
Query : 1999ApJ...519L..77M

1999ApJ...519L..77M - Astrophys. J., 519, L77-L80 (1999/July-1)

Bumpy spin-down of anomalous X-ray pulsars: the link with magnetars.


Abstract (from CDS):

The two anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) with well-sampled timing histories, 1E 1048.1-5937 and 1E 2259+586, are known to spin down irregularly, with ``bumps'' superposed on an overall linear trend. Here we show that if AXPs are nonaccreting magnetars, i.e., isolated neutron stars with surface magnetic fields B0≳1010 T, then they spin down electromagnetically in exactly the manner observed, because of an effect called ``radiative precession.'' Internal hydromagnetic stresses deform the star, creating a fractional difference ε=(I3-I1)/I1∼10–8 between the principal moments of inertia I1 and I3; the resulting Eulerian precession couples to an oscillating component of the electromagnetic torque associated with the near-zone radiation fields, and the star executes an anharmonic wobble with period τpr∼2π/εΩ(t)∼10 yr, where Ω(t) is the rotation frequency as a function of time t. We solve Euler's equations for a biaxial magnet rotating in vacuo, show that the computed Ω(t) matches the measured timing histories of 1E 1048.1-5937 and 1E 2259+586, predict Ω(t) for the next 20 years for both objects, predict a statistical relation between <dΩ/dt> and τpr, to be tested as the population of known AXPs grows, and hypothesize that radiative precession will be observed in future X-ray timing of soft gamma-ray repeaters.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Stars: Pulsars: Individual: Alphanumeric: 1E 1048.1-5937 - Stars: Pulsars: Individual: Alphanumeric: 1E 2259+586 - Stars: Neutron - Stars: Rotation - X-Rays: Stars

Simbad objects: 3

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Number of rows : 3
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 2E 2336 HXB 10 50 08.93 -59 53 19.9           Be 408 0
2 PSR J1915+1606 Psr 19 15 27.99999 +16 06 27.4034     22.5     ~ 995 1
3 2E 4673 HXB 23 01 08.14 +58 52 44.5           ~ 638 1

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