C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.06CEST01:50:37 HD 1237 ------- Object HD 1237 --- PM* --- OID=@3274437 (@@71788,5) --- coobox=22911 Coordinates(ICRS,ep=J2000,eq=2000): 00 16 12.6780107483 -79 51 04.244506480 (Opt ) A [0.0184 0.0174 90] 2020yCat.1350....0G Coordinates(FK4,ep=B1950,eq=1950): 00 13 55.4384165617 -80 07 41.867823195 Coordinates(Gal,ep=J2000,eq=2000): 304.8713744347538 -37.1440657684980 hierarchy counts: #parents=1, #children=1, #siblings=0 Proper motions: 434.105 -56.339 [0.027 0.021 90] A 2020yCat.1350....0G Parallax: 56.9644 [0.0192] A 2020yCat.1350....0G Radial Velocity: -6.05 [0.14] A 2018yCat.1345....0G Redshift: -0.000020 [0.000000] A 2018yCat.1345....0G cz: -6.05 [0.14] A 2018yCat.1345....0G Flux U : 7.692 [~] C 2010MNRAS.403.1949K Flux B : 7.335 [~] C 2010MNRAS.403.1949K Flux V : 6.578 [~] C 2010MNRAS.403.1949K Flux G : 6.408673 [0.002855] C 2020yCat.1350....0G Flux J : 5.366 [~] D 2010PASP..122..885S Flux H : 4.990 [~] D 2010PASP..122..885S Flux K : 4.859 [0.023] C 2003yCat.2246....0C Spectral type: G8V C 2006A&A...460..695T Morphological type: ~ ~ ~ Angular size: ~ ~ ~ (~) ~ ~ Identifiers (28): GJ 3021 A GJ 3021 HIP 1292 Gaia DR3 4634528720388462592 TIC 290543478 HD 1237A CD-80 9 CPC 21.3 21 CPD-80 7 Ci 20 15 GC 314 HD 1237 HIC 1292 IRAS 00140-8007 LTT 127 NLTT 824 PPM 366856 RBS 36 SAO 258219 SKY# 473 uvby98 100001237 1RXS J001612.7-795100 2MASS J00161266-7951042 WDS J00162-7951A TYC 9354-780-1 GEN# +1.00001237 Gaia DR2 4634528720388462592 ** CVN 14A References 1850-2024 () (237): 1975MSS...C01....0H Michigan Spectral Survey, Ann Arbor, Dep. 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J., 724, 154-164 (2010/November-3) GHEZZI L., CUNHA K., SMITH V.V. and DE LA REZA R. Lithium abundances in a sample of planet-hosting dwarfs. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2010MNRAS.408.1606W Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 408, 1606-1622 (2010/November-1) WATSON C.A., LITTLEFAIR S.P., COLLIER CAMERON A., DHILLON V.S. and SIMPSON E.K. Estimating the masses of extra-solar planets. -Files: (abstract) 2011AJ....141...11D Astron. J., 141, 11 (2011/January-0) DODSON-ROBINSON S.E., BEICHMAN C.A., CARPENTER J.M. and BRYDEN G. A Spitzer infrared spectrograph study of debris disks around planet-host stars. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2010ApJ...725.2349D Astrophys. J., 725, 2349-2358 (2010/December-3) DELGADO MENA E., ISRAELIAN G., GONZALEZ HERNANDEZ J.I., BOND J.C., SANTOS N.C., UDRY S. and MAYOR M. Chemical clues on the formation of planetary systems: C/O versus Mg/Si for HARPS GTO sample. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2010PASP..122..885S Publ. Astron. Soc. 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Improved astrophysical parameters for the Geneva-Copenhagen survey. -Status: All or part of tables of objects could be ingested in SIMBAD with priority 2. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2011MNRAS.415.1105S Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 415, 1105-1118 (2011/August-1) SMOKER J.V., FOX A.J. and KEENAN F.P. Distance limits to intermediate- and high-velocity clouds. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2011A&A...532A...6S Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 532A, 6-6 (2011/8-1) SANZ-FORCADA J., MICELA G., RIBAS I., POLLOCK A.M.T., EIROA C., VELASCO A., SOLANO E. and GARCIA-ALVAREZ D. Estimation of the XUV radiation onto close planets and their evaporation. -Files: (abstract) 2011A&A...532A..20F Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 532A, 20-20 (2011/8-1) FERNANDES J.M., VAZ A.I.F. and VICENTE L.N. Modeling nearby FGK population I stars: a new form of estimating stellar parameters using an optimization approach. -Files: (abstract) 2011AJ....142..176M Astron. 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A uniformly derived catalogue of exoplanets from radial velocities. -Files: (abstract) 2012A&A...542A..92R Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 542A, 92-92 (2012/6-1) ROELL T., NEUHAEUSER R., SEIFAHRT A. and MUGRAUER M. Extrasolar planets in stellar multiple systems. -Files: (abstract) 2012ApJ...756...46R Astrophys. J., 756, 46 (2012/September-1) RAMIREZ I., FISH J.R., LAMBERT D.L. and ALLENDE PRIETO C. Lithium abundances in nearby FGK dwarf and subgiant stars: internal destruction, galactic chemical evolution, and exoplanets. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2012A&A...545A..32A Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 545A, 32-32 (2012/9-1) ADIBEKYAN V.Zh., SOUSA S.G., SANTOS N.C., DELGADO MENA E., GONZALEZ HERNANDEZ J.I., ISRAELIAN G., MAYOR M. and KHACHATRYAN G. Chemical abundances of 1111 FGK stars from the HARPS GTO planet search program. Galactic stellar populations and planets. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2012A&A...546A..61D Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 546A, 61-61 (2012/10-1) DE BRUIJNE J.H.J. and EILERS A.