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2000MNRAS.317..697E - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 317, 697-719 (2000/September-3)

A model of supernova feedback in galaxy formation.


Abstract (from CDS):

A model of supernova feedback during disc galaxy formation is developed. The model incorporates infall of cooling gas from a halo, and outflow of hot gas from a multiphase interstellar medium (ISM). The star formation rate is determined by balancing the energy dissipated in collisions between cold gas clouds with that supplied by supernovae in a disc marginally unstable to axisymmetric instabilities. Hot gas is created by thermal evaporation of cold gas clouds in supernova remnants, and criteria are derived to estimate the characteristic temperature and density of the hot component and hence the net mass outflow rate. A number of refinements of the model are investigated, including a simple model of a galactic fountain, the response of the cold component to the pressure of the hot gas, pressure-induced star formation and chemical evolution. The main conclusion of this paper is that low rates of star formation can expel a large fraction of the gas from a dwarf galaxy. For example, a galaxy with circular speed ∼50km.s–1 can expel ∼60-80per cent of its gas over a time-scale of ∼1Gyr, with a star formation rate that never exceeds ∼0.1M.yr–1. Effective feedback can therefore take place in a quiescent mode and does not require strong bursts of star formation. Even a large galaxy, such as the Milky Way, might have lost as much as 20per cent of its mass in a supernova-driven wind. The models developed here suggest that dwarf galaxies at high redshifts will have low average star formation rates and may contain extended gaseous discs of largely unprocessed gas. Such extended gaseous discs might explain the numbers, metallicities and metallicity dispersions of damped Lyman α systems.

Abstract Copyright: 2000, Royal Astronomical Society

Journal keyword(s): stars: formation - supernovae: general - supernova remnants - galaxies: formation - galaxies: ISM - galaxies: starburst

Simbad objects: 2

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