C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.06CEST17:37:15 NGC 2579 -------- Object NGC 2579 --- OpC --- OID=@1084582 (@@121866,2) --- coobox=8163 Coordinates(ICRS,ep=J2000,eq=2000): 08 20 55.3 -36 13 23 (~) D [~ ~ ] 2013MNRAS.431....2F Coordinates(FK4,ep=B1950,eq=1950): 08 19 01.6 -36 03 48 Coordinates(Gal,ep=J2000,eq=2000): 254.6857 +00.2181 hierarchy counts: #parents=0, #children=36, #siblings=0 Proper motions: -3.390 0.640 [0.180 0.010 90] D 2017AstBu..72..257L Parallax: ~ [~] ~ ~ Radial Velocity: 1.60 [0.44] A 2017AstBu..72..257L Redshift: 0.000005 [0.000001] A 2017AstBu..72..257L cz: 1.60 [0.44] A 2017AstBu..72..257L Flux Spectral type: ~ ~ ~ Morphological type: ~ ~ ~ Angular size: 1.5 1.4 90 (mm ) E 2011ApJS..195....8C Identifiers (25): PN G254.6+00.2 BRAN 138 C 0819-360 ESO 370-8 GAL 254.68+00.23 GUM 11 IRAS 08189-3602 NGC 2579 PK 254+00 1 SCM 35 VdBH 13a WB89 1130 [CH87] 254.676+0.229 [DBS2003] 17 [KC97c] G254.7+00.2 [LLN92] IRS 7 [R2003] 275 [R2003] 254.7+00.2 [SCR92] 254.68+0.22 [WBH98] 08189-3602 [N75] 238 PN Ns 238 GRS G254.68 +00.23 [CAB2011] G254.69+0.21 [KPS2012] MWSC 1474 Bibcodes 1850-2024 () (104): 2022AJ....163..195R 2022MNRAS.510.4436M 2022MNRAS.514..744M 2021ApJ...912..165R 2021MNRAS.502..225A 2020A&A...640A..10W 2020MNRAS.496.1051A 2020MNRAS.496.2726M 2020MNRAS.497..672A 2019ApJ...873..107C 2018MNRAS.473..849D 2018MNRAS.478.5184D 2017AstBu..72..257L 2017MNRAS.468.3615M 2017MNRAS.470.3937S 2017MNRAS.471..987E 2017PASP..129h2001P 2016A&A...585A.101K 2016A&A...593A.116J 2016MNRAS.455.1459F 2016MNRAS.458.1866T 2015A&A...573A...6P 2015MNRAS.452.1553E 2014A&A...564A..79D 2014ApJS..211...29B 2014MNRAS.444.3301K 2013A&A...558A..53K 2013MNRAS.431....2F 2013MNRAS.433..382E 2012AstL...38..506G 2011A&A...526A...6W 2011ApJS..195....8C 2011AstL...37..248K 2011MNRAS.412..223B 2011PASP..123...44H 2010MNRAS.407.2109V 2009MNRAS.399.2146W 2008A&A...482..529U 2008AJ....136..118F 2007A&A...463..789A 2007A&A...472..847C 2006A&A...446..949D 2003A&A...397..133R 2003A&A...400..533D 2003A&A...408.1029K 2002RMxAC..14...57M 2001A&A...376..441D 2001A&A...378..843K 2001RMxAA..37..115K 2000A&A...357..621C 2000A&AS..146..251B 2000A&AS..147...93C 1999A&A...352..297S 1998A&A...331..737B 1998AJ....115.1989T 1998ApJS..117..361C 1998MNRAS.301..640W 1997ApJ...488..224K 1997ApJS..112..487S 1997ApJS..112..557K 1997MNRAS.291..261W 1996A&AS..115...81B 1996A&AS..115..285C 1996A&AS..115..517R 1996A&AS..119..459T 1995A&AS..109..375A 1995ApJ...449..246G 1993A&A...275...67B 1993MNRAS.261..783S 1992A&A...259..241Z 1992A&A...265..577L 1992A&AS...95..337T 1992A&AS...96...23S 1992AJ....104..704S 1992ESOPN...1....1A 1991A&A...248..209T 1991A&AS...88..121P 1991A&AS...90...89A 1990A&AS...83..337J 1990ApJ...354..165S 1989A&AS...80..149W 1988AZh....65..330E 1988PAZh...14..817E 1987A&A...171..261C 1987A&A...173..108A 1987A&AS...68....1B 1987AZh....64..965E 1986A&AS...65..537B 1986A&AS...65..607O 1986BICDS..31..175M 1984A&AS...56..325F 1983A&AS...54..315A 1982ApJS...49..425J 1982PSCDS...3....0A 1978IAUS...76...47K 1977A&AS...30..335W 1976A&AS...23..283L 1975A&AS...21..193N 1975AJ.....80..208V 1975AJ.....80..212H 1971A&AS....4..241B 1970PDDO....4....1H 1968ArA.....5...63L 1955MmRAS..67..155G Measures (distance:2 IUE:2 PM:2 velocities:2 ): distance:2IUE:2PM:2velocities:2 Notes (4) : (S) 01-Jan-2000 - com ref:~ obj:~ Is not a reflection nebula (see details in Copetti et al., 2007A&A...472..847C). The stars \object{VDBH 13a} and \object{VDBH 13b} are not associated with this HII region, and the star \object{VDBH 13c} is the central star of the nearby \object{ESO 370-9} reflection nebula. Was also classified as a possible planetary nebula. (S) 14-Dec-2007 - fox ref:~ obj:NGC 2579 Is unrelated with the {\em``open star cluster NGC 2579''} studied by Lindoff (1968ArA.....5...63L) located more than 15' away (Cl Collinder 182?). (S) 08-Oct-2009 - ep ref:2001A&A...378..843K obj:NGC 2579 PK 254+00 1 , misclassified PN: "HII region" (Kohoutek, 2001A&A...378..843K, \vizier{IV/24/table3}{PK=254+00.1 }{Cat. IV/24}) (S) 07-Oct-2013 - es ref:~ obj:NGC 2579 Not a PN according to Frew et al. 2013 (2013MNRAS.431....2F) ================================================================================