SIMBAD references

2000A&A...358..233D - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 358, 233-241 (2000/6-1)

ζ1 and ζ2 Reticuli and the existence of the ζ Herculis group.


Abstract (from CDS):

We report the detailed analysis of the solar type stars ζ1 and ζ2 Reticuli. We obtained accurate effective temperatures (Teff=5746±27K and 5859±27K respectively) and surface gravities (logg=4.54±0.02 and 4.46±0.01 respectively). Both stars are slightly metal deficient ([Fe/H]=-0.22±0.05) and their element abundance patterns are compatible with one another and with the Sun. The hypothesis, suggested by previous detailed analyses, that these stars could be helium rich relative to the Sun, was investigated. The stars were found to have a normal, solar helium abundance. We analysed the stars' membership of the ζ Herculis stellar kinematic group (SKG). Some probable members have nearly the same galactic orbital parameters, chemical composition and evolutionary states, which confirm the existence of a metal deficient SKG. Since we determined that ζ Herculis does not belong to this group, we propose it be renamed ζ Reticuli SKG.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: fundamental parameters - stars: abundances - stars: chemically peculiar - Galaxy: open clusters and associations: individual: ζ Herculis stellar kinematic group

Simbad objects: 10

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