-C. Radial velocities for the HIPPARCOS-Gaia Hundred-Thousand-Proper-Motion project. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2013A&A...551L...8P Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 551, L8-8 (2013/3-1) PACE G. Chromospheric activity as age indicator. An L-shaped chromospheric-activity versus age diagram. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2013A&A...551A.112M Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 551A, 112-112 (2013/3-1) MORTIER A., SANTOS N.C., SOUSA S., ISRAELIAN G., MAYOR M. and UDRY S. On the functional form of the metallicity-giant planet correlation. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2013ApJ...768...25G Astrophys. J., 768, 25 (2013/May-1) GASPAR A., RIEKE G.H. and BALOG Z. The collisional evolution of debris disks. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2013A&A...552A..73N Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 552A, 73-73 (2013/4-1) NISSEN P.E. The carbon-to-oxygen ratio in stars with planets. -Files: (abstract) 2013A&A...552A.119S Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 552A, 119-119 (2013/4-1) SAUR J., GRAMBUSCH T., DULING S., NEUBAUER F.M. and SIMON S. Magnetic energy fluxes in sub-Alfvenic planet star and moon planet interactions. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2013A&A...555A.150T Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 555A, 150-150 (2013/7-1) TSANTAKI M., SOUSA S.G., ADIBEKYAN V.Zh., SANTOS N.C., MORTIER A. and ISRAELIAN G. Deriving precise parameters for cool solar-type stars. Optimizing the iron line list. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2013ApJS..208....2W Astrophys. J., Suppl. Ser., 208, 2 (2013/September-0) WITTENMYER R.A., WANG S., HORNER J., TINNEY C.G., BUTLER R.P., JONES H.R.A., O'TOOLE S.J., BAILEY J., CARTER B.D., SALTER G.S., WRIGHT D. and ZHOU J.-L. Forever alone? testing single eccentric planetary systems for multiple companions. -Files: (abstract) 2013ApJ...775...55B Astrophys. 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Hierarchical multiplicity of F and G dwarfs. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2014ApJ...785...33S Astrophys. J., 785, 33 (2014/April-2) SIERCHIO J.M., RIEKE G.H., SU K.Y.L. and GASPAR A. The decay of debris disks around solar-type stars. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2014A&A...565A..15M Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 565A, 15-15 (2014/5-1) MARSHALL J.P., MORO-MARTIN A., EIROA C., KENNEDY G., MORA A., SIBTHORPE B., LESTRADE J.-F., MALDONADO J., SANZ-FORCADA J., WYATT M.C., MATTHEWS B., HORNER J., MONTESINOS B., BRYDEN G., DEL BURGO C., GREAVES J.S., IVISON R.J., MEEUS G., OLOFSSON G., PILBRATT G.L. and WHITE G.J. Correlations between the stellar, planetary, and debris components of exoplanet systems observed by Herschel. -Files: (abstract) 2014AJ....148...54H Astron. J., 148, 54 (2014/September-0) HINKEL N.R., TIMMES F.X., YOUNG P.A., PAGANO M.D. and TURNBULL M.C. Stellar abundances in the solar neighborhood: the Hypatia Catalog. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2014A&A...568A..25N Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 568A, 25-25 (2014/8-1) NISSEN P.E., CHEN Y.Q., CARIGI L., SCHUSTER W.J. and ZHAO G. Carbon and oxygen abundances in stellar populations. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2014A&A...570A..80T Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 570A, 80-80 (2014/10-1) TSANTAKI M., SOUSA S.G., SANTOS N.C., MONTALTO M., DELGADO-MENA E., MORTIER A., ADIBEKYAN V. and ISRAELIAN G. Spectroscopic parameters for solar-type stars with moderate-to-high rotation. New parameters for ten planet hosts. -Files: (abstract) 2014MNRAS.445.2223P Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 445, 2223-2231 (2014/December-2) PINHEIRO F.J.G., FERNANDES J.M., CUNHA M.S., MONTEIRO M.J.P.F.G., SANTOS N.C., SOUSA S.G., MARQUES J.P., FANG J.-J., MORTIER A. and SOUSA J. On the mass estimation for FGK stars: comparison of several methods. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2015ApJ...799..163M Astrophys. 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Activity and magnetic field structure of the Sun-like planet-hosting star HD 1237. -Files: (abstract) 2016A&A...585A..77H Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 585A, 77-77 (2016/1-1) HUSSAIN G.A.J., ALVARADO-GOMEZ J.D., GRUNHUT J., DONATI J.-F., ALECIAN E., OKSALA M., MORIN J., FARES R., JARDINE M., DRAKE J.J., COHEN O., MATT S., PETIT P., REDFIELD S. and WALTER F.M. A spectro-polarimetric study of the planet-hosting G dwarf, HD 147513. -Files: (abstract) 2016MNRAS.456.2070T Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 456, 2070-2079 (2016/February-3) TOKOVININ A. and KIYAEVA O. Eccentricity distribution of wide binaries. