[BO85] ACO 1904 59 , the SIMBAD biblio

1985ApJS...57..665B - Astrophys. J., Suppl. Ser., 57, 665-691 (1985)

The evolution of galaxies in clusters. IV. Photometry of 10 low-redshift clusters.


Journal keyword(s):

Nomenclature: Table 2: [BO85] ACO 262 NN N=48, Table 3: [BO85] ACO 400 NN N=92, Table 4: [BO85] ACO 401 NNN N=140, Table 5: [BO85] ACO 1367 NNN N=161, Table 6: [BO85] Coma NNN N=321, Table 7: [BO85] ACO 1904 NNN N=114, Table 8: [BO85] Herc NNN N =147, Table 9: [BO85] ACO 2199 NNN N=163, Table 10: [BO85] ACO 2634 NNN N=109, Table 11: [BO85] ACO 2670 NNN N=127

Simbad objects: 1432

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