C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST05:34:46 2003A&A...400..265K2003A&A...400..265K -------------------------------------- 2003A&A...400..265K 10.1051/0004-6361:20021882 Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 400, 265-270 (2003/3-2) Deep BVR imaging of the field of the millisecond pulsar PSR J0030+0451 with the VLT. KOPTSEVICH A.B., LUNDQVIST P., SERAFIMOVICH N.I., SHIBANOV Y.A. and SOLLERMAN J. -Flags: Fig.1, Table 3: <[KLS2003] N> (Nos 1-6). -Files: (abstract) -Simbad objects: 12 Number of objects : 12 # | obj tags |obj count| raw id | identifier |typ| coord1 (ICRS,J2000/2000) |Mag U | Mag B | Mag V |Mag R |Mag I | spec. type |#bib|#not --|----------|---------|--------------|-----------------------------------|---|---------------------------------------|------|---------|---------|------|------|---------------|----|---- 1 | | 0|(null) |[KLS2003] 4 |* |00 30 25.39 +04 53 14.2 | ~|24.15 |22.40 | ~| ~|~ | 1| 0 2 | | 0|(null) |[KLS2003] 5 |* |00 30 27.32 +04 51 36.9 | ~|23.82 |23.69 | ~| ~|~ | 1| 0 3 |tk | 0|PSR J0030+0451|PSR J0030+0451 |Psr|00 30 27.4277 +04 51 39.710 | ~| ~ | ~ | ~| ~|~ | 484| 1 4 | | 0|(null) |2MASS J00302780+0451351 |* |00 30 27.8196770472 +04 51 34.851678840| ~|19.5 | ~ | ~| ~|~ | 2| 0 5 | | 0|(null) |[KLS2003] 2 |* |00 30 29.25 +04 51 18.3 | ~|22.32 |20.92 | ~| ~|~ | 1| 0 6 | | 0|(null) |[KLS2003] 3 |* |00 30 39.33 +04 53 15.4 | ~|23.77 |22.08 | ~| ~|~ | 1| 0 7 | | 0|(null) |PSR B0656+14 |Psr|06 59 48.1960 +14 14 19.400 | ~|24.85 |24.90 | ~| ~|~ | 885| 1 8 | | 0|(null) |NAME Vela Pulsar |Psr|08 35 20.65525 -45 10 35.1545 | ~| ~ |15.10 | ~| ~|~ |2332| 1 9 | | 0|(null) |PSR B0950+08 |Psr|09 53 09.2970 +07 55 36.400 | ~| ~ | ~ | ~| ~|~ | 763| 2 10| | 0|(null) |PSR B1055-52 |Psr|10 57 59.0450 -52 26 56.330 | ~| ~ | ~ | ~| ~|~ | 733| 0 11| | 0|(null) |V* V4580 Sgr |LXB|18 08 27.54 -36 58 44.3 | ~|16.81 |16.51 | ~| ~|~ | 991| 0 12| | 0|(null) |PSR B1929+10 |Psr|19 32 14.0570 +10 59 33.380 | ~| ~ | ~ | ~| ~|~ | 758| 0 ================================================================================