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2016A&A...588A..28A Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 588A, 28-28 (2016/4-1) ALVARADO-GOMEZ J.D., HUSSAIN G.A.J., COHEN O., DRAKE J.J., GARRAFFO C., GRUNHUT J. and GOMBOSI T.I. Simulating the environment around planet-hosting stars. -Files: (abstract) 2016ApJ...824...58D Astrophys. J., 824, 58-58 (2016/June-2) DURKAN S., JANSON M. and CARSON J.C. High contrast imaging with spitzer: constraining the frequency of giant planets out to 1000 au separations. -Files: (abstract) 2016ApJ...825...62S Astrophys. J., 825, 62-62 (2016/July-1) SCHLAUFMAN K.C. and WINN J.N. The occurrence of additional giant planets inside the water-ice line in systems with hot jupiters: evidence against high-eccentricity migration. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2016A&A...590A.134D Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 590A, 134-134 (2016/6-1) DELISLE J.-B., SEGRANSAN D., BUCHSCHACHER N. and ALESINA F. Analytical determination of orbital elements using Fourier analysis. I. The radial velocity case. -Files: (abstract) 2016A&A...591A..69S Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 591A, 69-69 (2016/7-1) SUAREZ-ANDRES L., ISRAELIAN G., GONZALEZ HERNANDEZ J.I., ADIBEKYAN V.Z., DELGADO MENA E., SANTOS N.C. and SOUSA S.G. CNO behaviour in planet-harbouring stars. I. Nitrogen abundances in stars with planets. -Files: (abstract) 2016A&A...591A.118S Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 591A, 118-118 (2016/7-1) SOUBIRAN C., LE CAMPION J.-F., BROUILLET N. and CHEMIN L. The PASTEL catalogue: 2016 version. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2016ApJ...826..171G Astrophys. J., 826, 171-171 (2016/August-1) GASPAR A., RIEKE G.H. and BALLERING N. The correlation between metallicity and debris disk mass. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2016ApJS..225...15C Astrophys. J., Suppl. Ser., 225, 15-15 (2016/July-0) COTTEN T.H. and SONG I. A comprehensive census of nearby infrared excess stars. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2016A&A...594A..95A Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 594A, 95-95 (2016/10-1) ALVARADO-GOMEZ J.D., HUSSAIN G.A.J., COHEN O., DRAKE J.J., GARRAFFO C., GRUNHUT J. and GOMBOSI T.I. Simulating the environment around planet-hosting stars. II. Stellar winds and inner astrospheres. -Files: (abstract) 2017ApJ...836..139F Astrophys. J., 836, 139-139 (2017/February-2) FUHRMANN K., CHINI R., KADERHANDT L. and CHEN Z. Multiplicity among solar-type stars. -Status: Large table(s) will be appraised for possible ingestion in VizieR. -Files: (abstract) 2017AJ....153..136S Astron. J., 153, 136-136 (2017/March-0) STASSUN K.G., COLLINS K.A. and GAUDI B.S. Accurate empirical radii and masses of planets and their host stars with Gaia parallaxes. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2017A&A...599A..96S Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 599A, 96-96 (2017/3-1) SUAREZ-ANDRES L., ISRAELIAN G., GONZALEZ HERNANDEZ J.I., ADIBEKYAN V.Z., DELGADO MENA E., SANTOS N.C. and SOUSA S.G. CNO behaviour in planet-harbouring stars. II. Carbon abundances in stars with and without planets using the CH band. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2017MNRAS.466.1555B Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 466, 1555-1566 (2017/April-1) BAZSO A., PILAT-LOHINGER E., EGGL S., FUNK B., BANCELIN D. and RAU G. Dynamics and habitability in circumstellar planetary systems of known binary stars. -Files: (abstract) 2017A&A...601A..72I Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 601A, 72-72 (2017/5-1) ISHIHARA D., TAKEUCHI N., KOBAYASHI H., NAGAYAMA T., KANEDA H., INUTSUKA S.-I., FUJIWARA H. and ONAKA T. Faint warm debris disks around nearby bright stars explored by AKARI and IRSF. -Files: (abstract) 2017PASP..129e4501I Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 129, part no 5, 4501-54501 (2017/May-0) ISAACSON H., SIEMION A.P.V., MARCY G.W., LEBOFSKY M., PRICE D.C., MacMAHON D., CROFT S., DEBOER D., HICKISH J., WERTHIMER D., SHEIKH S., HELLBOURG G. and ENRIQUEZ J.E. The Breakthrough Listen search for intelligent life: target selection of nearby stars and galaxies. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2017A&A...602A..87M Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 602A, 87-87 (2017/6-1) MOUTOU C., VIGAN A., MESA D., DESIDERA S., THEBAULT P., ZURLO A. and SALTER G. Eccentricity in planetary systems and the role of binarity. Sample definition, initial results, and the system of HD 211847. -Files: (abstract) 2017AJ....154..115H Astron. J., 154, 115-115 (2017/September-0) HELLER R., HIPPKE M. and KERVELLA P. Optimized trajectories to the nearest stars using lightweight high-velocity photon sails. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2017A&A...603A..30S Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 603A, 30-30 (2017/7-1) SANTOS N.C., ADIBEKYAN V., FIGUEIRA P., ANDREASEN D.T., BARROS S.C.C., DELGADO-MENA E., DEMANGEON O., FARIA J.P., OSHAGH M., SOUSA S.G., VIANA P.T.P. and FERREIRA A.C.S. Observational evidence for two distinct giant planet populations. