C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.06CEST12:43:50 IC 266 ------ Object IC 266 --- GiG --- OID=@50964 (@@107823,9) --- coobox=2712 Coordinates(ICRS,ep=J2000,eq=2000): 02 55 04.5842426808 +42 15 47.278437444 (Opt ) C [7.9104 4.1586 90] 2020yCat.1350....0G Coordinates(FK4,ep=B1950,eq=1950): 02 51 49.2989757498 +42 03 38.772204513 Coordinates(Gal,ep=J2000,eq=2000): 146.1062082037965 -14.9775342343498 hierarchy counts: #parents=6, #children=0, #siblings=0 Proper motions: ~ ~ [~ ~ ] ~ ~ Parallax: ~ [~] ~ ~ Radial Velocity: 5177 [23] D 2002AJ....123..100K Redshift: 0.017422 [0.000077] D 2002AJ....123..100K cz: 5222.98 [23.08] D 2002AJ....123..100K Flux B : 15.108 [0.10] D 2012yCat.1322....0Z Flux V : 13.912 [0.05] D 2012yCat.1322....0Z Flux G : 18.792780 [0.042806] C 2022yCat.1355....0G Flux R : 15.582 [0.05] E 2012yCat.1322....0Z Flux J : 12.799 [0.065] E 2003yCat.2246....0C Flux H : 12.134 [0.085] E 2003yCat.2246....0C Flux K : 11.608 [0.047] E 2003yCat.2246....0C Flux u : 16.959 [0.010] C 2020ApJS..249....3A Flux g : 14.949 [0.002] B 2020ApJS..249....3A Flux r : 13.929 [0.002] B 2020ApJS..249....3A Flux i : 13.518 [0.002] B 2020ApJS..249....3A Flux z : 13.073 [0.003] B 2020ApJS..249....3A Spectral type: ~ ~ ~ Morphological type: ~ ~ ~ Angular size: ~ ~ ~ (~) ~ ~ Identifiers (17): SDSS J025504.58+421547.2 WISE J025504.66+421546.1 2MASS J02550457+4215473 UCAC4 662-013025 Gaia DR3 336518938276879616 IC 266 LEDA 11002 MCG+07-07-010 Z 539-130 Z 540-12 [BKB95] 0251+4205 Z 0251.8+4205 [CHM2007] HDC 185 J025504.88+4215438 [CHM2007] LDC 224 J025504.88+4215438 [KG2000] J025504.80+421545.8 [KG2002] J025504.80+421545.8 [KGM98] J025504.80+421545.80 Bibcodes 1850-2024 () (13): 2021ApJ...914..121A 2020MNRAS.494.1784A 2018A&A...618A..81T 2016A&A...588A..14T 2015AJ....149..171T 2012ApJS..199...26H 2011MNRAS.416.2840L 2007ApJ...655..790C 2002AJ....123..100K 2000AJ....119...44K 1998AJ....116.2108K 1995AJ....109..874B 1986A&AS...64..247V Measures (distance:1 velocities:7 ): distance:1velocities:7 Notes (1) : (S) 11-Dec-2023 - cl ref:~ obj:IC 266 \object{2MASX J02550488+4215438} is a blend of the Star \object{UCAC4 662-013027} and the Galaxy IC 266 ================================================================================