Cl* NGC 6383 ZMR 104 , the SIMBAD biblio

2005MNRAS.357..345Z - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 357, 345-353 (2005/February-2)

Search for pulsating pre-main-sequence stars in NGC6383.


Abstract (from CDS):

A search for pulsating pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars was performed in the young open cluster NGC 6383 using CCD time-series photometry in Johnson B and V filters. With an age of only ∼1.7Myr all cluster members later than spectral type A0 have not reached the ZAMS yet, hence being ideal candidates for investigating PMS pulsation among A- and F-type stars. In total 286 stars have been analysed using classical Fourier techniques. From about a dozen stars within the boundaries of the classical instability strip, two stars were found to pulsate: NGC 6383 {num}170, with five frequencies simultaneously, and NGC 6383 {num}198, with a single frequency. In addition, NGC 6383 {num}152 is a suspected PMS variable star, but our data remain inconclusive. Linear, non-adiabatic models assuming PMS evolutionary phase and purely radial pulsation were calculated for the two new PMS pulsators. NGC 6383 {num}170 appears to pulsate radially in third and fifth overtones, while the other three frequencies seem to be of non-radial nature. NGC 6383 {num}198 pulsates monoperiodically, most probably in the third radial overtone. Magnitudes and B-V colours were available in the literature for only one third of all stars and we used them for calibrating the remaining.

Abstract Copyright: 2005 RAS

Journal keyword(s): techniques: photometric - stars: pre-main-sequence - δ Scuti - open clusters and associations: individual: NGC 6383

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/MNRAS/357/345): tablea1.dat>

Nomenclature: Table A1: Cl* NGC 6383 ZMR NNN (Nos 1-289).

CDS comments: Stars in Fitzgeral et al. (1978) are Cl* NGC 6383 FJL NN in Simbad. Stars in The (1965) are NGC 6383 NN in Simbad. Stars in Evans (1978) are NGC 6383 NNN in Simbad.

Simbad objects: 296

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