* tet01 Ori C , the SIMBAD biblio

* tet01 Ori C , the SIMBAD biblio (1413 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.02CEST13:07:41

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Title First 3 Authors
1894AstAp..13..384C 8 0 Spectra of the great nebula in Orion and other well-known nebulae. CAMPBELL W.W.
1897ApJ.....6..322H 7 0 Spectroscopic notes. HUGGINS W. and HUGGINS M.L.
1926ApJ....64....1F 367 54 Radial velocities of 368 helium stars. FROST E.B., BARRETT S.B. and STRUVE O.
1935POLyo...1...12B 13       D               660 11 La nebuleuse d'Orion et ses etoiles variables. BRUN A.
1950ApJ...111..434R 173 5 Spectroscopic distance moduli for 224 O and B stars. RAMSEY J.
1950ApJ...112..266M 1 10 94 A spectrographic study of HD 193576. MUNCH G.
1950AnAp...13..147S 146 35 Equivalent widths of interstellar Ca lines. SPITZER L.Jr, EPSTEIN I. and HEN L.
1951AJ.....56...40H 4 1 Some polarization measurements in the Pleiades and Orion regions. HALL J.S.
1951ApJ...113..100D 409 56 Intensities of the interstellar band at lambda 4430. DUKE D.
1952ApJ...116..251S 221 209 A study of the Orion aggregate of early-type stars. SHARPLESS S.
1952ApJ...116..452W 5 0 The relative populations of the HeI 2(1)S and 2(3)S stars in the Orion nebula. WELLMANN P.
1952AnAp...15..113B 186 3 Sur la determination de la grandeur de la discontinuite de Balmer par les methodes de la photometrie a travers des filtres. BARBIER D.
1952AnAp...15..201C 240 154 Recherches sur les spectres continus stellaires. V. Etude du spectre continu de 150 etoiles entre 3150 et 4600 A. CHALONGE D. and DIVAN L.
1953ApJ...118...92M 193 118 Some characteristics of color systems. MORGAN W.W., HARRIS D.L. and JOHNSON H.L.
1953ApJ...118..370J 71 46 Spectrographic observations of galactic emission regions and nebulae. JOHNSON H.M.
1953GCRV..C......0W viz 13       D               1 15130 835 General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities WILSON R.E.
1954ApJ...119..625B 1 8 77 The space motions of AE Aur and mu Col with respect to the Orion nebula. BLAAUW A. and MORGAN W.W.
1954TrSht..25....1P viz 2988 88 Catalogue of stars in the area of the Orion Nebula. PARENAGO P.P.
1955ApJS....2...41M 1279 406 Studies in galactic structure. II. Luminosity classification for 1270 blue giants stars. MORGAN W.W., CODE A.D. and WHITFORD A.E.
1955ZA.....38..110M 114 8 Dreifarben-Photometrie des offenen Sternhaufens NGC 654 und einer benachbarten Sterngruppe. MULLER E.A.
1956AJ.....61...90M 626 5 Proper motions of 650 bright B-type stars. MORGAN H.R.
1956ApJ...123..267J 165 131 Observational confirmation of a theory of stellar evolution. JOHNSON H.L. and HILTNER W.A.
1956ApJ...123..440S 412 76 Six-color photometry of stars. VIII. The colors of 409 stars of different spectral types. STEBBINS J. and KRON G.E.
1956ApJ...124..173S 154 111 Line broadening in the spectra of O and early B-type stars. SLETTEBAK A.
1957ApJ...125..328M 8 36 The ratio of Helium to Hydrogen in the Orion Nebula. MATHIS J.S.
1958ApJ...128...14S 235 105 Stellar motions in the Orion Nebula cluster. STRAND K.A.
1959ApJS....4..199W 36 134 Internal kinematics of the Orion Nebula. WILSON O.C., MUNCH G., FLATHER E.M., et al.
1959ApJS....4..257S viz 341 890 A catalogue of HII regions. SHARPLESS S.
1959JO.....42...94D 88 1 Coordonnees moyennes de 86 etoiles O et B determinees a l'Observatoire de Paris et reduites sans mouvement propre a l'equinoxe 1950.0 Coordonnees normales et mouvements propres de 85 etoiles O et B. DELHAYE J.
1960BAN....15..255B 328 33 Seven-colour photometry of O, B and A stars. BORGMAN J.
1960PASJ...12..203M 59 4 On the radio emission from HII clouds. MORIYAMA F.
1962BAN....16...99B 10 22 A study of the wavelength dependence of interstellar extinction. BORGMAN J.
1962MmSAI..33..159B 93 6 A two dimensional classification for stars of class O. BOTTO P. and HACK M.
1962ZA.....56..257B 39 0 Die raumliche Verteilung von 55 H II-Regionen in der Milchtrasse. BECKER W. and FENKART R.
1963ApJ...138..118S 120 90 The spectra and axial rotational velocities of the components of 116 visual double-star systems. SLETTEBAK A.
1963MNRAS.125..141W 555 33 Photoelectric measures of the 4430 A diffuse interstellar band. WALKER G.A.H.
1963BAN....17..115J 87 132 The law of interstellar extinction. JOHNSON H.L. and BORGMAN J.
1963MmSAI..34....3H 74 7 Absolute magnitudes of O type stars. HACK M.
1964ApJ...139..240S 59 29 On the interstellar lambda 4430 line. STOECKLY R. and DRESSLER K.
1964ApJ...140..873H 51 14 The abundance of magnesium in the atmospheres of O and B stars. HENRY C.R. and MIHALAS D.
1964ApJ...140.1613W 7 8 The ratio of total-to-selective absorption for the Orion nebula. WALKER G.A.H.
1964BAN....17..358B 368 80 Luminosities and photometric distances of early-type stars. BORGMAN J. and BLAAUW A.
1964Obs....84...35U 3 6 nterstellar extinction. UNDERHILL A.B.
1965ApJ...141..923J 100 473 Interstellar extinction in the Galaxy. JOHNSON H.L.
1965ApJ...142..964J 45 48 The spectra and radial velocities of stars in the Orion nebula cluster. JOHNSON H.M.
1965JO.....48...45M 779 0 Troisieme catalogue de l'Observatoire de Besancon comprenant 764 etoiles a 1950.0 sans mouvement propre et 326 etoiles du FK3 pour l'epoque moyenne d'observation. MAITRE V.
1966ApJ...144..921W 89 168 Scanner observations of lambda 4430. WAMPLER E.J.
1966PASP...78..163B 4 8 Interstellar Helium at 1.0830 micron in the Orion Nebula. BOYCE P.B. and FORD W.K.
1966ZA.....64..268D 353 4 Zur Expansion der Assoziation Cep III. DE VEGT C.
1967AJ.....72..305K 9 3 Central star temperatures of planetary nebulae by Stoy's method. KALER J.B.
1968ApJ...151..269C 18 83 Far ultraviolet spectroscopy and photometry of some early-type stars. CARRUTHERS G.R.
1968ApJ...152..203H 3 4 86 Model atmospheres for O5 V and B0 V stars with line blanketing. HICKOK F.R. and MORTON D.C.
