SIMBAD references

2015A&A...578A.129J - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 578A, 129-129 (2015/6-1)

The coronal temperatures of low-mass main-sequence stars.


Abstract (from CDS):

We study the X-ray emission of low-mass main-sequence stars to derive a reliable general scaling law between coronal temperature and the level of X-ray activity. We collect ROSAT measurements of hardness ratios and X-ray luminosities for a large sample of stars to derive which stellar X-ray emission parameter is most closely correlated with coronal temperature. We calculate average coronal temperatures for a sample of 24 low-mass main-sequence stars with measured emission measure distributions (EMDs) collected from the literature. These EMDs are based on high-resolution X-ray spectra measured by XMM-Newton and Chandra. We confirm that there is one universal scaling relation between coronal average temperature and surface X-ray flux, FX, that applies to all low-mass main-sequence stars. We find that coronal temperature is related to FX by Tcor=0.11FX0.26, where Tcor is in MK and FX is in erg/s/cm2.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Sun: corona - Sun: X-rays, gamma rays - stars: activity - stars: coronae - stars: low-mass - X-rays: stars

Simbad objects: 23

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