4C 18.60 , the SIMBAD biblio

4C 18.60 , the SIMBAD biblio (19 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.05.12CEST22:22:33

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Title First 3 Authors
1966ApJS...13...65P viz 736 224 Positions and flux densities of radio sources. PAULINY-TOTH I.I.K., WADE C.M. and HEESCHEN D.S.
1967AJ.....72..757D 628 52 A survey of the sky at 610.5 MHz. II. The region between declinations +15 and +22 degrees. DICKEL J.R., YANG K.S., McVITTIE G.C., et al.
1975AJ.....80..335S 1095 38 Positions and flux densities of 1075 radio sources at 365 MHz. SHARP J.R. and BASH F.N.
1976ApJ...204L..63C 18 34 Observations of radio sources with variable flux density at 365 and 380 MHz. COTTON W.D.
1983A&A...118..171F 46 38 The low frequency variability of extragalactic radio sources : discussion of the properties. FANTI C., FANTI R., FICARRA A., et al.
1983ApJ...271...51C 8 17 Radio observations of steep-spectrum compact sources. COTTON W.D.
1983ApJS...51...67L viz 237 24 5 GHz observations of sources in the Arecibo 611 MHz survey. LAWRENCE C.R., BENNETT C.L., GARCIA-BARRETO J.A., et al.
1984ApJ...284..491H 34 22 An X-ray survey of variable radio bright quasars. HENRIKSEN M.J., MARSHALL F.E. and MUSHOTZKY R.F.
1985PAZh...11..686S 39 1 Slow interstellar scintillations of extragalactic radio sources. SHAPIROVSKAYA N.Y.
1987A&AS...67...63P 49 46 Multifrequency observations of low frequency variable sources : a statistical analysis. PADRIELLI L., ALLER M.F., ALLER H.D., et al.
1989A&A...209..315S 40 44 The role of refractive interstellar scintillation in the low frequency variability of extragalactic radio sources. SPANGLER S., FANTI R., GREGORINI L., et al.
1989ApJ...338...37C 32 6 Radio and optical observations of optically weak, steep-spectrum, compact radio sources. COTTON W.D., OWEN F.N. and MAHONEY M.J.
1989AZh....66..480V 117 2 3-meter-wavelength observations of the low-frequency-variable radio sources. VETUKHNOVSKAYA Y.N.
1992MNRAS.257..353M 15 31 Obervations at arcsecond resolution of steep-spectrum sources which vary at low frequencies. MANTOVANI F., JUNOR W., FANTI R., et al.
1994A&A...287..390B 41 26 One-year modulation in the flux density time series of low frequency variables. BONDI M., PADRIELLI L., GREGORINI L., et al.
1996A&AS..120...89B viz 126 20 A 15 years monitoring program at 408MHz. BONDI M., PADRIELLI L., FANTI R., et al.
1997A&AS..125..573M 8 10 VLA polarimetry of compact steep spectrum sources. MANTOVANI F., JUNOR W., FANTI R., et al.
1997MmSAI..68..319S 4 0 Radio-jet distorsions in the nuclear regions of CSSs: recent results of VLBI/MERLIN observations. SALERNO E., BONDI M. and MANTOVANI F.
1998A&A...332...10M 12 16 Large bent jets in the inner region of CSSs. MANTOVANI F., JUNOR W., BONDI M., et al.

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