1968ApJ...152..913L 194 192 Interstellar extinction in the Orion association. LEE T.A.
1968ApJ...153..743G 77 76 Interstellar reddening for H II regions and Lyman visual colors of their exciting stars. GEBEL W.L.
1968ApJ...154..661M 15 48 Rocket observations of orion stars with an all-reflective ultraviolet spectrograph. MORTON D.C., JENKINS E.B. and BOHLIN R.C.
1968ApJS...17..371L viz 481 539 The kinematics of the Gould belt: an expanding group ? LESH J.R.
1968BAN....20...47V 27 24 Statistical properties of early-type double and multiple stars. VAN ALBADA T.S.
1968CoAsi.202....1B 78 0 On the spectrum-color discrepancy of some late B stars in Orion. BERNACCA P.L.
1969AJ.....74.1061W 12 19 Interstellar extinction anomalies and the diffuse interstellar bands. WALKER G.A.H., HUTCHINGS J.B. and YOUNGER P.F.
1969ApJ...155..447W 299 165 Studies of extremely young clusters. V. Stars in the vicinity of the Orion nebula. WALKER M.F.
1969ApJ...157L.113C 12 16 On the far-ultraviolet interstellar extinction law in the Orion nebula region. CARRUTHERS G.R.
1969ApJ...158..629M 101 179 The effective temperatures of the O stars. MORTON D.C.
1969MNRAS.146..423P 43 120 On HII regions and pulsar distances. PRENTICE A.J.R. and TER HAAR D.
1969PASP...81..771H 7 23 BM Orionis, the eclipsing binary in the Trapezium. HALL D.S. and GARRISON L.M.
1970A&A.....4..443C 5 17 Equivalent widths and optimum regions of space for the detection of interstellar H2. CARTWRIGHT D.C. and DRAPATZ S.
1970AJ.....75..347F 3 5 H alpha photography of the Orion Nebula with a half-angstrom filter. FISHER R.R. and WILLIAMSON R.A.
1970AJ.....75.1095A 29 18 Rotational velocities in the Orion Nebula cluster. ABT H.A.
1970ApJ...160..507A 33 29 The interstellar extinction of stars in HII regions. ANDERSON C.M.
1971A&A....12...76D 5 11 Interstellar reddening law and spectral classification. DIVAN L.
1971A&A....13...46R 5 5 On the structure of interstellar matter II. ROHLFS K.
1971A&A....15...77H 36 17 Observations of O and Of stars. HEAP S.R.
1971ApJ...166..543W 205 17 Far-ultraviolet interstellar absorption in Orion and Monoceros. WEBER S.V., HENRY R.C. and CARRUTHERS G.R.
1971ApJ...170..325C 128 513 Spectroscopic studies of O-type stars. I. Classification and absolute magnitudes. CONTI P.S. and ALSCHULER W.R.
1971MNRAS.154..255N 6 13 Dust in the Orion nebula. NANDY K. and WICKRAMASINGHE N.C.
1971PZ.....18..131S 13 2 On the polarization of some variable stars in Orion Nebula. SHEVCHENKO V.S. and KARDOPOLOV V.I.
1972A&A....19..398P 6 21 On the lambda 4686 He II intensity in H II regions and the cosmic ray flux. PEIMBERT M. and GOLDSMITH D.W.
1972ApJ...172..491S 70 218 A survey of local interstellar hydrogen from OAO-2 observations of Lyman alpha absorption. SAVAGE B.D. and JENKINS E.B.
1972ApJ...174L..79C 69 T                   1 4 58 On the accretion of material by
theta Orionis C.
1972ApJ...177..115M 20 104 Analyses of light-ion spectra in stellar atmospheres. I. Magnesium II in B and O stars. MIHALAS D.
1973A&A....25..371K 7 8 Infrared 10 mu emission from condensation nuclei of interstellar grains. KAMIJO F. and DE JONG T.
1973A&AS...12..277G 545 35 A new general O type stars catalogue. GOY G.
1973AJ.....78..471L 248 12 A list of additionnal variable stars in the two-micron Sky survey. LOCKWOOD G.W. and ZINTER T.A.
1973ApJ...179..161C 126 152 Spectroscopic studies of O-type stars. II. Comparison with non-LTE models. CONTI P.S.
1973ApJ...179..181C 1 24 198 Spectroscopic studies of O-type stars. III. The effective temperature scale. CONTI P.S.
1973ApJ...180..801F 6 11 Kinematics of the Huyghenian region of the Orion nebula. FISCHEL D. and FEIBELMAN W.A.
1973ApJ...180..809N 30 66 Dust emission nebulae around Orion O and B stars. NEY E.P., STRECKER D.W. and GEHRZ R.D.
1973ApJ...182..497J 20 19 Infrared nebular luminosity versus stellar luminosity in five H II regions. JOHNSON H.M.
1973ApJ...183..505P 54 51 Multicolor observations of stars in the vicinity of the Orion Nebula. PENSTON M.V.
1973PASP...85..479S 1 8 72 Spectrophotometry of the Orion Nebula. SIMPSON J.P.
1973SAOSR.350....1D viz 13       D               4539 ~ Celescope catalogue of ultraviolet magnitudes. DAVIS R.J., DEUTSCHMAN W.A. and HARAMUNDANIS K.L.
1974RMxAA...1..101A 74 28 The kinematics of Trapezium systems. ALLEN C., POVESA A. and WORLEY C.E.
1974RMxAA...1..211C viz 675 269 A catalogue of galactic O stars. The ionization of the low density interstellar medium by runaway stars. CRUZ-GONZALEZ C., RECILLAS-CRUZ E., COSTERO R., et al.
1975A&A....38..467C 73 90 The masses of O stars implied by their luminosities and temperatures. CONTI P.S. and BURNICHON M.L.
1975A&A....43..133S 42 174 Interstellar reddening and IR-excess of O and B stars. SCHULTZ G.V. and WIEMER W.
1975A&AS...21...51T 94 7 Photographic measurements of double stars. THE P.S.
1975ApJ...199...92S 80 150 Ultraviolet photometry from the orbiting astronomical observatory. XX. The ultraviolet extinction bump. SAVAGE B.D.
1975Ap&SS..36...79G 7 13 A classification of the available astrophysical data of particular H2 regions. GOUDIS C.
1976A&AS...25...65V 44 16 Line identifications in the near-ultraviolet for nine bright stars. VAN DER HUCHT K.A., LAMERS H.J.G.L.M., FARAGGIANA R., et al.
1976ApJ...204..789B 198 41 A polarization survey of stars near the Orion nebula. BREGER M.
1976ApJS...32..429S 1 47 438 Copernicus ultraviolet observations of mass-loss effects in O and B stars. SNOW T.P. and MORTON D.C.
1976PASP...88..712L 28 42 Spectral types in the Orion nebula cluster. LEVATO H. and ABT H.A.
1976RMxAA...2...13B 72 4 Spectral classification of early-type stars. Calibration using a TV-vidicon multichannel system. BISIACCHI G.F., FIRMANI C., ORTEGA R., et al.
