SIMBAD references

2001ApJ...547L..13T - Astrophys. J., 547, L13-L16 (2001/January-3)

LRG J0239-0134: a ring galaxy or a pair of superbubbles at z=1?


Abstract (from CDS):

The unusual morphology of LRG J0239-0134 at z=1.062 has been interpreted as a ring galaxy. Here we propose an alternative idea that the ringlike morphology is attributed to a pair of superbubbles driven by the intense starburst in the central region of this galaxy. Supporting evidence for a superbubble model is (1) the poststarburst nature in the central body suggests that a burst of supernova explosions could have occurred at least ∼107 yr ago, (2) the dark lane seen in the central body suggests that we observe this object from a nearly edge-on view, and (3) the ringlike morphology is not inconsistent with an idea that it is a pair of superbubbles. All these pieces of evidence for the superbubble model seem circumstantial. However, if this is the case, this galaxy provides an important example of the superwind activity at high redshift.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Galaxies: Evolution - Galaxies: Formation - galaxies: individual (LRG J0239-0134) - galaxies: individual (SMM J02399-0134) - Galaxies: Starburst - Stars: Formation

Nomenclature: Fig.1: [SKB99] Object A (Nos B-D) added.

Simbad objects: 9

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