C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.05.27CEST15:24:15 1997ApJ...479..918S1997ApJ...479..918S -------------------------------------- 1997ApJ...479..918S 10.1086/303897 Astrophys. J., 479, 918-925 (1997/April-3) Superwind models for the dust shells around OH/IR stars. SUH K. and JONES T.J. -Simbad objects: 4 Number of objects : 4 #| obj tags |obj count|raw id| identifier |typ| coord1 (ICRS,J2000/2000) |Mag U |Mag B |Mag V |Mag R |Mag I | spec. type |#bib|#not -|----------|---------|------|-----------------------------------|---|---------------------------------------|------|------|------|------|------|---------------|----|---- 1| | 0|(null)|IRC +50137 |OH*|05 11 19.4506093584 +52 52 33.235824324| ~| ~| ~| ~| ~|M10 | 174| 0 2| | 0|(null)|OH 021.5+00.5 |OH*|18 28 30.93720 -09 58 14.3184 | ~| ~| ~| ~| ~|O-rich | 93| 0 3| | 0|(null)|OH 026.5+00.6 |OH*|18 37 32.50920 -05 23 59.1936 | ~| ~| ~| ~| ~|O-rich | 301| 1 4| | 0|(null)|OH 032.8-00.3 |OH*|18 52 22.25472 -00 14 11.8428 | ~| ~| ~| ~| ~|O-rich | 123| 0 ================================================================================