1977A&A....58..201D 195 26 Correlations of the band at 2175 angstroms with other interstellar features. DORSCHNER J., FRIEDEMANN C. and GURTLER J.
1977ApJ...216..291S 1 110 793 A survey of interstellar molecular hydrogen. I. SAVAGE B.D., BOHLIN R.C., DRAKE J.F., et al.
1977ApJ...216..713K 16 3 251 On the molecular hydrogen emission at the Orion Nebula. KWAN J.H., GATLEY I., MERRILL K.M., et al.
1977ApJS...33..269S viz 60 116 A catalog of 0.2 angstroms resolution far-ultraviolet stellar spectra measured with Copernicus. SNOW T.P. and JENKINS E.B.
1977ApJS...34..115W viz 14       D               770 200 A photometric study of the Ori OB1 association. I. Observational data. WARREN W.H. and HESSER J.E.
1977MNRAS.179..217P 16 4 335 Chemical composition of the Orion nebula. PEIMBERT M. and TORRES-PEIMBERT S.
1977Ap&SS..46..357D 37 3 The ultraviolet absorption band at 2175 A : correlations with other interstellar features. DORSCHNER J., FRIEDEMANN C. and GURTLER J.
1977IBVS.1238....1W 4 4 Observations of primary minimum of theta1 Ori A. WALKER M.F.
1977IBVS.1274....1F 4 5 UBV observations of a primary eclipse of theta1 Ori A. FRANZ O.G.
1977PZ.....20..361S 4 0 A preliminary study of the spectrum of BM Ori. SHEVCHENKO V.S. and ZAKIROV M.M.
1977RMxAA...3..127P 18 4 Trapezia and infrared sources. POVEDA A., ALLEN C. and WARMAN J.
1978A&A....69....1A 129 1 The influence of interstellar absorption on measured strengths of the Balmer discontinuity. ARDEBERG A. and VIRDEFORS B.
1978ApJ...224L..23H 4 2 44 A new dynamical model for the Orion molecular cloud. HO P.T.P. and BARRETT A.H.
1978ApJ...225..893A 65 227 The terminal velocities of stellar winds from early-type stars. ABBOTT D.C.
1978ApJS...36..497W 489 193 A photometric study of the Ori OB1 association. III. Subgroup analyses. WARREN W.H. and HESSER J.E.
1978ApJS...38..309H 1049 1136 Studies of luminous stars in nearby galaxies. I. Supergiants and O stars in the Milky Way. HUMPHREYS R.M.
1978Ap.....14...30S 151 2 Catalog of multiple trapezium type system. SALUKVADZE G.N.
1978RMxAA...4....3J viz 50 11 An atlas of stellar spectra. II. JOHNSON H.L.
1979A&A....73...97L 2 10 121 Detection de condensations d'un type nouveau dans le centre de la nebuleuse d'Orion, au moyen de cellules S 20 associees a la camera electronique Lallemand. LAQUES P. and VIDAL J.L.
1979A&A....75...34P 4 3 62 The structure of the Orion Nebula: the ionized gas. PANKONIN V., WALMSLEY C.M. and HARWIT M.
1979ApJ...228L..33B 10 21 X-rays from the Orion Trapezium. BRADT H.V. and KELLEY R.L.
1979ApJ...230..469C 1 19 160 Orion's cloak: a rapidly expanding shell of gas centered on the Ori OB1 association. COWIE L.L., SONGAILA A. and YORK D.G.
1979Ap.....15..202S 128 1 On the connection of trapezium type multiple systems with associations, galactic clusters, emission nebulae. SALUKVADZE G.N.
1980A&A....87...68L 79 35 Masses and mass loss from O and Of stars. LAMERS H.J.G.L.M., PAERELS F.B.S. and DE LOORE C.
1980A&AS...40..307A 340 23 A catalogue of stellar spectrophotometric data. ARDEBERG A. and VIRDEFORS B.
1980ApJ...237..438C 10 10 Rocket-ultraviolet imagery of the North America nebula. CARRUTHERS G.R., HECKATHORN H.M. and GULL T.R.
1980ApJ...238...86D 1 16 87 Evidence for hot gaseous coronae around the Magellanic clouds. DE BOER K.S. and SAVAGE B.D.
1980ApJ...238..614P 5 14 IUE observations of the continuous spectrum of the Orion nebula. PERINOTTO M. and PATRIARCHI P.
1980ApJ...238..905C 1 7 35 Emission measures derived from far ultraviolet spectra of T Tauri stars. CRAM L.E., GIAMPAPA M.S. and IMHOFF C.L.
1980ApJ...239..137B 5 14 Long-slit spectroscopy in the rocket ultraviolet of the Orion nebula. BOHLIN R.C., HILL J.K., STECHER T.P., et al.
1980ApJ...242.1063G 95 352 Spectroscopic studies of O type stars. IX. Binary frequency. GARMANY C.D., CONTI P.S. and MASSEY P.
1980BICDS..19...41H 368 1 Discordances between SAO and HD numbers for Bright Stars. HOFFLEIT D.
1980IUE2n......201P 11 ~ Ultraviolet extinction in the Orion nebula. PATRIARCHI P. and PERINOTTO M.
1981A&A....95..138G 66 9 Classification of cosmic sources: a statistical approach. GIOVANNELLI F., CORADINI A., LASOTA J.P., et al.
1981ApJ...243L..37W 77 T                   1 1 45 Systematic variations in the spectrum of
theta1 Orionis C.
1981ApJ...244..199W 14 35 The ultraviolet interstellar extinction curve in the Pleiades. WITT A.N., BOHLIN R.C. and STECHER T.P.
1981ApJ...245..163V 183 548 Results from an extensive Einstein stellar survey. VAIANA G.S., CASSINELLI J.P., FABBIANO G., et al.
1981ApJ...248..279P 2 67 755 Relations among stellar X-ray emission observed from Einstein, stellar rotation and bolometric luminosity. PALLAVICINI R., GOLUB L., ROSNER R., et al.
1981ApJ...249...99M 5 1 29 The ultraviolet properties of dust in the Orion Nebula. MATHIS J.S., PERINOTTO M., PATRIARCHI P., et al.
1981ApJ...249..109B 2 11 127 Ultraviolet stars in the Orion Nebula and toward HD 147889. BOHLIN R.C. and SAVAGE B.D.
1981SvAL....7..347K 115 3 Absolute proper motions for 117 type O stars. KARIMOVA D.K. and PAVLOVSKAYA E.D.
1982A&A...107..252B 87 23 Nitrogen anomalies in O-type stars: a new spectroscopic criterion. BISIACCHI G.F., LOPEZ J.A. and FIRMANI C.
1982A&A...109...37M 33 79 Stellar content of young open clusters. I. Blue stragglers. MERMILLIOD J.C.
1982ApJ...255..541F 1 5 29 Ultraviolet absorption by highly ionized atoms in the Orion Nebula. FRANCO J. and SAVAGE B.D.
1982ApJ...257..125F 46 150 Measurements of CH and CH+ in diffuse interstellar clouds. FEDERMAN S.R.
