SIMBAD references

2003MNRAS.338L..19W - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 338, L19 (2003/January-1)

XMM-Newton observations of two hyperluminous IRAS galaxies: Compton-thick quasars with obscuring starbursts.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present XMM-Newton observations of two hyperluminous IRAS galaxies (LBol>1013h–250L), neither of which were previously detected by ROSAT. Published models of the infrared spectral energy distributions imply that a starburst and obscured quasar contribute equally to the power of each source.

IRAS F12514+1027 (z = 0.30) is detected in 18.6 ks with 130 EPIC-pn counts over 0.2-12 keV. The soft X-ray spectrum exhibits thermal emission from the starburst, with T ≃ 0.3 keV and L (0.5-2.0 keV) =2.1x1042erg.s–1. With its Fe K-edge, the flat continuum above 2 keV is interpreted as cold reflection from a hidden AGN of intrinsic L(2-10keV)≳1.8x1044erg.s–1. Comparison with the infrared power requires that the X-ray reflector subtend ∼2π/5 sr at the central engine. IRAS F00235+1024 (z = 0.575) is not detected by the EPIC-pn in 15.9 ks; the limits imply that the starburst is X-ray weak, and (for the AGN) that any hard X-ray reflector subtend <2π/5 sr. The direct lines of sight to the AGN in both objects are Compton-thick (NH> 1.5x1024 cm–2), and the presence of a reflection component in F12514+1027, but not in F00235+1024, suggests that the AGN in the latter object is more completely obscured. This is consistent with their Seyfert-2 and starburst optical spectra, respectively.

Abstract Copyright: RAS

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: individual: IRAS F00235+1024 - galaxies: individual: IRAS F12514+1027 - infrared: galaxies - X-rays: galaxies

Nomenclature: Fig.1: [WFC2003] IRAS F12514+1027 A (Nos A-B).

Simbad objects: 6

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