Gaia DR2 2508975725156723712 , the SIMBAD biblio

2016ApJ...832...10Z - Astrophys. J., 832, 10-10 (2016/November-3)

Red runaways II: low-mass hills stars in SDSS Stripe 82.


Abstract (from CDS):

Stars ejected from the Galactic Center can be used to place important constraints on the Milky Way potential. Since existing hypervelocity stars are too distant to accurately determine orbits, we have conducted a search for nearby candidates using full three-dimensional velocities. Since the efficacy of such studies is often hampered by deficiencies in proper motion catalogs, we have chosen to utilize the reliable, high-precision Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Stripe 82 proper motion catalog. Although we do not find any candidates which have velocities in excess of the escape speed, we identify 226 stars on orbits that are consistent with Galactic Center ejection. This number is significantly larger than what we would expect for halo stars on radial orbits and cannot be explained by disk or bulge contamination. If we restrict ourselves to metal-rich stars, we find 29 candidates with [Fe/H] > -0.8 dex and 10 with [Fe/H] > -0.6 dex. Their metallicities are more consistent with what we expect for bulge ejecta, and so we believe these candidates are especially deserving of further study. We have supplemented this sample using our own radial velocities, developing an algorithm to use proper motions for optimizing candidate selection. This technique provides considerable improvement on the blind spectroscopic sample of SDSS, being able to identify candidates with an efficiency around 20 times better than a blind search.

Abstract Copyright: © 2016. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.

Journal keyword(s): Galaxy: center - Galaxy: kinematics and dynamics - Galaxy: structure - Galaxy: structure

Simbad objects: 38

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