C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.05.20CEST04:00:10 Reference query: 2011PASJ...63S.963M (1 found) ---------------------------------------------- 2011PASJ...63S.963M 10.1093/pasj/63.sp3.S963 Publ. Astron. Soc. Jap., 63, 963-977 (2011) Suzaku and XMM-Newton observations of the Fornax Cluster: temperature and metallicity distribution. MURAKAMI H., KOMIYAMA M., MATSUSHITA K., NAGINO R., SATO K., KAWAHARADA M., NAKAZAWA K., OHASHI T. and TAKEI Y. -Simbad objects: 17