
Query : 2020A&A...638A..94O

2020A&A...638A..94O - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 638A, 94-94 (2020/6-1)

Synthetic catalog of black holes in the Milky Way.


Abstract (from CDS):

Aims. We present an open-access database that includes a synthetic catalog of black holes (BHs) in the Milky Way, divided by the components disk, bulge, and halo.
Methods. To calculate the evolution of single and binary stars, we used the updated population synthesis code StarTrack. We applied a new model of the star formation history and chemical evolution of Galactic disk, bulge, and halo that was synthesized from observational and theoretical data. This model can be easily employed for other studies of population evolution.
Results. We find that at the current Milky Way (disk+bulge+halo) contains about 1.2x108 single BHs with an average mass of about 14M, and 9.3x106 BHs in binary systems with an average mass of 19M. We present basic statistical properties of the BH population in three Galactic components such as the distributions of BH masses, velocities, or the numbers of BH binary systems in different evolutionary configurations.
Conclusions. The metallicity of a stellar population has a significant effect on the final BH mass through the stellar winds. The most massive single BH in our simulation of 113M originates from a merger of a BH and a helium star in a low-metallicity stellar environment in the Galactic halo. We constrain that only ∼0.006% of the total Galactic halo mass (including dark matter) can be hidden in the form of stellar origin BHs. These BHs cannot be detected by current observational surveys. We calculated the merger rates for current Galactic double compact objects (DCOs) for two considered common-envelope models: ∼3-81Myr–1 for BH-BH, ∼1-9Myr–1 for BH-neutron star (NS), and ∼14-59Myr–1 for NS-NS systems. We show the evolution of the merger rates of DCOs since the formation of the Milky Way until the current moment with the new star formation model of the Galaxy.

Abstract Copyright: © ESO 2020

Journal keyword(s): catalogs - stars: evolution - binaries : close - stars: black holes - Galaxy: stellar content

Simbad objects: 2

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Number of rows : 2
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NAME Galactic Center reg 17 45 39.60213 -29 00 22.0000           ~ 14436 0
2 NAME Galactic Bulge reg ~ ~           ~ 4304 0

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