C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.05.12CEST07:22:45 2001A&A...365..409O2001A&A...365..409O -------------------------------------- 2001A&A...365..409O 10.1051/0004-6361:20000508 Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 365, 409-416 (2001/1-3) ISO continuum observations of quasars at z=1-4. I. Spectral energy distributions of quasars from the UV to far-infrared. OYABU S., KAWARA K., TSUZUKI Y., SOFUE Y., SATO Y., OKUDA H., TANIGUCHI Y., SHIBAI H., GABRIEL C., HASEGAWA T. and NISHIHARA E. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: -Simbad objects: 10 Number of objects : 10 # | obj tags |obj count|raw id| identifier |typ| coord1 (ICRS,J2000/2000) |Mag U | Mag B | Mag V | Mag R |Mag I | spec. type |#bib|#not --|----------|---------|------|-----------------------------------|---|---------------------------------------|------|---------|---------|---------|------|---------------|----|---- 1 | | 0|(null)|QSO B0055-26 |QSO|00 57 58.0253990928 -26 43 14.750912928| ~|17.90 |17.47 |17.99 | ~|~ | 150| 1 2 | | 0|(null)|QSO J0105-1846 |QSO|01 05 16.7912097864 -18 46 41.986634736| ~| ~ |18.3 | ~ | ~|~ | 78| 0 3 | | 0|(null)|QSO B0249-222 |QSO|02 51 40.4132153472 -22 00 26.400580488| ~| ~ |17.7 | ~ | ~|~ | 39| 0 4 | | 0|(null)|3C 273 |BLL|12 29 06.6998257176 +02 03 08.597629980| ~|13.05 |14.830 |14.11 | ~|~ |5808| 1 5 | | 0|(null)|QSO B1422+2309 |BLL|14 24 38.0938 +22 56 00.587 | ~|16.77 |15.84 |14.79 | ~|~ | 450| 1 6 | | 0|(null)|[PBW92] 1422+231 |gLS|14 24 38.09400 +22 56 00.5900 | ~|16.77 |15.84 |14.79 | ~|~ | 356| 0 7 | | 0|(null)|[VV96] J155007.6+462855 |QSO|15 50 07.5906004032 +46 28 55.663985172| ~| ~ |19.24 | ~ | ~|~ | 16| 0 8 | | 0|(null)|QSO B1630+3744 |QSO|16 32 01.1117931960 +37 37 49.980505332| ~|16.50 |16.30 | ~ | ~|~ | 175| 0 9 | | 0|(null)|QSO B1640+4628 |QSO|16 42 05.1473324160 +46 22 26.057188380| ~| ~ |19.52 | ~ | ~|~ | 25| 0 10| | 0|(null)|QSO J1716+5328 |QSO|17 16 35.5677616080 +53 28 15.827676888| ~|16.30 |16.48 | ~ | ~|~ | 69| 0 ================================================================================