1982ApJ...258..186L 26 100 Narrow components in the profiles of ultraviolet resonance lines: evidence for a two-component stellar wind for O and B stars ? LAMERS H.J.G.L.M., GATHIER R. and SNOW T.P.
1982ApJ...259L.109H 1 2 10 Detection of the 33.47 micron line in the Ori Nebula. HERTER T., BRIOTTA D.A., GULL G.E., et al.
1982ApJ...263L..39H 1 5 32 The peculiar extinction of Herschel 36. HECHT J., HELFER H.L., WOLF J., et al.
1982ApJ...263..759M 66 4 The helium 10830 angstrom line in early-type stars: an atlas of Fabry-Perot scans. MEISEL D.D., SAUNDERS B.A., FRANK Z.A., et al.
1982ApJ...263..777G viz 402 379 The initial mass function for massive stars. GARMANY C.D., CONTI P.S. and CHIOSI C.
1982ApJS...50..169C 189 72 A survey of interstellar neutral potassium. I. Abundances and physical conditions in clouds toward 188 early-type stars. CHAFFEE F.H.Jr and WHITE R.E.
1982MNRAS.200..159L 2 16 195 Mass spectra of young stars. LARSON R.B.
1982IUE82......413H 10 ~ The peculiar UV extinction of Herschel 36. HECHT J., HELFER H.L., WOLF J., et al.
1982IUE82......606P 20 ~ The Orion nebula star cluster. PANEK R.J.
1983ApJ...264..152B 1 9 80 Observations of the extinction and excitation of the molecular hydrogen emission in Orion. BECKWITH S., EVANS II N.J., GATLEY I., et al.
1983MNRAS.203..419B 22 9 Anomalous diffuse features in dust-embedded stars. BAINES D.W.T. and WHITTET D.C.B.
1983PASP...95...48M 236 8 A photometric study of early-type stars. MENDOZA V E.E., GOMEZ T., ORTEGA R., et al.
1983AZh....60..917S 61 5 Non-LTE analysis of carbon lines in spectra of hot stars. II. The lines of C III-CIV ions in spectra of O-B stars. SAKHIBULLIN N.A. and VAN DER HUCHT K.
1984A&A...130..143M 49 74 The influence of convection and rotation on X-ray emission in main sequence stars. MANGENEY A. and PRADERIE F.
1984A&A...139...30G 8 7 Internal reddening of H II-regions and HH-objects, with special reference to NGC 896(W3). GOMEZ GARRIDO P. and MUNCH G.
1984A&AS...55..455P 66 4 Photographic measures of visual binaries. PANNUNZIO R. and MORBIDELLI R.
1984ApJ...280..132H 32 27 On absorption by hot interstellar gas. I. lambda 6375. HOBBS L.M.
1984ApJ...281..639H 26 6 On absorption by hot interstellar gas. II. lambda 5303. HOBBS L.M. and ALBERT C.E.
1984ApJ...286..718W 50 76 Ultraviolet spectral morphology of the O stars. II. The main sequence. WALBORN N.R. and PANEK R.J.
1984MNRAS.208..253M 7 2 78 Emission coefficients for gaseous nebulae: three-level atom approximations. McCALL M.L.
1984AcA....34..191C 48 4 X-Ray properties of hot stars. I. On a dichotomy among O-type stars. CHLEBOWSKI T.
1984Ap&SS.102...97C 48 23 Search for relativistic companions in 'non-X-ray' binary systems. CHEREPASHCHUK A.M. and ASLANOV A.A.
1984Ap&SS.105..295K 28 1 Correlation between X-ray luminosity and the deviations from the main-sequence colour-diagram for stellar X-ray sources. KUNTE P.K., RAO A.R. and VAHIA M.N.
1984BICDS..26....9M viz 14       D               1 863 3 Bibliography of individual radial velocities for stars in open cluster. II. NGC and IC clusters. MERMILLIOD J.C.
1984IUE84.......32H 31 ~ Magellanic Cloud objects. HUTCHINGS J.B.
1985A&A...151..349V 8 36 An investigation of the micro-variations of highly luminous OBA type stars. II. VAN GENDEREN A.M.
1985A&AS...61..213V 15 26 An investigation of the micro-variations of highly luminous OBA type stars. I. VAN GENDEREN A.M., ALPHENAAR P., VAN DER BIJ M.D.P., et al.
1985A&AS...62..291V 19 6 An investigation of the micro variations of highly luminous OBA type stars. IV. VAN GENDEREN A.M., VAN DEN BOOGAART A.K., BRAND J., et al.
1985ApJS...57...63M 143 51 An empirical H-gamma luminosity calibration for class V-III stars. MILLWARD C.G. and WALKER G.A.H.
1985ApJS...59..397S viz 1283 150 A catalog of ultraviolet interstellar extinction excesses for 1415 stars. SAVAGE B.D., MASSA D., MEADE M., et al.
1985Ap&SS.109..191G 123 5 An UV survey of the galactic plane. GOLAY M., CRAMER N., HUGUENIN D., et al.
1986ApJ...301L..57H 3 4 50 Detection of (34.8 micron) emission in Orion-KL : a measurement of the silicon abundance in dense interstellar gas. HAAS M.R., HOLLENBACH D.J. and ERICKSON E.F.
1986ApJ...304..481D 2 2 20 H2 spectroscopy as an agent for extinction determinations : the near-infrared curve for the Orion molecular cloud. DAVIS D.S., LARSON H.P. and HOFMANN R.
1986ApJ...307..286F 1 51 314 An analysis of the shapes of ultraviolet extinction curves. I. The 2175 A bump. FITZPATRICK E.L. and MASSA D.
1986PASP...98..629D 9 8 Markarian 490: a high-ionization starburst galaxy. DE ROBERTIS M.M. and OSTERBROCK D.E.
1986PAZh...12..848T 2 1 The helium abundance in the source Orion A. TSIVILEV A.P., ERSHOV A.A., SMIRNOV G.T., et al.
1986PASJ...38..723A 1 3 12 Detection of hig-temperature plasma in the Orion nebula : an intense 6.7-KeV iron X-ray emission line in its spectrum. AGRAWAL P.C., KOYAMA K., MATSUOKA M., et al.
1986NIA86......415M 33 ~ Blue straggler stars in the ultraviolet. MORALES DURAN C. and GRAZIATI L.S.
1987A&A...174L...1L 27 11 Observational constraints on the carriers of the ultraviolet extinction bump. LEENE A. and COX P.
1987A&A...186..322L 6 11 Continuum versus line polarization at the center of the Orion nebula. LEROY J.L. and LE BORGNE J.F.
1987ApJ...316..449K 128 21 Interdependence of the 4430 A diffuse interstellar band, polarization, and ultraviolet extinction. KRELOWSKI J., WALKER G.A.H., GRIEVE G.R., et al.
1987ApJS...64..545G 191 265 The kinematical and binary properties of association and field O stars. GIES D.R.
1987PAZh...13..654P 56 0 Complex investigation of the star formation region in Orion constellation. PASHINSKIJ V.M.
