SIMBAD references

2008ApJ...685L..47L - Astrophys. J., 685, L47-L50 (2008/September-3)

``Slow'' and fast rotators among hypervelocity stars.


Abstract (from CDS):

We measure the projected rotational velocities of the late B-type hypervelocity stars HVS 7 and HVS 8 from high-resolution spectroscopy to be 60±17 km/s and 260±70 km/s. The ``slow'' rotation of HVS 7 is in principle consistent with having originated in a binary system, assuming a high inclination angle of the stellar rotation axis. However, the fast rotation of HVS 8 is more typical of single B-type stars. HVS 8 could have therefore been ejected by a mechanism other than that proposed by Hills. We also estimate the effective temperatures and surface gravities for HVS 7 and HVS 8 and obtain an additional measurement of their radial velocities. We find evidence in support of a blue horizontal branch nature for HVS 7 and a main-sequence nature for HVS 8.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Galaxy: Center - Galaxy: Halo - Galaxy: Stellar Content - Stars: Early-Type - Stars: Fundamental Parameters - Stars: Rotation

Simbad objects: 7

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