C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.06.03CEST05:06:56 2013ApJ...772...56V2013ApJ...772...56V -------------------------------------- 2013ApJ...772...56V 10.1088/0004-637X/772/1/56 Astrophys. J., 772, 56 (2013/July-3) A bayesian method for the analysis of the dust emission in the far-infrared and submillimeter. VENEZIANI M., PIACENTINI F., NORIEGA-CRESPO A., CAREY S., PALADINI R. and PARADIS D. -Files: (abstract) -Simbad objects: 1 Number of objects : 1 #| obj tags |obj count| raw id | identifier |typ| coord1 (ICRS,J2000/2000) |Mag U |Mag B |Mag V |Mag R |Mag I | spec. type |#bib|#not -|----------|---------|---------------|-----------------------------------|---|---------------------------|------|------|------|------|------|---------------|----|---- 1|x | 1|Sagittarius arm|NAME Sgr Arm |PoG|19 00 00.0 -30 00 00 | ~| ~| ~| ~| ~|~ | 639| 1 ================================================================================