1987S&T....74..465K 35 0 The spectacular O stars. KALER J.B.
1988AJ.....95..516C 1 11 61 An environmental impact study of Orion nebula dust. CARDELLI J.A. and CLAYTON G.C.
1988AJ.....95.1744V 72 100 The velocity dispersion of the Orion nebula cluster. I. VAN ALTENA W.F., LEE J.T., LEE J.-F., et al.
1988ApJ...325L..47B 2 4 41 Heterodyne spectroscopy of the 158 micron C II line in M 42. BOREIKO R.T., BETZ A.L. and ZMUIDZINAS J.
1988ApJ...325..864C 2 12 98 Two lines of sight with exceedingly anomalous ultraviolet interstellar extinction. CARDELLI J.A. and SAVAGE B.D.
1988ApJ...326..356L 149 167 H-alpha as a tracer of mass loss from OB stars. LEITHERER C.
1988ApJ...326..889C 7 23 Hydrogen emissivity in realistic nebulae : the effects of velocity fields and internal dust. COTA S.A. and FERLAND G.J.
1988ApJ...327..377R 1 18 72 Determination of N/O from far-infrared line observations of galactic HII regions. RUBIN R.H., SIMPSON J.P., ERICKSON E.F., et al.
1988ApJ...328..734F 1 51 227 An analysis of the shapes of ultraviolet extinction curves. II. The far-UV extinction. FITZPATRICK E.L. and MASSA D.
1988MNRAS.233..791M 14 46 An extended high-speed flow from a compact, ionized knot in the Orion nebula (M 42). MEABURN J.
1988Ap&SS.142...79S 54 2 Trapezium-type wide systems. SALUKVADZE G.N. and JAVAKHISHVILI G.S.
1989A&A...208..135V 93 36 The maximum amplitude of the optical micro-variations of massive O-F type stars (or alpha Cygni variables, including LBV's or S Dor variables) across the HR diagram. VAN GENDEREN A.M.
1989A&A...217..179F 1 3 23 VLBI observations of theta1 Orionis A. FELLI M., MASSI M. and CHURCHWELL E.
1989A&A...226..215B 143 10 Stellar wind velocities and luminosities of O stars. BERNABEU G., MAGAZZU A. and STALIO R.
1989A&AS...79..263V 51 31 Light variations of massive stars (alpha Cygni variables). IX. VAN GENDEREN A.M., BOVENSCHEN H., ENGELSMAN E.C., et al.
1989AJ.....97..458O 2 4 Interferometric observations of M 42 at 1.3 cm. OHASHI N., MIZUNO A., TATEMATSU K., et al.
1989ApJ...337..382P 2 3 29 Fast winds from the central stars of NGC 6543 and NGC 6826. PERINOTTO M., CERRUTI-SOLA M. and LAMERS H.J.G.L.M.
1989ApJ...341..427C 229 206 The EINSTEIN X-ray Observatory catalog of O-type stars. CHLEBOWSKI T., HARNDEN F.R.Jr and SCIORTINO S.
1989ApJ...342.1091C 108 71 X-ray emission from O-type stars: parameters which affect it. CHLEBOWSKI T.
1989ApJ...345..245C 64 38 9762 The relationship between infrared, optical, and ultraviolet extinction. CARDELLI J.A., CLAYTON G.C. and MATHIS J.S.
1989ApJ...345..505A 18 13 A radiation-driven stellar wind model with a line force cutoff. ABBOTT M.J. and FRIEND D.B.
1989ApJ...346L..97B 1 3 12 Heterodyne spectroscopy of the J=22-21 CO line in Orion. BOREIKO R.T. and BETZ A.L.
1989PASP..101..547F 40 8 On structural patterns in HII regions. FEIBELMAN W.A.
1989ARA&A..27...41G 9 13 492 The Orion molecular cloud and star-forming region. GENZEL R. and STUTZKI J.
1989Afz....30..259S 8 1 The anomalous extinction in the Orion nebula : an analysis in the first approximation. SHULOV O.S. and KOPATSKAYA E.N.
1989AZh....66..172D 18 3 On dynamical evolution of the bright stars' subsystem in the Orion Sword cluster. DOLGACHEV V.P., KALININA E.P. and KHOLOPOV P.N.
1989Ast....17g..78H 27 0 The ten best double stars. HARRINGTON P.
1990A&AS...85..915D viz 5260 19 Walraven photometry of nearby southern OB associations. DE GEUS E.J., LUB J. and VAN DE GRIFT E.
1990ApJ...357..502M 71 21 Getting to the bottom of the Lagoon: dust, magnetism and star formation. McCALL M.L., RICHER M.G. and VISVANATHAN N.
1990ApJ...361..607P 286 479 Terminal velocities for a large sample of O stars, B supergiants, and Wolf-Rayet stars. PRINJA R.K., BARLOW M.J. and HOWARTH I.D.
1990ApJS...72..163F 8 12 392 An analysis of the shapes of ultraviolet extinction curves. III. An atlas of ultraviolet extinction curves. FITZPATRICK E.L. and MASSA D.
1990MNRAS.246..392P 296 19 Photospheric absorption lines in the UV spectra of O and B type stars. PRINJA R.K.
1991A&A...246..551P 1 2 15 The radio continuum spectrum of partially ionized globules. PASTOR J., CANTO J. and RODRIGUEZ L.F.
1991A&A...248..453F 7 23 Intercontinental VLBI observations of theta 1 Orionis A. FELLI M., MASSI M. and CATARZI M.
1991AJ....101.1021C 26 62 Absolute extinction and the influence of environment: dark cloud sight lines toward VCT 10, 30 and Walker 67. CARDELLI J.A. and CLAYTON G.C.
1991ApJ...367..155A 31 52 Spectroscopic binaries in the Orion Nebula cluster. ABT H.A., WANG R. and CARDONA O.
1991ApJ...374..564R 9 5 185 Axisymmetric model of the ionized gas in the Orion nebula. RUBIN R.H., SIMPSON J.P., HAAS M.R., et al.
1991ApJ...374..580B 54 2 432 Physical conditions in the Orion nebula and an assessment of its helium abundance. BALDWIN J.A., FERLAND G.J., MARTIN P.G., et al.
1991ApJ...382L..37S 2 3 24 The optical depth of the 158 micron [12CII] line: detection of the F = 1->0 [13C II] hyperfine-structure component. STACEY G.J., TOWNES C.H., POGLITSCH A., et al.
1991ApJ...382..603W 13 6 Direct evidence for stellar wind X-ray absorption in O stars. WALDRON W.L.
1991ApJ...383..645B 113 41 Infrared dust and millimeter-wave carbon monoxyde emission in the Orion region. BALLY J., LANGER W.D. and LIU W.
1991ApJS...75..965M 103 76 Spectroscopic binaries in the Orion OB1 association. MORRELL N. and LEVATO H.
1991Ap&SS.183...91T 519 18 The stellar temperature scale for stars of spectral types from 08 to F6 and the standard deviation of the MK spectral classification. THEODOSSIOU E. and DANEZIS E.
