SIMBAD references

2017ApJ...835..247L - Astrophys. J., 835, 247-247 (2017/February-1)

Phase-transition theory of Kerr black holes in the electromagnetic field.

LIAO Y., GONG X.-B. and WU J.-S.

Abstract (from CDS):

For a Kerr black hole (KBH) with spin J and mass M in a steady electromagnetic field, a special Wald vacuum solution (WVS) has been found in the case of the no-source uniform field. For WVS, the Meissner effect (ME) occurs only in the the extreme KBH, where M2/J = 1, in this case, the magnetic field is totally excluded from the event horizon (EH) of KBH. However, WVS does not consider the Hawking radiation (HR) but treats KBH as an absolutely black body. If HR is added , researchers believe that the condition is not so restricted and it is possible for ME to occur in the less-extreme case. How less is the "less-extreme case"? This paper tries to answer this question. Since the Hawking temperature TH of KBH defined by HR is proportional to the surface gravity κ at the EH, this question is actually about the so-called existence/non-existence of ME (ME/NME) or superconducting phase transition. In this paper, we study the connection between the superconductivity of KBH-EH and the existence of Weyl fermion. Using thermodynamic formulas and the KBH state equation, we prove that the inherent-parameter condition for ME to occur is M2/J εc=1.5 in force-free fields whether it be in the simple axisymmetric vacuum zero source case or in the non-zero source case, which can be described by the nonlinear Grad-Shafranov equation. We suggest that this is a second-order phase transition and calculate the critical exponents δ = 1 and η = 1/2 for the specific heat diverging at constant J.

Abstract Copyright: © 2017. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.

Journal keyword(s): astroparticle physics - black hole physics - black hole physics

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