SIMBAD references

2001PASP..113..473H - Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 113, 473-481 (2001/April-0)

Similarities between stunted outbursts in nova-like cataclysmic variables and outbursts in ordinary dwarf novae.


Abstract (from CDS):

Stunted outbursts have been reported in old novae and nova-like cataclysmic variables by Honeycutt, Robertson, and Turner. These 0.4-1 mag outbursts were concluded to be either mass transfer events or disk outbursts similar to dwarf nova eruptions, but seen under unusual conditions. Honeycutt, Robertson, and Turner did not have enough evidence to favor either of these possibilities. This paper uses additional long-term photometry and analysis to argue that the similarities of these stunted outbursts to dwarf nova eruptions are now so numerous that the dwarf nova outburst choice is strongly favored. The similarities discussed here include the range of outburst spacings, the coherence and stability of the outbursts, and the presence of isolated outburst/dip pairs. As part of this discussion we note the presence of unexpectedly stable clocks over 9 years for the repetition interval of dwarf nova outbursts in SY Cnc and of stunted outbursts in FY Per.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Stars: Novae, Cataclysmic Variables - stars: individual (DI Lacertae) - stars: individual (RW Trianguli) - stars: individual (SW Sextantis) - Stars: Individual: Constellation Name: BH Lyncis - stars: individual (V841 Ophiuchi) - stars: individual (GI Monocerotis) - stars: individual (CT Serpentis) - stars: individual (FY Persei) - Stars: Individual: Constellation Name: SS Cygni - Stars: Individual: Constellation Name: HX Pegasi - Stars: Individual: Constellation Name: SY Cancri - Stars: Individual: Constellation Name: RW Sextantis - Stars: Individual: Constellation Name: Q Cygni - Stars: Individual: Constellation Name: CP Lacertae - stars: individual (V825 Herculis) - Stars: Individual: Constellation Name: AH Herculis - Stars: Individual: Constellation Name: HX Pegasi - Stars: Individual: Constellation Name: Z Camelopardalis

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