1992A&A...255..271P 1 6 36 Discovery of a red luminescence band in the spectrum of the Orion Nebula PERRIN J.-M. and SIVAN J.-P.
1992A&A...260..391P 8 12 The 5780 diffuse band in peculiar interstellar clouds. PORCEDDU I., BENVENUTI P. and KRELOWSKI J.
1992A&A...265L...1J 29 28 Far UV nonlinear rise extinction in relation to CH and CH+ abundances. JENNISKENS P., EHRENFREUND P. and DESERT F.-X.
1992ApJ...388..495B 39 11 Dense clumps of ionized gas near pi Scorpii, as revealed by the fine-structure excitation of N II. BERTOLDI F. and JENKINS E.B.
1992ApJ...389..305O 17 3 214 Faint emission lines in the spectrum of the Orion nebula and the abundances of some of the rarer elements. OSTERBROCK D.E., TRAN H.D. and VEILLEUX S.
1992ApJ...397..196W 7 2 56 CNO abundances and temperature fluctuations in the Orion nebula. WALTER D.K., DUFOUR R.J. and HESTER J.J.
1992ApJ...399L..67O 3 4 53 Extinction and scattering in the Orion nebula: comparison of optical and VLA 21 centimeter studies. O'DELL C.R., WALTER D.K. and DUFOUR R.J.
1992ApJ...399..147P 1 9 69 Imaging spectrophotometry of the Orion nebulacore. I. Emission-line mapping and physical conditions. POGGE R.W., OWEN J.M. and ATWOOD B.
1992MNRAS.255..594S 6 6 Dust grain processing in the Orion nebula. SORRELL W.H.
1992AZh....69..250P 133 3 Groups of stars with common motion in the Galaxy. Groups of stars of O and B spectral classes. PAVLOVSKAYA E.D. and FILIPPOVA A.A.
1992AGAb....7...86P 2 2 [Ar IV] and He II emission in the core of Orion nebula. PAKULL M.W.
1992Ap&SS.197..237B 63 2 Stellar wind velocities and the radiation-driven winds theory for O stars. BERNABEU G.
1992BICDS..40...13M viz 2986 2 Machine-readable version of the Parenago catalogue of stars in the area of the Orion nebula. MALKOV O.Y.
1992BICDS..40...31F viz 3 7 A master catalogue of equivalent widths of the interstellar 217 nm band. FRIEDEMANN C.
1992BICDS..40...71P 143 1 Some revisions to the Bright Star Catalogue and its supplement. PETERS A.R. and HOFFLEIT D.E.
1992BAAS...24.1147O 4 ~ Discovery of new objects in the Orion nebula on HST images : shocks and protoplanetary disks. O'DELL C.R., WEN Z., HU X., et al.
1992BAAS...24.1303W 2 ~ Temperature and density gradients in the Orion nebula. WALTER D.K. and DUFOUR R.J.
1993A&A...274L..29S 77 T                   2 48 Periodic spectral variations of theta1 Orionis C. STAHL O., WOLF B., GANG T., et al.
1993A&AS...98..137F 43 111 The radio continuum morphology of the Orion Nebula: from 10' to 0.1" resolution. FELLI M., CHURCHWELL E., WILSON T.L., et al.
1993ApJ...403..678O 1 8 55 Identification of velocity systems in the inner Orion nebula. O'DELL C.R., VALK J.H., ZHENG W., et al.
1993ApJ...404..219S 2 13 130 158 micron [C II] mapping of the Orion molecular cloud. STACEY G.J., JAFFE D.T., GEIS N., et al.
1993ApJ...410..179H 10 22 Extended CO(7–6) emission from warm gas in Orion. HOWE J.E., JAFFE D.T., GROSSMAN E.N., et al.
1993ApJ...413..242R 4 3 52 Silicon and carbon abundances in the Orion nebula. RUBIN R.H., DUFOUR R.J. and WALTER D.K.
1993ApJ...418..749R 212 80 Synthetic UV lines of Si IV, C IV and He II from a population of massive stars in starburst galaxies. ROBERT C., LEITHERER C. and HECKMAN T.M.
1993MNRAS.262L..48M 1 3 17 Extensive, high-speed gas around the Trapezium cluster of the Orion nebula (M 42, NGC 1976). MASSEY R.M. and MEABURN J.
1993PASP..105.1127G viz 302 48 The distribution of interstellar dust in the solar neighborhood. GAUSTAD J.E. and VAN BUREN D.
1993RMxAA..27...55O 4 3 Structure, motion and composition of the Orion nebula. O'DELL C.R.
1993RMxAA..27..207W 2 4 The ionization structure of the Orion nebula. WALTER D.K., DUFOUR R.J. and HESTER J.J.
1993Sci...262...86T 12 3 147 Anatomy of the photodissociation region in the Orion Bar. TIELENS A.G.G.M., MEIXNER M.M., VAN DER WERF P.P., et al.
1993SSRv...66....7D 18 1 Massive stars: setting the stage. DE JAGER C.
1994A&A...281..517J 28 32 Diffuse interstellar bands in Orion. The environment dependence of DIB strength. JENNISKENS P., EHRENFREUND P. and FOING B.
1994A&A...284..227J 4 9 Very-broadband-structure and the linear rise in the extinction curve. JENNISKENS P.
1994A&A...284..919G 10 15 An investigation of extinction diagnostics towards the Orion Nebula. GREVE A., CASTLES J. and McKEITH C.D.
1994A&A...289..101B viz 3 23 309 The Orion OB1 association. I. Stellar content. BROWN A.G.A., DE GEUS E.J. and DE ZEEUW P.T.
1994A&A...291..239G 17 65 PAH destruction at ionization fronts. GIARD M., BERNARD J.P., LACOMBE F., et al.
1994AJ....108.1382M 158 323 High resolution near-infrared imaging of the Trapezium: a stellar census. McCAUGHREAN M.J. and STAUFFER J.R.
1994ApJ...422..158O 4 34 630 R nu-dependent optical and near-ultraviolet extinction. O'DONNELL J.E.
1994ApJ...425L..29W 112 T K                 2 51 A large, periodic variation in the stellar wind of theta01 Orionis C. WALBORN N.R. and NICHOLS J.S.
1994ApJ...429..726H 4 4 Spectral imaging of the Ney-Allen nebula at 10 and 20 microns. HAYWARD T.L.
1994ApJ...430..786P 7 19 Shocked pure-rotational emission from H2 in Orion. PARMAR P.S., LACY J.H. and ACHTERMANN J.M.
1994ApJ...432..386C 35   K                 48 35 ROSAT HRI observations of hot stars in the Orion nebula. CAILLAULT J.-P., GAGNE M. and STAUFFER J.R.
1994ApJ...433..157H 19 31 Thermal infrared imaging of subarcsecond structure in the Trapezium Nebula. HAYWARD T.L., HOUCK J.R. and MILES J.W.
1994ApJ...434L..29W 9 4 Anomalous Balmer continuum temperatures in the Orion Nebula. WALTER D.K. and DUFOUR R.J.
