SIMBAD references

2014ApJ...785L..18S - Astrophys. J., 785, L18 (2014/April-2)

Diffuse extraplanar dust in NGC 891.

SEON K.-I., WITT A.N., SHINN J.-H. and KIM I.-J.

Abstract (from CDS):

We report the detection of vertically extended far-ultraviolet and near-UV emissions in an edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 891, which we interpret as being due to dust-scattered starlight. Three-dimensional radiative transfer models are used to investigate the content of the extraplanar dust that is required to explain the UV emission. The UV halos are well reproduced by a radiative transfer model with two exponential dust disks, one with a scale height of ~0.2-0.25 kpc and the other with a scale height of ~1.2-2.0 kpc. The central face-on optical depth of the geometrically thick disk is found to be τBthick ≈ 0.3 - 0.5 at the B band. The results indicate that the dust mass at|z| > 2 kpc is ~3%-5% of the total dust mass, which is in good accordance with the recent Herschel submillimeter observation. Our results, together with the recent discovery of the UV halos in other edge-on galaxies, suggest the widespread existence of a geometrically thick dust layer above the galactic plane in spirals.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): dust, extinction - galaxies: halos - radiative transfer - ultraviolet: galaxies

Simbad objects: 1

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