RX J0947.2+4628 , the SIMBAD biblio

1997A&AS..126..509M - Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 126, 509-517 (1997/December-2)

Multiwavelength observations of the field HS 47.5/22 in Ursa Major. I. The X-ray catalogue of a medium deep ROSAT survey.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present the X-ray source catalogue obtained from a ROSAT survey in the HQS field HS 47.5/22. The survey consists of 48 overlapping PSPC pointings which were first analysed individually, and then merged to increase the sensitivity. Both modes bring forth sources missed in the other, showing that both are necessary to detect all X-ray sources in the field. The final catalogue contains 574 X-ray sources. The identifications are mainly based on the HQS objective prism plate which allows object classification down to a magnitude mb≲18.5mag , and a rough distinction between red and blue objects more than a magnitude deeper. Follow-up observations were performed for a number of objects, mainly faint quasar candidates.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): methods: data analysis - catalogues - surveys - X-rays: general - X-rays: galaxies

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+AS/126/509): table4 table5 table6>

Nomenclature: Table 5: [MWB97] NNN (Nos 1-574)

Simbad objects: 579

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