1000 arcsec in Gaia DR3. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2023MNRAS.520.1938B Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 520, 1938-1949 (2023/April-1) BAILEY J., COTTON D.V., DE HORTA A., KEDZIORA-CHUDCZER L. and SHASTRI O. PICSARR: high-precision polarimetry using CMOS image sensors. -Files: (abstract) 2022MNRAS.516.5655P Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 516, 5655-5673 (2022/November-2) PAVLENKO Y.V., TENNYSON J., YURCHENKO S.N., SCHMIDT M.R., JONES H.R.A., LYUBCHIK Y. and SUAREZ MASCARENO A. AlH lines in the blue spectrum of Proxima Centauri. -Status: Large table(s) will be appraised for possible ingestion in VizieR. -Files: (abstract) 2023AJ....165...99R Astron. J., 165, 99 (2023/March-0) RIEKE G.H., ENGELKE C., SU K. and CASAGRANDE L. Absolute Calibration. III. Improved Absolute Calibration for the Visible through the Mid-infrared. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2023AJ....165..133W Astron. J., 165, 133 (2023/March-0) WERBER Z., WAGNER K. and APAI D. The Direct Mid-infrared Detectability of Habitable-zone Exoplanets around Nearby Stars. -Files: (abstract) 2023ApJ...945..147N Astrophys. J., 945, 147 (2023/March-2) NAMEKATA K., TORIUMI S., AIRAPETIAN V.S., SHODA M., WATANABE K. and NOTSU Y. Reconstructing the XUV Spectra of Active Sun-like Stars Using Solar Scaling Relations with Magnetic Flux. -Status: Large table(s) will be appraised for possible ingestion in VizieR. -Files: (abstract) 2023A&A...671A.114J Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 671A, 114 (2023/3-1) JANSON M., PATEL J., RINGQVIST S.C., LU C., REBOLLIDO I., LICHTENBERG T., BRANDEKER A., ANGERHAUSEN D. and NOACK L. Imaging of exocomets with infrared interferometry. -Files: (abstract) 2023A&A...671A.165M Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 671A, 165 (2023/3-1) MAHAPATRA G., ABIAD F., ROSSI L. and STAM D.M. From exo-Earths to exo-Venuses: Flux and polarization signatures of reflected light. -Files: (abstract) 2023ApJ...946...23L Astrophys. J., 946, 23 (2023/March-3) LEPSON J.K., BEIERSDORFER P., BROWN G.V. and LIEDAHL D.A. Emission Lines of Fe XIV, Fe XV, and Fe XVI in the Extreme Ultraviolet Region 40-100 Å. -Files: (abstract) 2023MNRAS.521.6305D Mon. Not. R. Astron. 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Soc., 522, 6394-6400 (2023/July-2) CAMARGO B.C.B., KLEY W. and WINTER O.C. The influence of a close secondary star on the planetary formation: the case of γ cephei b. -Files: (abstract) 2023A&A...674A..57Y Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 674A, 57 (2023/6-1) YOFFE G., VAN BOEKEL R., LI A., WATERS L.B.F.M., MAASKANT K., SIEBENMORGEN R., VAN DEN ANCKER M., PETIT DIT DE LA ROCHE D.J.M., LOPEZ B., MATTER A., VARGA J., HOGERHEIJDE M.R., WEIGELT G., OUDMAIJER R.D., PANTIN E., MEYER M.R., AUGEREAU J.-C. and HENNING T. Spatially resolving polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Herbig Ae disks with VISIR-NEAR at the VLT. -Files: (abstract) 2023A&A...675A..35S Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 675A, 35 (2023/7-1) SKAF N., BOCCALETTI A., PANTIN E., THEBAULT P., KRAL Q., DANIELSKI C., GALICHER R., MILLI J., LAGRANGE A.-M., BARUTEAU C., KENWORTHY M., ABSIL O., LANGLOIS M., OLOFSSON J., CHAUVIN G., HUELAMO N., DELORME P., CHARNAY B., GUYON O., BONNEFOY M., CANTALLOUBE F., HOEIJMAKERS H.J., KAUFL U., KASPER M., MAIRE A.-L., MALIN M., SIEBENMORGEN R., SNELLEN I. and ZINS G. The {\em β} Pictoris system: Setting constraints on the planet and the disk structures at mid-IR wavelengths with NEAR. -Files: (abstract) 2023A&A...675A.180G Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 675A, 180 (2023/7-1) GRUNER D., BARNES S.A. and JANES K.A. Wide binaries demonstrate the consistency of rotational evolution between open cluster and field stars. -Status: Tables of objects will be appraised for possible ingestion in SIMBAD. