C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.05.14CEST03:56:27 1997A&A...323L..21Z1997A&A...323L..21Z -------------------------------------- 1997A&A...323L..21Z Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 323, L21-24 (1997/7-1) Identification of a complete sample of northern ROSAT All-Sky Survey X-ray sources. V. Discovery of a z=4.28 QSO near the RASS source RX J1028.6-0844. ZICKGRAF F.-J., VOGES W., KRAUTTER J., THIERING I., APPENZELLER I., MUJICA R. and SERRANO A. -Files: (abstract) -Simbad objects: 3 Number of objects : 3 #| obj tags |obj count| raw id | identifier |typ| coord1 (ICRS,J2000/2000) |Mag U | Mag B | Mag V | Mag R |Mag I | spec. type |#bib|#not -|----------|---------|----------------|-----------------------------------|---|---------------------------------------|------|---------|---------|---------|------|---------------|----|---- 1| | 0|(null) |QSO J0003-2603 |QSO|00 03 22.9531962024 -26 03 18.304471908| ~|18 |17.53 | ~ | ~|~ | 291| 0 2|t | 0|RX J1028.6-0844,|QSO B1026-084 |QSO|10 28 38.79646593 -08 44 38.5362663 | ~| ~ |21.00 |19.6 | ~|~ | 72| 1 3| | 0|(null) |QSO J1759+6638 |QSO|17 59 28.0940839824 +66 38 52.633688352| ~| ~ |21.9 |20.220 | ~|~ | 31| 0 ================================================================================