SIMBAD references

2002A&A...381L..61I - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 381, L61-63 (2002/1-3)

Supersonic propeller spindown of neutron stars in wind-fed mass-exchange close binaries.


Abstract (from CDS):

The supersonic propeller spindown of a neutron star moving in a strong stellar wind of its massive companion is discussed. I show that the supersonic propeller model presented by Davies & Pringle (1981MNRAS.196..209D) is self-consistent if the strength of the stellar wind of the normal companion is {dot}(M)c≲2.2x1018(Mns/M)V8g/s. Under these conditions the model can be used for the interpretation of the long-period pulsars in Be/X-ray transients. The spin history of the neutron star in the long period Be/X-ray transient A0535+26 is considered.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): accretion - propeller spindown - stars: close binaries - stars: neutron star - stars: Be/X-ray transients

Simbad objects: 1

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