
Query : 2015ApJ...804...54E

2015ApJ...804...54E - Astrophys. J., 804, 54 (2015/May-1)

On the functional form of the universal star-formation law.


Abstract (from CDS):

We study the functional form of the star-formation law using the Vaschy-Buckingham Pi theorem. We find that it should have the form {dot}Σ* ∝ sqrt(G/L)Σgas3/2, where L is a characteristic length that is related to an integration scale. With a reasonable estimate for L, we find that galaxies of different types and redshifts, including low-surface-brightness galaxies and individual star-forming regions in our Galaxy, obey this single star-formation law. We also find that, depending on the assumption for L, this star-formation law adopts different formulations of {dot}Σ* scaling that are widely studied in the literature: Σgas3/2, Σgas/torb, Σgas/tff and Σgas2turb. We also study secondary controlling parameters of the star-formation law based on the current evidence from numerical simulations, and we find that for galaxies the star-formation efficiency should be controlled, at least, by the turbulent Toomre parameter and the sonic and Alfvénic Mach numbers.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: formation - stars: formation - stars: general

Simbad objects: 2

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Number of rows : 2
N Identifier Otype ICRS (2000)
ICRS (2000)
Proper motions Parallaxes Redshift Rad. vel. cz Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type Morph. type Angular size #ref
1983 - 2024
1 2MASS J10395248+2050493 LINER 10 39 52.4820927048 +20 50 49.375560660 0.04604 13485 13802.4   14.20       ~ Scd 0.480 0.336 75 96
2 2MASX J12365934+1419494 LowSurfBrghtG 12 36 59.3463193464 +14 19 49.164305988 0.08278 23793 24816.8   17.80       ~ S 0.147 0.147 90 204

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