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2017ApJ...848...34H Astrophys. J., 848, 34-34 (2017/October-2) HINKEL N.R., MAMAJEK E.E., TURNBULL M.C., OSBY E., SHKOLNIK E.L., SMITH G.H., KLIMASEWSKI A., SOMERS G. and DESCH S.J. A CATalog of Stellar Unified Properties (CATSUP) for 951 FGK-Stars within 30 pc. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2017MNRAS.469.3042N Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 469, 3042-3055 (2017/August-2) NETOPIL M. Metallicity calibrations for dwarf stars and giants in the Geneva photometric system. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2017A&A...606A..94D Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 606A, 94-94 (2017/10-1) DELGADO MENA E., TSANTAKI M., ADIBEKYAN V.Z., SOUSA S.G., SANTOS N.C., GONZALEZ HERNANDEZ J.I. and ISRAELIAN G. Chemical abundances of 1111 FGK stars from the HARPS GTO planet search program. II. Cu, Zn, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, Ce, Nd, and Eu. -Notes: 2018ApJ...856..155G Astrophys. J., 856, 155-155 (2018/April-1) GEORGAKARAKOS N., EGGL S. and DOBBS-DIXON I. Giant planets: good neighbors for habitable worlds? -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2018MNRAS.475.3046S Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 475, 3046-3064 (2018/April-2) SIBTHORPE B., KENNEDY G.M., WYATT M.C., LESTRADE J.-F., GREAVES J.S., MATTHEWS B.C. and DUCHENE G. Analysis of the Herschel DEBRIS Sun-like star sample. -Status: Large table(s) will be appraised for possible ingestion in VizieR. -Files: (abstract) 2018A&A...612A..93M Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 612A, 93-93 (2018/4-1) MALDONADO J., VILLAVER E. and EIROA C. Chemical fingerprints of hot Jupiter planet formation. -Files: (abstract) 2018A&A...614A..55A Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 614A, 55-55 (2018/6-1) AGUILERA-GOMEZ C., RAMIREZ I. and CHANAME J. Lithium abundance patterns of late-F stars: an in-depth analysis of the lithium desert. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2018A&A...615A..76S Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 615A, 76-76 (2018/7-1) SOTO M.G. and JENKINS J.S. Spectroscopic Parameters and atmosphEric ChemIstriEs of Stars (SPECIES). I. Code description and dwarf stars catalogue. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2018A&A...616A.108B Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 616A, 108-108 (2018) BORO SAIKIA S., MARVIN C.J., JEFFERS S.V., REINERS A., CAMERON R., MARSDEN S.C., PETIT P., WARNECKE J. and YADAV A.P. Chromospheric activity catalogue of 4454 cool stars. Questioning the active branch of stellar activity cycles. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2018MNRAS.480.2846B Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 480, 2846-2852 (2018/October-3) BOISVERT J.H., NELSON B.E. and STEFFEN J.H. Systematic mischaracterization of exoplanetary system dynamical histories from a model degeneracy near mean-motion resonance. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2018ApJS..239...16F Astrophys. J., Suppl. Ser., 239, 16-16 (2018/November-0) FRANCE K., ARULANANTHAM N., FOSSATI L., LANZA A.F., LOYD R.O.P., REDFIELD S. and SCHNEIDER P.C. Far-ultraviolet activity levels of F, G, K, and M dwarf exoplanet host stars. -Files: (abstract) 1995yCat.1098....0L CDS/ADC Collection of Electronic Catalogues, 1098, 0 (1995) LUYTEN W.J. New Luyten Catalogue of stars with proper motions larger than two tenths of an arcsecond (NLTT). -Status: Tables of objects mostly ingested in SIMBAD; some problems could not be solved. -Notes: 2018A&A...620A..58S Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 620A, 58-58 (2018/12-1) SOUSA S.G., ADIBEKYAN V., DELGADO-MENA E., SANTOS N.C., ANDREASEN D.T., FERREIRA A.C.S., TSANTAKI M., BARROS S.C.C., DEMANGEON O., ISRAELIAN G., FARIA J.P., FIGUEIRA P., MORTIER A., BRANDAO I., MONTALTO M., ROJAS-AYALA B. and SANTERNE A. SWEET-Cat updated. New homogenous spectroscopic parameters. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2019A&A...623A..72K Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 623A, 72-72 (2019/3-1) KERVELLA P., ARENOU F., MIGNARD F. and THEVENIN F. Stellar and substellar companions of nearby stars from Gaia DR2. Binarity from proper motion anomaly. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2019A&A...624A..94M Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 624A, 94-94 (2019/4-1) MALDONADO J., VILLAVER E., EIROA C. and MICELA G. Connecting substellar and stellar formation: the role of the host star's metallicity. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2019ApJ...876...23G Astrophys. J., 876, 23-23 (2019/May-1) GODA S. and MATSUO T. Multiple Populations of extrasolar gas giants. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2019MNRAS.487.3162C Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 487, 3162-3177 (2019/August-2) CHAVERO C., DE LA REZA R., GHEZZI L., LLORENTE DE ANDRES F., PEREIRA C.B., GIUPPONE C. and PINZON G. Emerging trends in metallicity and lithium properties of debris disc stars. