C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.05.24CEST23:12:40 Reference query: 2015ApJ...802...66M (1 found) ---------------------------------------------- 2015ApJ...802...66M 10.1088/0004-637X/802/1/66 Astrophys. J., 802, 66 (2015/March-3) Characterizing the star formation of the low-mass shield galaxies from Hubble Space Telescope imaging. McQUINN K.B.W., CANNON J.M., DOLPHIN A.E., SKILLMAN E.D., HAYNES M.P., SIMONES J.E., SALZER J.J., ADAMS E.A.K., ELSON E.C., GIOVANELLI R. and OTT J. -Files: (abstract) -Simbad objects: 22