C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.06.03CEST01:27:42 1998ApJ...504..450C1998ApJ...504..450C -------------------------------------- 1998ApJ...504..450C 10.1086/306081 Astrophys. J., 504, 450-460 (1998/September-1) The relative contributions to the near-infrared emission in short-period cataclysmic variables. CIARDI D.R., HOWELL S.B., HAUSCHILDT P.H. and ALLARD F. -Simbad objects: 5 Number of objects : 5 #| obj tags |obj count|raw id| identifier |typ| coord1 (ICRS,J2000/2000) | Mag U | Mag B | Mag V | Mag R |Mag I | spec. type |#bib|#not -|----------|---------|------|-----------------------------------|---|---------------------------------------|---------|---------|---------|---------|------|---------------|----|---- 1| | 0|(null)|V* V592 Cas |CV*|00 20 52.2230598456 +55 42 16.235113356|12.07 |12.86 |12.79 | ~ | ~|OB | 104| 0 2| | 0|(null)|V* TY Psc |CV*|01 25 39.3569919912 +32 23 08.895723252| ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~|~ | 115| 0 3| | 0|(null)|V* AL Com |CV*|12 32 25.7951754648 +14 20 42.292188276| ~ | ~ |16.2 | ~ | ~|~ | 245| 0 4| | 0|(null)|V* WZ Sge |CV*|20 07 36.5037622512 +17 42 14.733254952| ~ |15.30 |15.20 | ~ | ~|DAepv | 948| 0 5| | 0|(null)|V* HU Aqr |CV*|21 07 58.1944529400 -05 17 40.557671916| ~ |16.198 |15.814 |14.891 | ~|D+M4V | 275| 1 ================================================================================