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2019AJ....158...13N Astron. J., 158, 13-13 (2019/July-0) NIELSEN E.L., DE ROSA R.J., MACINTOSH B., WANG J.J., RUFFIO J.-B., CHIANG E., MARLEY M.S., SAUMON D., SAVRANSKY D., AMMONS S.M., BAILEY V.P., BARMAN T., BLAIN C., BULGER J., BURROWS A., CHILCOTE J., COTTEN T., CZEKALA I., DOYON R., DUCHENE G., ESPOSITO T.M., FABRYCKY D., FITZGERALD M.P., FOLLETTE K.B., FORTNEY J.J., GERARD B.L., GOODSELL S.J., GRAHAM J.R., GREENBAUM A.Z., HIBON P., HINKLEY S., HIRSCH L.A., HOM J., HUNG L.-W., DAWSON R.I., INGRAHAM P., KALAS P., KONOPACKY Q., LARKIN J.E., LEE E.J., LIN J.W., MAIRE J., MARCHIS F., MAROIS C., METCHEV S., MILLAR-BLANCHAER M.A., MORZINSKI K.M., OPPENHEIMER R., PALMER D., PATIENCE J., PERRIN M., POYNEER L., PUEYO L., RAFIKOV R.R., RAJAN A., RAMEAU J., RANTAKYRO F.T., REN B., SCHNEIDER A.C., SIVARAMAKRISHNAN A., SONG I., SOUMMER R., TALLIS M., THOMAS S., WARD-DUONG K. and WOLFF S. The Gemini Planet Imager Exoplanet Survey: giant planet and brown dwarf demographics from 10 to 100 au. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2019ApJ...880..117E Astrophys. J., 880, 117-117 (2019/August-1) EDELMAN E., REDFIELD S., LINSKY J.L., WOOD B.E. and MULLER H. Properties of the interstellar medium along sight lines to nearby planet-hosting stars. -Files: (abstract) 2019MNRAS.488.3588Y Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 488, 3588-3606 (2019/September-3) YELVERTON B., KENNEDY G.M., SU K.Y.L. and WYATT M.C. A statistically significant lack of debris discs in medium separation binary systems. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2019A&A...630A.104A Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 630A, 104-104 (2019/10-1) AMARSI A.M., NISSEN P.E. and SKULADOTTIR A. Carbon, oxygen, and iron abundances in disk and halo stars. Implications of 3D non-LTE spectral line formation. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2019MNRAS.490.3158C Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 490, 3158-3176 (2019/December-2) CRUZALEBES P., PETROV R.G., ROBBE-DUBOIS S., VARGA J., BURTSCHER L., ALLOUCHE F., BERIO P., HOFMANN K.-H., HRON J., JAFFE W., LAGARDE S., LOPEZ B., MATTER A., MEILLAND A., MEISENHEIMER K., MILLOUR F. and SCHERTL D. A catalogue of stellar diameters and fluxes for mid-infrared interferometry. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2020ApJ...890...23L Astrophys. J., 890, 23-23 (2020/February-2) LOYD R.O.P., SHKOLNIK E.L., SCHNEIDER A.C., RICHEY-YOWELL T., BARMAN T.S., PEACOCK S. and PAGANO I. Current population statistics do not favor photoevaporation over core-powered mass loss as the dominant cause of the exoplanet radius gap. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2020AJ....159...80Q Astron. J., 159, 80-80 (2020/March-0) QUARLES B., LI G., KOSTOV V. and HAGHIGHIPOUR N. Orbital stability of circumstellar planets in binary systems. -Files: (abstract) 2020A&A...634A.136C Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 634A, 136-136 (2020/2-1) COSTA SILVA A.R., DELGADO MENA E. and TSANTAKI M. Chemical abundances of 1111 FGK stars from the HARPS-GTO planet search sample. III. Sulfur. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2020ApJS..247...11R Astrophys. J., Suppl. Ser., 247, 11-11 (2020/March-0) REINERS A. and ZECHMEISTER M. Radial velocity photon limits for the dwarf stars of spectral classes F-M. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2020MNRAS.493.4570L Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 493, 4570-4589 (2020/April-2) LEITZINGER M., ODERT P., GREIMEL R., VIDA K., KRISKOVICS L., GUENTHER E.W., KORHONEN H., KOLLER F., HANSLMEIER A., KOVARI Z. and LAMMER H. A census of coronal mass ejections on solar-like stars. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2020A&A...636A..74T Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 636A, 74-74 (2020/4-1) TRIFONOV T., TAL-OR L., ZECHMEISTER M., KAMINSKI A., ZUCKER S. and MAZEH T. Public HARPS radial velocity database corrected for systematic errors. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2020MNRAS.495.1943Y Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 495, 1943-1957 (2020/June-3) YELVERTON B., KENNEDY G.M. and SU K.Y.L. No significant correlation between radial velocity planet presence and debris disc properties. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2020ApJ...898...27S Astrophys. J., 898, 27-27 (2020/July-3) STANFORD-MOORE S.A., NIELSEN E.L., DE ROSA R.J., MACINTOSH B. and CZEKALA I. BAFFLES: Bayesian ages for field lower-mass stars. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2020AJ....160...84G Astron. J., 160, 84-84 (2020/August-0) GASCON C., SAVRANSKY D. and SUREDA M. Analytic stability maps of unknown exoplanet companions for imaging prioritization. