C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.05.20CEST06:04:20 2002ApJ...574..293M2002ApJ...574..293M -------------------------------------- 2002ApJ...574..293M 10.1086/340928 Astrophys. J., 574, 293-305 (2002/July-3) Detailed spectroscopic analysis of SN 1987A: the distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud using the spectral-fitting expanding atmosphere method. MITCHELL R.C., BARON E., BRANCH D., HAUSCHILDT P.H., NUGENT P.E., LUNDQVIST P., BLINNIKOV S. and PUN C.S.J. -Files: (abstract) -Simbad objects: 3 Number of objects : 3 #| obj tags |obj count| raw id | identifier |typ| coord1 (ICRS,J2000/2000) |Mag U | Mag B | Mag V |Mag R |Mag I | spec. type |#bib |#not -|----------|---------|----------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------|---|---------------------------|------|---------|---------|------|------|---------------|-----|---- 1| | 0|(null) |SN 1999em |SN*|04 41 27.04 -02 51 45.2 | ~|13.79 |13.7 | ~| ~|SNIIP | 676 | 1 2|t | 0|Large Magellanic Cloud,;Large Magellanic Cloud|NAME LMC |G |05 23 34.6 -69 45 22 | ~| ~ |0.4 | ~| ~|~ |17478| 0 3|tk | 0|SN 1987A;SN 1987A, |SN 1987A |SN*|05 35 28.020 -69 16 11.07 | ~| ~ | ~ | ~| ~|SNIIpec |4945 | 2 ================================================================================