SIMBAD references

1997A&A...327..265P - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 327, 265-272 (1997/11-1)

A spectral analysis of HDE 269445 from optical and infrared observations.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present new, near-IR spectroscopic observations of HDE 269445, which we combine with published HST and IUE ultraviolet data and optical high resolution spectra. We discuss the spectral morphology of the star from UV to near-IR wavelengths, concentrating on profile variations in the UV and optical H and He lines. From a spectroscopic analysis with non-LTE model atmospheres, we derive for HDE 269445: T*=34000K, R*=43R, log{dot}(M)(M/yr)=-4.5 and He/H=0.4/0.6 by number. These parameters are in good agreement with those previously derived by Pasquali et al. (1997ApJ...478..340P) who used only ultraviolet and optical lines. Therefore, our analysis confirms that a combination of optical and infrared lines can be fruitfully used to determine stellar and wind properties when ultraviolet data are not available. Our model calculations only fit the broad component underneath a strong core emission. We interpret the discrepancy between the observed and the model line profiles as the effect of a non-spherical wind which has a hot, fast polar component and a cold, slow equatorial component. The time-variability detected in some H and He lines indicates that the wind geometry may be variable and the star has undergone changes in Teff and {dot}(M). These properties are similar to those observed for the galactic LBV AG Carinae by Leitherer et al. (1994ApJ...428..292L) and we may suspect that HDE 269445 is also a Luminous Blue Variable. This could explain why HDE 269445 has defied easy spectral classification, and, although originally classified as a Ofpe/WN9, it has always represented a peculiarity for this spectral type.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: atmospheres - mass-loss - early-type - Wolf-Rayet - HDE 269445 (LMC)

Simbad objects: 25

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