SIMBAD references

2002IAUC.7988....3F - IAU Circ., 7988, 3 (2002/October-0)

Supernovae 2001ig, 2002eg, 2002ew, 2002gc.


Abstract (from CDS):

Filippenko and Chornock add that CCD spectra, obtained as above on Oct. 8 UT, reveal that SN 2002gc (IAUC 7983) is of type Ia, but with spectral peculiarities that resemble those of SN 2002eu (IAUC 7965): the relative strengths of the Ti II/Si II 580-nm and Si II 615-nm features are similar to those of SN 1991bg, but it lacks the strong Ti II 420-nm absorption characteristic of SN 1991bg-like objects. SN 2002eg (IAUC 7944) is of type IIb, as previously reported (IAUC 7952); He I absorption lines are now easily visible. SN 2002ew (IAUC 7964) is of type II, as had been suspected, but it exhibits some spectral peculiarities, such as substantial O I 777.4-nm absorption and strong H-alpha emission (with essentially no absorption). SN 2001ig (IAUC 7772) has transformed itself into a type-Ib/c supernova in the nebular phase, as had been predicted (IAUC 7793). The [O I] and [Ca II] emission lines are very prominent, and Mg I] 457.1-nm is the strongest (relative to [O I] 630-nm) seen thus far in any supernova, exceeding even its strength in SN 2002ap (Leonard et al. 2002,

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