C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.06CEST17:35:57 HD 139357 b ----------- Object HD 139357b --- Pl --- OID=@4907481 (@@-1,255) --- coobox=1416 Coordinates(ICRS,ep=J2000,eq=2000): 15 35 16.1985929736 +53 55 19.709392008 (Opt ) A [0.0416 0.0426 90] 2020yCat.1350....0G Coordinates(FK4,ep=B1950,eq=1950): 15 33 56.6036927120 +54 05 13.425308725 Coordinates(Gal,ep=J2000,eq=2000): 086.1595805416623 +49.8473415110930 hierarchy counts: #parents=1, #children=0, #siblings=0 Proper motions: -18.845 2.097 [0.051 0.063 90] A 2020yCat.1350....0G Parallax: 8.8114 [0.046] A 2020yCat.1350....0G Radial Velocity: ~ [~ ~ ] ~ ~ Redshift: ~ [~ ~ ] ~ ~ cz: ~ [~ ~ ] ~ ~ Flux Spectral type: ~ ~ ~ Morphological type: ~ ~ ~ Angular size: ~ ~ ~ (~) ~ ~ Identifiers (1): HD 139357b Bibcodes 1850-2024 () (15): 2023RAA....23e5022X 2022ApJS..259...45T 2022ApJS..262...21F 2021A&A...645A...7K 2019PASP..131c4401D 2018ApJS..239...14J 2018MNRAS.475.3090Y 2015ApJ...803....1N 2013A&A...552A.119S 2011A&A...527A.140R 2011ApJ...733...68B 2011PASP..123..412W 2010ApJ...709..168A 2010MNRAS.406.1918D 2009A&A...499..935D Measures ( ): Notes (1) : (S) 24-Mar-2009 - bc ref:~ obj:HD 139357b Substellar companion of \object{HD 139357}, see \exoplanet{HD 139357}{b} in the \exoEncyclopedie ================================================================================