1994ApJ...436L.185L 7 27 H2 emission as a tracer of molecular hydrogen: large-scale observations of Orion. LUHMAN M.L., JAFFE D.T., KELLER L.D., et al.
1994ApJ...437..361G viz 245 37 The complete Einstein Observatory X-ray survey of the Orion nebula region. GAGNE M. and CAILLAULT J.-P.
1994ApJS...93..211D viz 555 284 An IUE survey of interstellar H I Ly-alpha absorption. I. Column densities. DIPLAS A. and SAVAGE B.D.
1994ApJS...94..127F viz 14       D               595 122 The distribution of neutral hydrogen in the interstellar medium. I. The data. FRUSCIONE A., HAWKINS I., JELINSKY P., et al.
1994PASP..106..106W 2 3 The physical diagnostics and ionization structure of the Orion nebula. WALTER D.K.
1994Ast....22k..41C 3 0 The new stars of M 42. CAILLAULT J.P.
1994Ap&SS.216..241M 10 1 Recent optical observations of circumstellar and interstellar phenomena. MEABURN J.
1994Ap&SS.216..267O 9 23 The Orion Nebula: structure, dynamics, and population. O'DELL C.R.
1994PhT....47h..20S 3 0 New Hubble camera finds many protoplanetary disks in Orion nebula. SCHWARZSCHILD B.
1994S&T....88f..20O 4 0 Exploring the Orion Nebula. O'DELL R.
1995A&A...293..594B 51 14 Accurate radio positions of SiO masers. BAUDRY A., LUCAS R. and GUILLOTEAU S.
1995A&A...294..555L 1 9 67 Fluorescent excitation of [Ni II] lines in the spectra of gaseous nebulae. LUCY L.B.
1995A&A...297..567T 2 6 50 Atomic carbon and CO isotope emission in the vicinity of the Orion Bar. TAUBER J.A., LIS D.C., KEENE J., et al.
1995A&A...299...39G viz 177 20 ROSAT PSPC observations of the Orion Trapezium area. I. Pre-main sequence and O stars. GEIER S., WENDKER H.J. and WISOTZKI L.
1995A&AS..114..269D viz 14       D               1 20882 157 Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue. DUFLOT M., FIGON P. and MEYSSONNIER N.
1995ApJ...438..394M 36   K                 41 52 Photoevaporating stellar envelopes observed with Rayleigh beacon adaptive optics. McCULLOUGH P.R., FUGATE R.Q., CHRISTOU J.C., et al.
1995ApJ...438..784W 7 4 113 A three-dimensional model of the Orion nebula. WEN Z. and O'DELL C.R.
1995ApJ...442..674S 5 10 Velocity field of the Orion-KL region in molecular hydrogen emission. SUGAI H., KAWABATA H., USUDA T., et al.
1995ApJ...444..739S 32 1 Socket stars: UBVRIJK radial profiles. SCHAEFER B.E.
1995ApJ...445..280G viz 520 90 Deep ROSAT HRI observations of the Orion nebula region. GAGNE M., CAILLAULT J.-P. and STAUFFER J.R.
1995ApJ...450L..59L 6 20 Balmer discontinuity temperatures in the Orion nebula. LIU X.-W., BARLOW M.J., DANZIGER I.J., et al.
1995ApJ...452L.137M 26 35 Constraints on circumstellar disk masses in the Trapezium cluster. MUNDY L.G., LOONEY L.W. and LADA E.A.
1995ApJ...452..685B 1 2 15 The nebular extinction in the Orion nebula. BAUTISTA M.A., POGGE R.W. and DEPOY D.L.
1995MNRAS.273..615M 10 29 The high-speed phenomena of the Orion nebula (M42, NGC 1976). IV. Velocity imaging and spectroscopy. MASSEY R.M. and MEABURN J.
1995PASP..107...90M 1 0 Observations of photoevaporing interstellar clouds. (Dissertation summary). McCULLOUGH P.R.
1995PASP..107..184L 2 7 A new Fabry-Perot spectrometer for observations of diffuse near-infrared line emission. LUHMAN M.L., JAFFE D.T., KELLER L.D., et al.
1995PASP..107..686W 16 15 A rapidly moving shell in the Orion Nebula. WALTER D.K., O'DELL C.R., HU X., et al.
1995AN....316..275S 58 3 uvby-beta photometry of the components of Trapezium-type multiple systems. SALUKVADZE G.N. and JAVAKHISHVILI G.S.
1995BAAS...27.1314S 2 ~ Abundances and depletions towards the Orion nebula. SHUPING R.Y. and SNOW T.P.
1995RMxAC...1...11O 15 4 Disks and outflows in the Orion Nebula as determined by the HST. O'DELL C.R.
1995RMxAC...1...19B 21 12 Externally illuminated young stellar objects in the Orion Nebula. BALLY J., DEVINE D. and SUTHERLAND R.
1996A&A...312..539S 114 T K                 5 105 Phase-locked photospheric and stellar-wind variations of θ1Orionis C. STAHL O., KAUFER A., RIVINIUS T., et al.
1996A&A...313L...5R 10 23 Iron abundance and dust in galactic H II regions. RODRIGUEZ M.
1996A&A...314..430F 416 14 Derivation of the galactic rotation curve using space velocities. FRINK S., FUCHS B., ROESER S., et al.
1996A&AS..118..481B viz 1826 175 The ROSAT all-sky survey catalogue of optically bright OB-type stars. BERGHOEFER T.W., SCHMITT J.H.M.M. and CASSINELLI J.P.
1996AJ....111..846O viz 493 185 Hubble Space Telescope mapping of the Orion nebula. I. A survey of stars and compact objects. O'DELL C.R. and WONG S.K.
1996ApJ...458..610J 4 10 142 Spatial variation of the 3.29 and 3.40 micron emission bands within reflection nebulae and the photochemical evolution of methylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. JOBLIN C., TIELENS A.G.G.M., ALLAMANDOLA L.J., et al.
1996ApJ...460..906P 67 15 Two-dimensional ultraviolet spectral typing of O-type stars. PENNY L.R., GIES D.R. and BAGNUOLO W.G.Jr
1996ApJ...462..296K 3 9 89 On the dust-to-gas ratio and large particles in the interstellar medium. KIM S.-H. and MARTIN P.G.
1996ApJ...463..191L 14 19 Ultraviolet-excited H2: a comparison with large-scale tracers of molecular clouds. LUHMAN M.L. and JAFFE D.T.
1996ApJ...463..737P 173 178 Projected rotational velocities of O-type stars. PENNY L.R.
1996ApJ...464..818U 10 24 Fabry-Perot imaging of H2 1-0 S(1), 2-1 S(1), and brackett-gamma emission in the Orion nebula. USUDA T., SUGAI H., KAWABATA H., et al.
1996ApJ...465..216H 42   K                 2 41 A two-wind interaction model for proplyds. HENNEY W.J., RAGA A.C., LIZANO S., et al.
1996ApJ...467L.113B 5 2 30 The 12C/13C isotopic ratio in photodissociated gas in M42. BOREIKO R.T. and BETZ A.L.