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2023RNAAS...7..164M Research Notes of the AAS, 7, 164 (2023/August-0) METCALFE T.S., TOWNSEND R.H.D. and BALL W.H. Overview and Validation of the Asteroseismic Modeling Portal v2.0. -Files: (abstract) 2019RNAAS...3...59B Research Notes of the AAS, 3, 59 (2019/April-0) BAILER-JONES C.A.L. and FARNOCCHIA D. Future Stellar Flybys of the {\em Voyager} and {\em Pioneer} Spacecraft. 2021RNAAS...5..285B Research Notes of the AAS, 5, 285 (2021/December-0) BOYLE L. and CUNTZ M. Orbital Stability of Planet-hosting Triple-star Systems according to Hill: Applications to Alpha Centauri and 16 Cygni. -Files: (abstract) 2022RNAAS...6...24A Research Notes of the AAS, 6, 24 (2022/February-0) AYRES T. X-Ray Chronicles of Alpha Centauri: The Swooning of {\em α} Cen B. -Files: (abstract) 2023ApJ...954L..50E Astrophys. J., 954, L50 (2023/September-2) ENGLE S.G. and GUINAN E.F. Living with a Red Dwarf: The Rotation-Age Relationships of M Dwarfs. -Files: (abstract) 2023AJ....166..166L Astron. J., 166, 166 (2023/October-0) LESTER K.V., HOWELL S.B., MATSON R.A., FURLAN E., GNILKA C.L., LITTLEFIELD C., CIARDI D.R., EVERETT M.E., FAJARDO-ACOSTA S.B. and CLARK C.A. Visual Orbits and Alignments of Planet-hosting Binary Systems. -Files: (abstract) 2023RNAAS...7..209P Research Notes of the AAS, 7, 209 (2023/October-0) PALUMBO III M.L., WRIGHT J.T. and HUSTON M.J. Fortuitous Observations of Potential Stellar Relay Probe Positions with GBT. -Files: (abstract) 2023AJ....166..212A Astron. J., 166, 212 (2023/November-0) AYRES T. The Cycles of Alpha Centauri: Double Dipping of AB. -Files: (abstract) 2023AJ....166..260B Astron. J., 166, 260 (2023/December-0) BOWENS-RUBIN R., MURPHY J.M.A., HINZ P.M., LIMBACH M.A., SEIFAHRT A., KIMAN R., SALAMA M., MUKHERJEE S., BRADY M., CARTER A.L., JENSEN-CLEM R., VAN KOOTEN M.A.M., ISAACSON H., KOSIAREK M., BEAN J.L., KASPER D., LUQUE R., STEFANSSON G. and STURMER J. A Wolf 359 in Sheep's Clothing: Hunting for Substellar Companions in the Fifth-closest System Using Combined High-contrast Imaging and Radial Velocity Analysis. -Status: Associated data (images, light curves, etc...) being ingested in VizieR. -Files: (abstract) 2023A&A...679A..65L Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 679A, 65 (2023/11-1) LUDWIG H.-G., STEFFEN M. and FREYTAG B. Effects of magnetic fields on the center-to-limb variation in solar-type stars. -Files: (abstract) 2023RNAAS...7..264A Research Notes of the AAS, 7, 264 (2023/December-0) APPS K. and LUQUE R. HD 110067 is a Wide Hierarchical Triple System. -Files: (abstract) 2024MNRAS.527.3395I Mon. Not. R. Astron. 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Ly{\em α} Absorption in a “Croissant-like” Heliosphere. -Files: (abstract) 2024A&A...682A.145S Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 682A, 145 (2024/2-1) SOUBIRAN C., CREEVEY O.L., LAGARDE N., BROUILLET N., JOFRE P., CASAMIQUELA L., HEITER U., AGUILERA-GOMEZ C., VITALI S., WORLEY C. and DE BRITO SILVA D. {\em Gaia} FGK benchmark stars: Fundamental {\em T}_eff_ and log {\em g} of the third version. -Status: Tables of objects will be appraised for possible ingestion in SIMBAD. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2024ApJ...964....4L Astrophys. J., 964, 4 (2024/March-3) LIVESEY J.R., BARNES R. and DEITRICK R. Orbital Stability and Secular Dynamics of the Proxima Centauri Planetary System. -Files: (abstract) 2024A&A...683A..49Z Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 683A, 49 (2024/3-1) ZWINTZ K., PIGULSKI A., KUSCHNIG R., WADE G.A., DOHERTY G., EARL M., LOVEKIN C., MULLNER M., PICHE-PERRIER S., STEINDL T., BECK P.G., BICZ K., BOWMAN D.M., HANDLER G., PABLO B., POPOWICZ A., ROZANSKI T., MIKOLAJCZYK P., BAADE D., KOUDELKA O., MOFFAT A.F.J., NEINER C., ORLEANSKI P., SMOLEC R., ST LOUIS N., WEISS W.W., WENGER M. and ZOCLONSKA E. Catalogue of BRITE-Constellation targets I. Fields 1 to 14 (November 2013-April 2016). -Status: Large table(s) of objects being ingested in VizieR. -Files: (abstract) 2024ApJS..271...55K Astrophys. J., Suppl. Ser., 271, 55 (2024/April-0) KIRKPATRICK J.D., MAROCCO F., GELINO C.R., RAGHU Y., FAHERTY J.K., BARDALEZ GAGLIUFFI D.C., SCHURR S.D., APPS K., SCHNEIDER A.C., MEISNER A.M., KUCHNER M.J., CASELDEN D., SMART R.L., CASEWELL S.L., RADDI R., KESSELI A., STEVNBAK ANDERSEN N., ANTONINI E., BEAULIEU P., BICKLE T.P., BILSING M., CHIENG R., COLIN G., DEEN S., DEREVEANCO A., DOLL K., DURANTINI LUCA H.A., FRAZER A., GANTIER J.M., GRAMAIZE L., GRANT K., HAMLET L.K., HIGASHIMURA H., HYOGO M., JALOWICZOR P.A., JONKEREN A., KABATNIK M., KIWY F., MARTIN D.W., MICHAELS M.N., PENDRILL W., PESSANHA MACHADO C., PUMPHREY B., ROTHERMICH A., RUSSWURM R., SAINIO A., SANCHEZ J., SAPELKIN-TAMBLING F.T., SCHUMANN J., SELG-MANN K., SINGH H., STENNER A., SUN G., TANNER C., THEVENOT M., VENTURA M., VOLOSHIN N.V., WALLA J., WEDRACKI Z., ADORNO J.I., AGANZE C., ALLERS K.N., BROOKS H., BURGASSER A.J., CALAMARI E., CONNOR T., COSTA E., EISENHARDT P.R., GAGNE J., GERASIMOV R., GONZALES E.C., HSU C.-C., KIMAN R., LI G., LOW R., MAMAJEK E., PANTOJA B.M., POPINCHALK M., REES J.M., STERN D., SUAREZ G., THEISSEN C., TSAI C.-W., VOS J.M., ZUREK D. (The Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Collaboration) The Initial Mass Function Based on the Full-sky 20 pc Census of ∼3600 Stars and Brown Dwarfs. -Status: Large table(s) of objects being ingested in VizieR. // Associated data (images, light curves, etc...) being ingested in VizieR. // Tables of objects will be appraised for possible ingestion in SIMBAD. -Files: (abstract) 2024A&A...684A...3Y Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 684A, 3 (2024/4-1) YIU T.W.H., VEDANTHAM H.K., CALLINGHAM J.R. and GUNTHER M.N. Radio emission as a stellar activity indicator. -Files: (abstract) 2024A&A...685A.171D Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 685A, 171 (2024/5-1) DYBCZYNSKI P.A., KROLIKOWSKA M., BARTCZAK P., PODLEWSKA-GACA E., KAMINSKI K., TOKAREK J., LANGNER K. and DE BRUIJNE J. HD 7977 and its possible influence on Solar System bodies. -Files: (abstract) 2024A&A...685L...9G Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 685, L9 (2024/5-1) GRAVITY COLLABORATION, ABUTER R., AMORIM A., BENISTY M., BERGER J.P., BONNET H., BOURDAROT G., BOURGET P., BRANDNER W., CLENET Y., DAVIES R., DELPLANCKE-STROBELE F., DEMBET R., DRESCHER A., ECKART A., EISENHAUER F., FEUCHTGRUBER H., FINGER G., FORSTER SCHREIBER N.M., GARCIA P., GARCIA-LOPEZ R., GAO F., GENDRON E., GENZEL R., GILLESSEN S., HARTL M., HAUBOIS X., HAUSSMANN F., HENNING T., HIPPLER S., HORROBIN M., JOCHUM L., JOCOU L., KAUFER A., KERVELLA P., LACOUR S., LAPEYRERE V., LE BOUQUIN J.-B., LEDOUX C., LENA P., LUTZ D., MANG F., MERAND A., MORE N., NOWAK M., OTT T., PAUMARD T., PERRAUT K., PERRIN G., PFUHL O., RABIEN S., RIBEIRO D.C., SADUN BORDONI M., SHANGGUAN J., SHIMIZU T., STADLER J., STRAUB O., STRAUBMEIER C., STURM E., TACCONI L.J., TRISTRAM K.R.W., VINCENT F., VON FELLENBERG S., WIDMANN F., WIEPRECHT E., WOILLEZ J., YAZICI S. and ZINS G. Astrometric detection of a Neptune-mass candidate planet in the nearest M-dwarf binary system GJ65 with VLTI/GRAVITY. -Files: (abstract) 2024ApJS..272...30H Astrophys. J., Suppl. Ser., 272, 30 (2024/June-0) HARADA C.K., DRESSING C.D., KANE S.R. and ARDESTANI B.A. Setting the Stage for the Search for Life with the Habitable Worlds Observatory: Properties of 164 Promising Planet-survey Targets. -Status: Large table(s) will be appraised for possible ingestion in VizieR. -Files: (abstract) 2024NatAs...8..596K Nature Astronomy, 8, 596-605 (2024/May-0) KISLYAKOVA K.G., GUDEL M., KOUTROUMPA D., CARTER J.A., LISSE C.M. and BORO SAIKIA S. X-ray detection of astrospheres around three main-sequence stars and their mass-loss rates. -Files: (abstract) Measures (Fe_H:1 ISO:5 PLX:1 PM:2 velocities:3 XMM:7 ): Fe_H:1ISO:5PLX:1PM:2velocities:3XMM:7 Notes (0) : ================================================================================