SIMBAD references

2014A&A...565A..83K - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 565A, 83-83 (2014/5-1)

Magnetic field topology of the unique chemically peculiar star CU Virginis.


Abstract (from CDS):

The late-B, magnetic, chemically peculiar star CUVir is one of the fastest rotators among the intermediate-mass stars with strong fossil magnetic fields. It shows a prominent rotational modulation of the spectral energy distribution and absorption line profiles due to chemical spots and exhibits a unique, strongly beamed variable radio emission. Little is known about the magnetic field topology of CUVir. In this study, we aim to derive detailed maps of the magnetic field distribution over the surface of this star for the first time. We use high-resolution spectropolarimetric observations covering the entire rotational period. These data are interpreted using a multi-line technique of least-squares deconvolution (LSD) and a new Zeeman Doppler imaging code, which is based on detailed polarised radiative transfer modelling of the Stokes I and V LSD profiles. This new magnetic inversion approach relies on the spectrum synthesis calculations over the full wavelength range that is covered by observations and does not assume that the LSD profiles behave as a single spectral line with mean parameters. We present magnetic and chemical abundance maps derived from the Si and Fe lines. Mean polarisation profiles of both elements reveal a significant departure of CU Vir's magnetic field topology from the commonly assumed axisymmetric dipolar configuration. The field of CUVir is dipolar-like but clearly non-axisymmetric, showing a large difference in the field strength between the regions of opposite polarity. The main relative abundance depletion features in both Si and Fe maps coincide with the weak-field region in the magnetic map. The detailed information on the distorted dipolar magnetic field topology of CUVir provided by our study is essential for understanding chemical spot formation, radio emission, and rotational period variation of this star.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: atmospheres - stars: chemically peculiar - stars: magnetic field - starspots - stars: individual: CU Virginis

Simbad objects: 1

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