SIMBAD references

2004MNRAS.348..551G - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 348, 551-580 (2004/February-3)

Exploring the selection of galaxy clusters and groups: an optical survey for X-ray dark clusters.


Abstract (from CDS):

Data from a new, wide-field, coincident optical and X-ray survey, the X-ray Dark Cluster Survey (XDCS), are presented. This survey comprises simultaneous and independent searches for clusters of galaxies in the optical and X-ray passbands. Optical cluster detection algorithms implemented on the data are detailed. Two distinct optically selected catalogues are constructed, one based on I -band overdensity, the other on overdensities of colour-selected galaxies. The superior accuracy of the colour-selection technique over that of the single-passband method is demonstrated, via internal consistency checks and comparison with external spectroscopic redshift information. This is compared with an X-ray-selected cluster catalogue. In terms of gross numbers, the survey yields 185 I -band-selected, 290 colour-selected and 15 X-ray-selected systems, residing in ∼11 deg2 of optical + X-ray imaging.
The relationship between optical richness/luminosity and X-ray luminosity is examined, by measuring X-ray luminosities at the positions of our 290 colour-selected systems. Power-law correlations between the optical richness/luminosity and X-ray luminosity are fitted, both exhibiting approximately 0.2 dex of intrinsic scatter. Interesting outliers in these correlations are discussed in greater detail. Spectroscopic follow-up of a subsample of X-ray underluminous systems confirms their reality.

Abstract Copyright: 2004 RAS

Journal keyword(s): surveys - galaxies: clusters: general - cosmology: miscellaneous - X-rays: galaxies: clusters

Nomenclature: Tables 3, 4, 6: XDCS cmJHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS N=10+4+6, XDCS mfJHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS N=12.

Simbad objects: 47

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