SIMBAD references

2014AJ....147...72L - Astron. J., 147, 72 (2014/April-0)

SMA submillimeter observations of HL Tau: revealing a compact molecular outflow.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present archival high angular resolution (∼2'') 12CO(3-2) line and continuum submillimeter observations of the young stellar object HL Tau made with the Submillimeter Array. The 12CO(3-2) line observations reveal the presence of a compact and wide opening angle bipolar outflow with a northeast to southwest orientation (P.A. = 50°) that is associated with the optical and infrared jet emanating from HL Tau with a similar orientation. On the other hand, the 850 µm continuum emission observations exhibit a strong and compact source in the position of HL Tau that has a spatial size of ∼200x70 AU with a P.A. = 145° and a dust mass of around 0.1 M. These physical parameters are in agreement with values obtained recently from millimeter observations. This submillimeter source is therefore related to the disk surrounding HL Tau.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): ISM: jets and outflows - stars: mass-loss - stars: pre-main sequence

Simbad objects: 8

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