
Query : 2005ApJ...628..236G

2005ApJ...628..236G - Astrophys. J., 628, 236-245 (2005/July-3)

The disruption of stellar clusters containing massive black holes near the Galactic Center.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present results from dynamical Monte Carlo simulations of dense star clusters near the Galactic center. These clusters sink toward the center of the Galaxy by dynamical friction. During their in-spiral, they may undergo core collapse and form an intermediate-mass black hole through runaway collisions. Such a cluster can then reach within a parsec of the Galactic center before it completely disrupts, releasing many young stars in this region. This scenario provides a natural explanation for the presence of the young stars observed near the Galactic center. Here we determine the initial conditions for this scenario to work, and we derive the mass distribution of cluster stars as a function of distance from the Galactic center. For reasonable initial conditions, we find that clusters massive enough for rapid in-spiral would include a larger number of massive stars (m*≳30M) than currently observed in the in-spiral region. We point out several possible explanations for this apparent discrepancy.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Black Hole Physics - Galaxies: Star Clusters - Galaxy: Center - Methods: {em n}-Body Simulations - Stellar Dynamics

Simbad objects: 6

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Number of rows : 6
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NAME Galactic Center reg 17 45 39.60213 -29 00 22.0000           ~ 14518 0
2 GCIRS 13E Cl* 17 45 39.73 -29 00 29.7           WN9 118 0
3 GCIRS 13 Em* 17 45 39.76 -29 00 29.8           ~ 138 0
4 GCIRS 16 Cl* 17 45 40.0 -29 00 28           ~ 365 0
5 NAME Sgr A* X 17 45 40.03599 -29 00 28.1699           ~ 4412 3
6 NAME Arches Cluster Cl* 17 45 50.5 -28 49 28           ~ 741 0

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