[VB99] NGC 6334 a3 , the SIMBAD biblio

1999ApJ...526..819V - Astrophys. J., 526, 819-832 (1999/December-1)

Magnetism in interstellar nurseries at 760 microns.


Abstract (from CDS):

The advent of telescopes operating in the extreme infrared (EIR=submillimeter wavelengths) located at dry sites on mountain tops now permits observations of high dust and gas density (n∼2x108 cm–3), small diameter (L∼0.06 pc; 12000 AU) clumps inside large interstellar nurseries. Using the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) at 760 µm (394 GHz) in the EIR, we present new total continuum maps and linear polarization observations of the dust emission and the associated magnetic field for 35 clumps within six interstellar nurseries (OMC, Orion B, NGC 6334, M0.25+0.01, W48, and S140) located within 8.5 kpc of the Sun. A principal result is that the mean clump gas density varies with mean clump size as <n≳<L>–1.5. In one-third of our cases, the magnetic field in clumps is nearly perpendicular to the ridge linking clumps (not random from clump to clump). The cloud elongation does not appear to have a preferred angle with respect to the Galactic plane; we rule out models with a cloud magnetic field aligned with the large-scale galactic magnetic field. We find that the clump gravitational energy~the clump nonthermal kinetic energy, in many simple resolved nonconfused clumps, while other energy components are much smaller (magnetic, thermal, external pressure).

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): ISM: Clouds - Polarization - Submillimeter

Nomenclature: Table 2: [VB99] OMC 1 AN (Nos N0-N7), [VB99] NGC 6334 aN (Nos a1-a3, f0-f2), [VB99] NGC 6334 awN (Nos fN1-fN2), [VB99] M0.25+0.01 AN (Nos P2-P5), [VB99] W48 AN (Nos P0, E1-E2, S1), <%M [VB99] S140 AN (Nos P1-P3).

CDS comments: p.827: IRAS 16293 = IRAS 16293-2422. Table 2: Source in OMC 2 = [MWZ90] OMC-2 FIR 4, Sources in Ori B = [MCK88] NGC 2024 FIR 3 to FIR 6, Sources in MFSW V (NGC 6334v) = [SDW85] IRS V-1 to V-3.

Simbad objects: 63

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