SIMBAD references

2005BaltA..14..432I - Baltic Astronomy, 14, 432-435 (2005/October-0)

A measurement of the galactic rotation in the 4th quadrant.


Abstract (from CDS):

Using the VLA and the VLBA we have observed water maser emission in the proto-planetary nebula candidate IRAS 19134+2131, in which the water maser spectrum has double radial-velocity peaks separated by ∼100 km.s–1. The main purpose of this study is to reveal the 3-D kinematics of the masers in detail, which indicates a fast (∼110 km.s–1) bipolar flow seen only during ≤100 years at the proto-planetary forming stage. At the same time, we have measured the Galactic rotation of IRAS 19134+2131and its distance on the basis of differential VLBI technique to precisely measure relative positions of the maser features with respect to the nearby extragalactic reference source J1925+2106. We obtain a secular motion of IRAS 19134+2131of µl= -4.6±0.7 mas yr–1 along the Galactic plane toward the Galactic center. This indicates a ``far distance" (≥16 kpc) for IRAS 19134+2131, located in the fourth quadrant in the Galaxy, if the Galactic rotation curve remains flat at 220 km.s–1.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): masers - stars: AGB and post-AGB, distances, winds and outflows - stars: individual (IRAS 19134+2131) - Galaxy: kinematics

Simbad objects: 1

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