C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.06.07CEST06:01:04 2019ApJ...882..138D2019ApJ...882..138D -------------------------------------- 2019ApJ...882..138D 10.3847/1538-4357/ab30fe Astrophys. J., 882, 138-138 (2019/September-2) The ALMA spectroscopic survey in the HUDF: CO luminosity functions and the molecular gas content of galaxies through cosmic history. DECARLI R., WALTER F., GONZALEZ-LOPEZ J., ARAVENA M., BOOGAARD L., CARILLI C., COX P., DADDI E., POPPING G., RIECHERS D., UZGIL B., WEISS A., ASSEF R.J., BACON R., BAUER F.E., BERTOLDI F., BOUWENS R., CONTINI T., CORTES P.C., DA CUNHA E., DIAZ-SANTOS T., ELBAZ D., INAMI H., HODGE J., IVISON R., LE FEVRE O., MAGNELLI B., NOVAK M., OESCH P., RIX H.-W., SARGENT M.T., SMAIL I., SWINBANK A.M., SOMERVILLE R.S., VAN DER WERF P., WAGG J. and WISOTZKI L. -Status: All or part of tables of objects could be ingested in SIMBAD with priority 2. -Files: (abstract) -Notes: -Simbad objects: 3 Number of objects : 3 #| obj tags |obj count| raw id | identifier |typ| coord1 (ICRS,J2000/2000) | Mag U | Mag B | Mag V | Mag R |Mag I | spec. type |#bib|#not -|----------|---------|---------------------------------|-----------------------------------|---|-----------------------------------|---------|---------|---------|---------|------|---------------|----|---- 1|tacx | 17|HUDF;Hubble Ultra Deep Field |NAME Hubble Ultra Deep Field |reg|03 32 39.0 -27 47 29 | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~|~ |1681| 0 2|x* | 1|J0334-4008 |QSO B0332-403 |BLL|03 34 13.65448823 -40 08 25.3979928|18.54 |18.35 |17.87 |17.5 | ~|~ | 327| 1 3|cx | 6|HDF-N;HDF;Hubble Deep Field North|NAME Hubble Deep Field |reg|12 36 49.5 +62 12 58 | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~|~ |1928| 1 ================================================================================