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2019A&A...624A..78D Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 624A, 78-78 (2019) DELGADO MENA E., MOYA A., ADIBEKYAN V., TSANTAKI M., GONZALEZ HERNANDEZ J.I., ISRAELIAN G., DAVIES G.R., CHAPLIN W.J., SOUSA S.G., FERREIRA A.C.S. and SANTOS N.C. Abundance to age ratios in the HARPS-GTO sample with Gaia DR2. Chemical clocks for a range of [Fe/H]. ABSTRACT::Abundance to age ratios in the HARPS-GTO sample with Gaia DR2. Chemical clocks for a range of [Fe/H]. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2020A&A...644A..67S Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 644A, 67-67 (2020/12-1) SREEJITH A.G., FOSSATI L., YOUNGBLOOD A., FRANCE K. and AMBILY S. Ca II H&K stellar activity parameter: a proxy for extreme ultraviolet stellar fluxes. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2021A&A...645A...7K Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 645A, 7-7 (2021/1-1) KIEFER F., HEBRARD G., LECAVELIER DES ETANGS A., MARTIOLI E., DALAL S. and VIDAL-MADJAR A. Determining the true mass of radial-velocity exoplanets with Gaia. Nine planet candidates in the brown dwarf or stellar regime and 27 confirmed planets. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2021A&A...646A..77G Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 646A, 77-77 (2021/2-1) GOMES DA SILVA J., SANTOS N.C., ADIBEKYAN V., SOUSA S.G., CAMPANTE T.L., FIGUEIRA P., BOSSINI D., DELGADO-MENA E., MONTEIRO M.J.P.F.G., DE LAVERNY P., RECIO-BLANCO A. and LOVIS C. Stellar chromospheric activity of 1674 FGK stars from the AMBRE-HARPS sample. I. A catalogue of homogeneous chromospheric activity. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2020RAA....20...35Y Research in Astron. and astroph., 20, 35-35 (2020/March-0) YU Z.-Y., LIU H.-G., ZHOU J.-L., LIANG E.-S., YANG M., ZHANG H. and LIU J.-C. Searching for exoplanets by HEPS II. detecting earth-like planets in habitable zone around planet hosts within 30 pc. -Files: (abstract) 2021ApJ...909..115C Astrophys. J., 909, 115-115 (2021/March-2) CHEN D.-C., XIE J.-W., ZHOU J.-L., DONG S., LIU C., WANG H.-F., XIANG M.-S., HUANG Y., LUO A. and ZHENG Z. Planets Across Space and Time (PAST). I. Characterizing the memberships of Galactic components and stellar ages: revisiting the kinematic methods and applying to planet host stars. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2021A&A...647A.162P Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 647A, 162-162 (2021/3-1) PERDIGON J., DE LAVERNY P., RECIO-BLANCO A., FERNANDEZ-ALVAR E., SANTOS-PERAL P., KORDOPATIS G. and ALVAREZ M.A. The AMBRE Project: Origin and evolution of sulfur in the Milky Way. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2021A&A...649A...6G Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 649A, 6-6 (2021/5-1) GAIA COLLABORATION, SMART R.L., SARRO L.M., RYBIZKI J., REYLE C., ROBIN A.C., HAMBLY N.C., ABBAS U., BARSTOW M.A., DE BRUIJNE J.H.J., BUCCIARELLI B., CARRASCO J.M., COOPER W.J., HODGKIN S.T., MASANA E., MICHALIK D., SAHLMANN J., SOZZETTI A., BROWN A.G.A., VALLENARI A., PRUSTI T., BABUSIAUX C., BIERMANN M., CREEVEY O.L., EVANS D.W., EYER L., HUTTON A., JANSEN F., JORDI C., KLIONER S.A., LAMMERS U., LINDEGREN L., LURI X., MIGNARD F., PANEM C., POURBAIX D., RANDICH S., SARTORETTI P., SOUBIRAN C., WALTON N.A., ARENOU F., BAILER-JONES C.A.L., BASTIAN U., CROPPER M., DRIMMEL R., KATZ D., LATTANZI M.G., VAN LEEUWEN F., BAKKER J., CASTANEDA J., DE ANGELI F., DUCOURANT C., FABRICIUS C., FOUESNEAU M., FREMAT Y., GUERRA R., GUERRIER A., GUIRAUD J., JEAN-ANTOINE-PICCOLO A., MESSINEO R., MOWLAVI N., NICOLAS C., NIENARTOWICZ K., PAILLER F., PANUZZO P., RICLET F., ROUX W., SEABROKE G.M., SORDO R., TANGA P., THEVENIN F., GRACIA-ABRIL G., PORTELL J., TEYSSIER D., ALTMANN M., ANDRAE R., BELLAS-VELIDIS I., BENSON K., BERTHIER J., BLOMME R., BRUGALETTA E., BURGESS P.W., BUSSO G., CARRY B., CELLINO A., CHEEK N., CLEMENTINI G., DAMERDJI Y., DAVIDSON M., DELCHAMBRE L., DELL'ORO A., FERNANDEZ-HERNANDEZ J., GALLUCCIO L., GARCIA-LARIO P., GARCIA-REINALDOS M., GONZALEZ-NUNEZ J., GOSSET E., HAIGRON R., HALBWACHS J.-L., HARRISON D.L., HATZIDIMITRIOU D., HEITER U., HERNANDEZ J., HESTROFFER D., HOLL B., JANSSEN K., JEVARDAT DE FOMBELLE G., JORDAN S., KRONE-MARTINS A., LANZAFAME A.C., LOFFLER W., LORCA A., MANTEIGA M., MARCHAL O., MARRESE P.M., MOITINHO A., MORA A., MUINONEN K., OSBORNE P., PANCINO E., PAUWELS T., RECIO-BLANCO A., RICHARDS P.J., RIELLO M., RIMOLDINI L., ROEGIERS T., SIOPIS C., SMITH M., ULLA A., UTRILLA E., VAN LEEUWEN M., VAN REEVEN W., ABREU ARAMBURU A., ACCART S., AERTS C., AGUADO J.J., AJAJ M., ALTAVILLA G., ALVAREZ M.A., ALVAREZ CID-FUENTES J., ALVES J., ANDERSON R.I., ANGLADA VARELA E., ANTOJA T., AUDARD M., BAINES D., BAKER S.G., BALAGUER-NUNEZ L., BALBINOT E., BALOG Z., BARACHE C., BARBATO D., BARROS M., BARTOLOME S., BASSILANA J.