GAL 021.44-00.56 , the SIMBAD biblio

GAL 021.44-00.56 , the SIMBAD biblio (15 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.05.13CEST06:55:33

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Title First 3 Authors
1986A&AS...65..607O 5418 387 IRAS catalogues and atlases. Atlas of Low-Resolution Spectra. OLNON F.M., RAIMOND E. (The IRAS Science Team)
1989A&AS...77..465B 199 57 Search for water vapor masers in the direction of IRAS sources associated with HII regions and molecular clouds. BRAZ M.A., SCALISE E., GREGORIO-HETEM J.C., et al.
1990A&AS...83..337J 310 57 A survey of infrared features in HII regions, planetary nebulae and proto-planetary nebulae from the IRAS-LRS data base. JOURDAIN DE MUIZON M., COX P. and LEQUEUX J.
1990ApJ...354..165S 120 95 IRAS low-resolution spectral observations of H II regions. SIMPSON J.P. and RUBIN R.H.
1992A&A...259..241Z 155 31 A quantitative study of the 7.7 and 11.3 mu-m emission bands based on IRAS/LRS spectra. ZAVAGNO A., COX P. and BALUTEAU J.-P.
1995A&AS..110...81V viz 562 69 New detections of 51-60A+-methanol masers towards IRAS sources. VAN DER WALT D.J., GAYLARD M.J. and MacLEOD G.C.
1995MNRAS.276...57C viz 1003 53 IRAS-selected Galactic star-forming regions. II. Water maser detections in the extended sample. CODELLA C., PALUMBO G.G.C., PARESCHI G., et al.
1996A&AS..115...81B viz 1472 529 A CS(2-1) survey of IRAS point sources with color characteristics of ultra-compact HII regions. BRONFMAN L., NYMAN L.-A. and MAY J.
1996A&AS..115..285C viz 269 43 A catalogue of massive young stellar objects. CHAN S.J., HENNING T. and SCHREYER K.
1997A&A...325..255B viz 203 64 A survey of star-forming regions in the 5 cm lines of OH. BAUDRY A., DESMURS J.F., WILSON T.L., et al.
1997ApJS..112..557K viz 11280 205 Classification and identification of IRAS sources with low-resolution spectra. KWOK S., VOLK K. and BIDELMAN W.P.
1999A&AS..134..115S viz 411 83 The Medicina survey of methanol masers at 6.7GHz. SLYSH V.I., VAL'TTS I.E., KALENSKII S.V., et al.
2000A&AS..143..269S viz 1601 191 A survey of the 6.7 GHz methanol maser emission from IRAS sources. I. Data. SZYMCZAK M., HRYNEK G. and KUS A.J.
2002AcASn..43...34Z 62 ~ New C18O(1-0) emission of massive young stellar objects. ZHANG Y.-P., SUN J., SUN Y.-C., et al.
2004ApJS..154..553S viz 79 70 Resolution of distance ambiguities of inner galaxy massive star formation regions. II. SEWILO M., WATSON C., ARAYA E., et al.

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