SIMBAD references

2003A&A...399..699R - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 399, 699-702 (2003/2-4)

A possible 38 day X-ray period of KS 1731-260.


Abstract (from CDS):

We report the detection of a 38 day period of the X-ray transient and X-ray burster KS 1731-260. The periodicity was detected during Mar.1996-Aug.1998 (∼TJD 10150-11050) when the source had a high and relatively stable X-ray flux. After Sep.-Oct. 1998 (∼TJD 11100) the source became strongly variable on a time scale of months that contaminates the search for the 38 day periodicity. The detected period can not be a binary period. A binary with Roche lobe overflow has in this case large radii of the secondary and of the accretion disk. Illumination of the disk and secondary star by the X-ray flux from the luminous neutron star and inner disk, would lead to a high infrared brightness of the binary. That clearly contradicts the infrared data even for the brightest infrared sources within CHANDRA error box of KS 1731-260. A remaining possibility is that observed periodicity is connected with the accretion disk precession, similar to that was observed for, e.g. SS 433 and Her X-1.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): accretion, accretion disks - stars: individual: KS 1731-260 - stars: binaries: general - stars: neutron - X-ray: stars

Simbad objects: 6

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