-L., BAUCHET N., BAUDESSON-STELLA A., BECCIANI U., BELLAZZINI M., BERNET M., BERTONE S., BIANCHI L., BLANCO-CUARESMA S., BOCH T., BOMBRUN A., BOSSINI D., BOUQUILLON S., BRAGAGLIA A., BRAMANTE L., BREEDT E., BRESSAN A., BROUILLET N., BURLACU A., BUSONERO D., BUTKEVICH A.G., BUZZI R., CAFFAU E., CANCELLIERE R., CANOVAS H., CANTAT-GAUDIN T., CARBALLO R., CARLUCCI T., CARNERERO M.I., CASAMIQUELA L., CASTELLANI M., CASTRO-GINARD A., CASTRO SAMPOL P., CHAOUL L., CHARLOT P., CHEMIN L., CHIAVASSA A., CIONI M.-R.L., COMORETTO G., CORNEZ T., COWELL S., CRIFO F., CROSTA M., CROWLEY C., DAFONTE C., DAPERGOLAS A., DAVID M., DAVID P., DE LAVERNY P., DE LUISE F., DE MARCH R., DE RIDDER J., DE SOUZA R., DE TEODORO P., DE TORRES A., DEL PELOSO E.F., DEL POZO E., DELGADO A., DELGADO H.E., DELISLE J.-B., DI MATTEO P., DIAKITE S., DIENER C., DISTEFANO E., DOLDING C., EAPPACHEN D., EDVARDSSON B., ENKE H., ESQUEJ P., FABRE C., FABRIZIO M., FAIGLER S., FEDORETS G., FERNIQUE P., FIENGA A., FIGUERAS F., FOURON C., FRAGKOUDI F., FRAILE E., FRANKE F., GAI M., GARABATO D., GARCIA-GUTIERREZ A., GARCIA-TORRES M., GAROFALO A., GAVRAS P., GERLACH E., GEYER R., GIACOBBE P., GILMORE G., GIRONA S., GIUFFRIDA G., GOMEL R., GOMEZ A., GONZALEZ-SANTAMARIA I., GONZALEZ-VIDAL J.J., GRANVIK M., GUTIERREZ-SANCHEZ R., GUY L.P., HAUSER M., HAYWOOD M., HELMI A., HIDALGO S.L., HILGER T., HLADCZUK N., HOBBS D., HOLLAND G., HUCKLE H.E., JASNIEWICZ G., JONKER P.G., JUARISTI CAMPILLO J., JULBE F., KARBEVSKA L., KERVELLA P., KHANNA S., KOCHOSKA A., KONTIZAS M., KORDOPATIS G., KORN A.J., KOSTRZEWA-RUTKOWSKA Z., KRUSZYNSKA K., LAMBERT S., LANZA A.F., LASNE Y., LE CAMPION J.-F., LE FUSTEC Y., LEBRETON Y., LEBZELTER T., LECCIA S., LECLERC N., LECOEUR-TAIBI I., LIAO S., LICATA E., LINDSTROM H.E.P., LISTER T.A., LIVANOU E., LOBEL A., MADRERO PARDO P., MANAGAU S., MANN R.G., MARCHANT J.M., MARCONI M., MARCOS SANTOS M.M.S., MARINONI S., MAROCCO F., MARSHALL D.J., MARTIN POLO L., MARTIN-FLEITAS J.M., MASIP A., MASSARI D., MASTROBUONO-BATTISTI A., MAZEH T., McMILLAN P.J., MESSINA S., MILLAR N.R., MINTS A., MOLINA D., MOLINARO R., MOLNAR L., MONTEGRIFFO P., MOR R., MORBIDELLI R., MOREL T., MORRIS D., MULONE A.F., MUNOZ D., MURAVEVA T., MURPHY C.P., MUSELLA I., NOVAL L., ORDENOVIC C., ORRU G., OSINDE J., PAGANI C., PAGANO I., PALAVERSA L., PALICIO P.A., PANAHI A., PAWLAK M., PENALOSA ESTELLER X., PENTTILA A., PIERSIMONI A.M., PINEAU F.-X., PLACHY E., PLUM G., POGGIO E., PORETTI E., POUJOULET E., PRSA A., PULONE L., RACERO E., RAGAINI S., RAINER M., RAITERI C.M., RAMBAUX N., RAMOS P., RAMOS-LERATE M., RE FIORENTIN P., REGIBO S., RIPEPI V., RIVA A., RIXON G., ROBICHON N., ROBIN C., ROELENS M., ROHRBASSER L., ROMERO-GOMEZ M., ROWELL N., ROYER F., RYBICKI K.A., SADOWSKI G., SAGRISTA SELLES A., SALGADO J., SALGUERO E., SAMARAS N., SANCHEZ GIMENEZ V., SANNA N., SANTOVENA R., SARASSO M., SCHULTHEIS M., SCIACCA E., SEGOL M., SEGOVIA J.C., SEGRANSAN D., SEMEUX D., SHAHAF S., SIDDIQUI H.I., SIEBERT A., SILTALA L., SLEZAK E., SOLANO E., SOLITRO F., SOUAMI D., SOUCHAY J., SPAGNA A., SPOTO F., STEELE I.A., STEIDELMULLER H., STEPHENSON C.A., SUVEGES M., SZABADOS L., SZEGEDI-ELEK E., TARIS F., TAURAN G., TAYLOR M.B., TEIXEIRA R., THUILLOT W., TONELLO N., TORRA F., TORRA J., TURON C., UNGER N., VAILLANT M., VAN DILLEN E., VANEL O., VECCHIATO A., VIALA Y., VICENTE D., VOUTSINAS S., WEILER M., WEVERS T., WYRZYKOWSKI L., YOLDAS A., YVARD P., ZHAO H., ZOREC J., ZUCKER S., ZURBACH C. and ZWITTER T. Gaia Early Data Release 3. The Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars. -Status: All or part of tables of objects could be ingested in SIMBAD; there are some issues with cross-identifications or classifications. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2021A&A...649A.111A Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 649A, 111-111 (2021/5-1) ADIBEKYAN V., SANTOS N.C., DEMANGEON O.D.S., FARIA J.P., BARROS S.C.C., OSHAGH M., FIGUEIRA P., DELGADO MENA E., SOUSA S.G., ISRAELIAN G., CAMPANTE T. and HAKOBYAN A.A. Stellar clustering and orbital architecture of planetary systems. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2021ApJS..254...42B Astrophys. J., Suppl. Ser., 254, 42-42 (2021/June-0) BRANDT T.D. The Hipparcos-Gaia Catalog of Accelerations: Gaia EDR3 edition. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2021A&A...652A..31B Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 652A, 31-31 (2021/8-1) BYCHKOV V.D., BYCHKOVA L.V. and MADEJ J. Catalog of averaged magnetic phase curves of stars. Second edition. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2021MNRAS.506.2309E Mon. Not. R. 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Carbon and C/O ratios for Galactic stellar populations and planet hosts. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2022AJ....163...45R Astron. J., 163, 45-45 (2022/February-0) RIEKE G.H., SU K., SLOAN G.C. and SCHLAWIN E. Infrared absolute calibration. I. Comparison of Sirius with fainter calibration stars. