SIMBAD references

2006A&A...456.1045B - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 456, 1045-1068 (2006/9-4)

Modeling of PMS Ae/Fe stars using UV spectra.


Abstract (from CDS):

Spectral classification of HAeFe stars, based on visual observations, may lead to ambiguous conclusions. We aim to reduce these ambiguities by using UV spectra for the classification of these stars, because the rise of the continuum in the UV is highly sensitive to the stellar spectral type of A/F-type stars. We analyse the low-resolution UV spectra in terms of a 3-component model, that consists of spectra of a central star, of an optically-thick accretion disc, and of a boundary-layer between the disc and star. The disc-component was calculated as a juxtaposition of Planck spectra, while the 2 other components were simulated by the low-resolution UV spectra of well-classified standard stars (taken from the IUE spectral atlases). The hot boundary-layer shows strong similarities to the spectra of late-B type supergiants (see Appendix A). We modeled the low-resolution UV spectra of 37 HAeFe stars. Each spectral match provides 8 model parameters: spectral type and luminosity-class of photosphere and boundary-layer, temperature and width of the boundary-layer, disc-inclination and circumstellar extinction. From the results of these analyses, combined with available theoretical PMS evolutionary tracks, we could estimate their masses and ages and derive their mass-accretion rates. For a number of analysed PMS stars we calculated the corresponding SEDs and compared these with the observed SEDs. All stars (except BPC) show indications of accretion, that affect the resulting spectral type of the stellar photosphere. Formerly this led to ambiguities in classificaton of PMS stars as the boundary-layer was not taken into consideration. We give evidence for an increase of the mass-accretion rate with stellar mass and for a decreases of this rate with stellar age.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: pre-main sequence - accretion, accretion disks

CDS comments: Appendix C Associations Ori T4,Tau T4 and Aur T1 not in Simbad.

Simbad objects: 157

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