
Query : 2017A&A...599A..24W

2017A&A...599A..24W - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 599A, 24-24 (2017/3-1)

Evolution of the dust-to-metals ratio in high-redshift galaxies probed by GRB-DLAs.


Abstract (from CDS):

Context. Several issues regarding the nature of dust at high redshift remain unresolved: its composition, its production and growth mechanisms, and its effect on background sources.
Aims. We provide a more accurate relation between dust depletion levels and dust-to-metals ratio (DTM), and to use the DTM to investigate the origin and evolution of dust in the high-redshift Universe via gamma-ray burst damped Lyman-alpha absorbers (GRB-DLAs).
Methods. We use absorption-line measured metal column densities for a total of 19 GRB-DLAs, including five new GRB afterglow spectra from VLT/X-Shooter. We use the latest linear models to calculate the dust depletion strength factor in each DLA. Using these values we calculate total dust and metal column densities to determine a DTM. We explore the evolution of DTM with metallicity, and compare it to previous trends in DTM measured with different methods.
Results. We find significant dust depletion in 16 of our 19 GRB-DLAs, yet 18 of the 19 have a DTM significantly lower than the Milky Way. We find that DTM is positively correlated with metallicity, which supports a dominant ISM grain-growth mode of dust formation. We find a substantial discrepancy between the dust content measured from depletion and that derived from the total V-band extinction, AV, measured by fitting the afterglow SED. We advise against using a measurement from one method to estimate that from the other until the discrepancy can be resolved.

Abstract Copyright: © ESO, 2017

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: evolution - dust, extinction - ISM: abundances - gamma-ray burst: general - gamma-ray burst: general

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Number of rows : 23
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NAME SMC G 00 52 38.0 -72 48 01   2.79 2.2     ~ 11275 1
2 GRB 070802 gB 02 27 35.91 -55 31 39.1           ~ 156 0
3 NAME Magellanic Clouds GrG 03 00 -71.0           ~ 7166 0
4 GRB 111008A gB 04 01 48.220 -32 42 34.09           ~ 110 0
5 GRB 121024A gB 04 41 53.31 -12 17 26.1           ~ 123 0
6 NAME LMC G 05 23 34.6 -69 45 22     0.4     ~ 17625 0
7 Fermi bn120119170 gB 08 00 06.940 -09 04 53.83           ~ 166 0
8 GRB 130408A gB 08 57 37.30 -32 21 38.9           ~ 87 0
9 GRB 100219A gB 10 16 48.48 -12 34 00.0           ~ 118 0
10 Fermi bn090323002 gB 12 42 50.28 +17 03 11.9           ~ 225 1
11 GRB 050730 gB 14 08 17.090 -03 46 18.90   20.32 17.68     ~ 316 0
12 GRB 120327A gB 16 27 27.49 -29 24 53.8           ~ 99 0
13 GRB 050401 gB 16 31 28.84 +02 11 14.5           ~ 338 0
14 GRB 000926 gB 17 04 15 +51 46.0           ~ 366 0
15 GRB 120815A gB 18 15 54.40 -52 07 29.0           ~ 90 0
16 GRB 120909A gB 18 22 56.81 -59 26 54.9           ~ 88 0
17 Fermi bn081008832 gB 18 39 52.40 -57 25 58.8           ~ 202 0
18 Fermi bn120716712 gB 20 52 12.17 +09 35 53.9           ~ 63 0
19 GRB 141028A gB 21 30 24.46 -00 13 55.6           ~ 94 0
20 GRB 090809 gB 21 54 43.2 -00 05 02           ~ 82 0
21 GRB 050820A gB 22 29 38.110 +19 33 37.10 18.33 19.00 18.47     ~ 388 0
22 Fermi bn090926181 gB 23 33 36.18 -66 19 25.9           ~ 309 0
23 NAME Local Group GrG ~ ~           ~ 8492 0

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