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2022AJ....164...60S Astron. J., 164, 60-60 (2022) SWASTIK C., BANYAL R.K., NARANG M., MANOJ P., SIVARANI T., RAJAGURU S.P., UNNI A. and BANERJEE B. Galactic Chemical Evolution of Exoplanet Hosting Stars: Are High-mass Planetary Systems Young? -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2022A&A...663A...4S Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 663A, 4-4 (2022/7-1) SOUBIRAN C., BROUILLET N. and CASAMIQUELA L. Assessment of [Fe/H] determinations for FGK stars in spectroscopic surveys. -Status: All or part of tables of objects will be ingested in SIMBAD with priority 1. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2023ApJS..266....6A Astrophys. J., Suppl. Ser., 266, 6 (2023/May-0) AYRES T. In the Trenches of the Solar-Stellar Connection. VII. Wilson-Bappu 2022. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2023AJ....165..267H Astron. J., 165, 267 (2023/June-0) HARDEGREE-ULLMAN K.K., APAI D., BERGSTEN G.J., PASCUCCI I. and LOPEZ-MORALES M. Bioverse: A Comprehensive Assessment of the Capabilities of Extremely Large Telescopes to Probe Earth-like O_2_ Levels in Nearby Transiting Habitable-zone Exoplanets. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: 2023MNRAS.524.1757H Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 524, 1757-1774 (2023/September-2) HUGHES J.E., MARSDEN S.C., CARTER B.D., WAITE I.A., BURTON D.M., PERUGINI G.M. and HEBRARD E.M. Evolution of brightness and magnetic features of young solar-type stars - II. The young F8 star HIP 71933. -Files: (abstract) 2023RAA....23h5002C Research in Astron. and astroph., 23, part no 8, 5002 (2023/August-0) CAO P.-C., LIU Q., LIAO N.-H., YANG Q.-C. and HUANG D. A Catalog of Collected Debris Disks: Properties, Classifications and Correlations between Disks and Stars/Planets. -Files: (abstract) 2023A&A...675A.158D Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 675A, 158 (2023/7-1) DESIDERA S., DAMASSO M., GRATTON R., BENATTI S., NARDIELLO D., D'ORAZI V., LANZA A.F., LOCCI D., MARZARI F., MESA D., MESSINA S., PILLITTERI I., SOZZETTI A., GIRARD J., MAGGIO A., MICELA G., MALAVOLTA L., NASCIMBENI V., PINAMONTI M., SQUICCIARINI V., ALCALA J., BIAZZO K., BOHN A., BONAVITA M., BROOKS K., CHAUVIN G., COVINO E., DELORME P., HAGELBERG J., JANSON M., LAGRANGE A.-M. and LAZZONI C. TOI-179: A young system with a transiting compact Neptune-mass planet and a low-mass companion in outer orbit. -Files: (abstract) 2023MNRAS.525.4642R Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 525, 4642-4656 (2023/November-1) RATHSAM A., MELENDEZ J. and CARVALHO SILVA G. Lithium depletion in solar analogs: age and mass effects. -Files: (abstract) 2024ApJ...964...80T Astrophys. J., 964, 80 (2024/March-3) TAYLOR A., DUNN A., PEACOCK S., YOUNGBLOOD A. and REDFIELD S. Correlating Intrinsic Stellar Parameters with Mg II Self-reversal Depths. -Status: Large table(s) will be appraised for possible ingestion in VizieR. -Files: (abstract) 2024ApJS..271...55K Astrophys. J., Suppl. Ser., 271, 55 (2024/April-0) KIRKPATRICK J.D., MAROCCO F., GELINO C.R., RAGHU Y., FAHERTY J.K., BARDALEZ GAGLIUFFI D.C., SCHURR S.D., APPS K., SCHNEIDER A.C., MEISNER A.M., KUCHNER M.J., CASELDEN D., SMART R.L., CASEWELL S.L., RADDI R., KESSELI A., STEVNBAK ANDERSEN N., ANTONINI E., BEAULIEU P., BICKLE T.P., BILSING M., CHIENG R., COLIN G., DEEN S., DEREVEANCO A., DOLL K., DURANTINI LUCA H.A., FRAZER A., GANTIER J.M., GRAMAIZE L., GRANT K., HAMLET L.K., HIGASHIMURA H., HYOGO M., JALOWICZOR P.A., JONKEREN A., KABATNIK M., KIWY F., MARTIN D.W., MICHAELS M.N., PENDRILL W., PESSANHA MACHADO C., PUMPHREY B., ROTHERMICH A., RUSSWURM R., SAINIO A., SANCHEZ J., SAPELKIN-TAMBLING F.T., SCHUMANN J., SELG-MANN K., SINGH H., STENNER A., SUN G., TANNER C., THEVENOT M., VENTURA M., VOLOSHIN N.V., WALLA J., WEDRACKI Z., ADORNO J.I., AGANZE C., ALLERS K.N., BROOKS H., BURGASSER A.J., CALAMARI E., CONNOR T., COSTA E., EISENHARDT P.R., GAGNE J., GERASIMOV R., GONZALES E.C., HSU C.-C., KIMAN R., LI G., LOW R., MAMAJEK E., PANTOJA B.M., POPINCHALK M., REES J.M., STERN D., SUAREZ G., THEISSEN C., TSAI C.-W., VOS J.M., ZUREK D. (The Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Collaboration) The Initial Mass Function Based on the Full-sky 20 pc Census of ∼3600 Stars and Brown Dwarfs. -Status: Large table(s) of objects being ingested in VizieR. // Associated data (images, light curves, etc...) being ingested in VizieR. // Tables of objects will be appraised for possible ingestion in SIMBAD. -Files: (abstract) Measures (distance:3 Fe_H:28 herschel:2 ISO:1 MK:4 PLX:4 PM:6 ROT:7 velocities:7 ): distance:3Fe_H:28herschel:2ISO:1MK:4PLX:4PM:6ROT:7velocities:7 Notes (1) : (S) 08-Oct-2005 - fo ref:~ obj:GJ 3021 Possible substellar companion \object{GJ 3021b} discovered by Naef et al. (Contribution to the{\em Disks, Planetesimals and Planets} Conference, Tenerife, Jan. 2000;see also 2001A&A...375..205N), see also\exosun{GJ 3021} in the \exoEncyclopedie. Not to be confused with the companion \object{GJ 3021B} ================================================================================