SIMBAD references

2016ApJ...816...81W - Astrophys. J., 816, 81 (2016/January-2)

Sensitive 21cm observations of neutral hydrogen in the local group near M31.


Abstract (from CDS):

Very sensitive 21 cm H i measurements have been made at several locations around the Local Group galaxy M31 using the Green Bank Telescope at an angular resolution of 9.'1, with a 5σ detection level of N_ H i_= 3.9x1017/cm2 for a 30 km/s line. Most of the H i in a 12 square-degree area almost equidistant between M31 and M33 is contained in nine discrete clouds that have a typical size of a few kpc and a H i mass of 105M. Their velocities in the Local Group Standard of Rest lie between -100 and +40 km/s, comparable to the systemic velocities of M31 and M33. The clouds appear to be isolated kinematically and spatially from each other. The total H i mass of all nine clouds is 1.4x106Mfor an adopted distance of 800 kpc, with perhaps another 0.2x106Min smaller clouds or more diffuse emission. The H i mass of each cloud is typically three orders of magnitude less than the dynamical (virial) mass needed to bind the cloud gravitationally. Although they have the size and H i mass of dwarf galaxies, the clouds are unlikely to be part of the satellite system of the Local Group, as they lack stars. To the north of M31, sensitive H i measurements on a coarse grid find emission that may be associated with an extension of the M31 high-velocity cloud (HVC) population to projected distances of ∼100 kpc. An extension of the M31 HVC population at a similar distance to the southeast, toward M33, is not observed.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: halos - galaxies: ISM - intergalactic medium - Local Group

Nomenclature: Tables 1-2: [WLP2016] Na (Nos 1-3, 3a-3b, 4-9).

Simbad objects: 24

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