1996ApJ...468L.115B 7 2 44 Physical conditions in low ionization regions of the Orion nebula. BALDWIN J.A., CROTTS A., DUFOUR R.J., et al.
1996ApJS..106..533W 1 45 172 A high-resolution survey of interstellar Ca II absorption. WELTY D.E., MORTON D.C. and HOBBS L.M.
1996PASP..108..461S 6 3 Velocity fields in H II regions using high resolution imaging Fabry-Perot spectrometer. (Dissertation summary) SEEMA P.
1996Ap&SS.237..243W 16 7 The identification of diffuse bands. WILLIAMS D.A.
1996PAZh...22..178V 6 ~ The continuum spectrum of BM Ori. VITRICHENKO E.A. and LARIONOV V.M.
1996PASJ...48..719Y 121 48 Broad-band X-ray observations of the Orion region with ASCA. YAMAUCHI S., KOYAMA K., SAKANO M., et al.
1996SciN..150..350C 3 0 Bullies of the universe : massive stars rob their smaller neighbors. COWEN R.
1996BSAO...41...80G 34 3 Conditions of search for magnetic stars at early evolution stages. GLAGOLEVSKIJ Y.V.
1997A&A...317L..59F 43   K                 3 67 New evidences for interstellar C60+. FOING B.H. and EHRENFREUND P.
1997A&A...323L..49P viz 14       D               1 118339 2498 The Hipparcos Catalogue. PERRYMAN M.A.C., LINDEGREN L., KOVALEVSKY J., et al.
1997A&A...324..656H 8 20 Optical emission line profiles of the LV knots (proplyds) in Orion. HENNEY W.J., MEABURN J., RAGA A.C., et al.
1997A&A...326..822C 2 16 104 Diffuse Interstellar Bands in single clouds: new families and constraints on the carriers. CAMI J., SONNENTRUCKER P., EHRENFREUND P., et al.
1997A&A...327..125M 32 15 Dust properties in the direction of Trumpler 37. MORBIDELLI L., PATRIARCHI P., PERINOTTO M., et al.
1997A&A...327..281K 2 15 103 Coordinated ultraviolet and Hα spectroscopy of bright O-type stars. KAPER L., HENRICHS H.F., FULLERTON A.W., et al.
1997A&A...327..317R 20 1 62 Photoevaporation of protostellar disks. II. The importance of UV dust properties and ionizing flux. RICHLING S. and YORKE H.W.
1997A&A...327.1215S 36 52 The diffuse interstellar bands at 5797, 6379 and 6613A. Ionization properties of the carriers. SONNENTRUCKER P., CAMI J., EHRENFREUND P., et al.
1997A&AS..124...75T viz 14       D               1 1448 254 MSC - a catalogue of physical multiple stars. TOKOVININ A.A.
1997AJ....113..391M 1 9 46 The OMC-1 molecular hydrogen outflow as a fragmented stellar wind bubble. McCAUGHREAN M.J. and MAC LOW M.-M.
1997AJ....113.1733H viz 1616 923 On the stellar population and star-forming history of the Orion Nebula Cluster. HILLENBRAND L.A.
1997AJ....114.2016O 52 39 High velocity features in the Orion nebula. O'DELL C.R., HARTIGAN P., BALLY J., et al.
1997ApJ...474L.131R 2 5 37 [Fe IV] in the Orion nebula. RUBIN R.H., DUFOUR R.J., FERLAND G.J., et al.
1997ApJ...478L..87G 110 T K                 7 76 Periodic X-ray emission from the O7 V star θ1 Orionis C. GAGNE M., CAILLAULT J., STAUFFER J.R., et al.
1997ApJ...480..272S 7 10 Abundances and depletions toward the Orion nebula. SHUPING R.Y. and SNOW T.P.
1997ApJ...481..343H 1 12 49 The Orion molecular clouds OMC-1 and OMC-2 mapped in the far-infrared fine-structure line emission of C+ and O0. HERRMANN F., MADDEN S.C., NIKOLA T., et al.
1997ApJ...482..245U 4 10 142 Chemical and physical gradients along the OMC-1 ridge. UNGERECHTS H., BERGIN E.A., GOLDSMITH P.F., et al.
1997ApJ...482..298L 8 21 Near-infrared H2 and associated O0 and C+ emission from dense photon-dominated regions. LUHMAN M.L., JAFFE D.T., STERNBERG A., et al.
1997ApJ...485L..29B 128 T K                 3 192 On the periodic X-ray emission from the O7 V star θ1 Orionis C. BABEL J. and MONTMERLE T.
1997ApJ...487L.171W 1 7 31 Carbon radio recombination lines in the Orion Bar. WYROWSKI F., SCHILKE P., HOFNER P., et al.
1997ApJ...487..380T 79 21 A survey for Hα emission in massive binaries: the search for colliding wind candidates. THALLER M.L.
1997ApJ...491..615G 2 14 122 Carbon monoxide and dust column densities: the dust-to-gas ratio and structure of three giant molecular cloud cores. GOLDSMITH P.F., BERGIN E.A. and LIS D.C.
1997MNRAS.284..265H viz 346 333 Cross-correlation characteristics of OB stars from IUE spectroscopy. HOWARTH I.D., SIEBERT K.W., HUSSAIN G.A.J., et al.
1997MNRAS.291..110O 72 T                   10 11 Helium absorption and emission towards theta01 Ori C. OUDMAIJER R.D., DREW J.E., BARLOW M.J., et al.
1997ARA&A..35..179H 5 27 442 Dense photodissociation regions (PDRs). HOLLENBACH D.J. and TIELENS A.G.G.M.
1997Ast....25f..50N 4 0 Stars that zap their neighbors. NAEYE R.
1997Ap&SS.251....1T 7 8 Circumstellar pahs and carbon stardust. TIELENS A.G.G.M.
1997Ap&SS.254....1K 8 4 Fireworks in Orion. KUNDT W. and YAR A.
1997Sci...276.1355O 13 11 Young stars and their surroundings. O'DELL C.R. and BECKWITH S.V.W.
1997ARep...41..621B 10 4 UBVRI photometry of BM Ori. BONDAR' N.I. and VITRICHENKO E.A.
1997IAUS..182...39O 13 1 Herbig-Haro objetcs in the Orion Nebula region. O'DELL C.R.
1997RvMP...69..437R 1 5 26 Improving the resolution of ground-based telescopes. ROGGEMANN M.C., WELSH B.M. and FUGATE R.Q.
1998A&A...330..696M 3 4 37 Near infrared spectra of the Orion bar. MARCONI A., TESTI L., NATTA A., et al.
1998A&A...340..508R 8 2 52 Photoevaporation of protostellar disks. IV. Externally illuminated disks. RICHLING S. and YORKE H.W.
1998A&AS..129..431H viz 14       D               38801 586 uvbyβ photoelectric photometric catalogue. HAUCK B. and MERMILLIOD M.
1998AJ....115..263O 1 25 90 Observational properties of the Orion nebula proplyds. O'DELL C.R.
1998AJ....115..767S 1 9 42 The ultracompact H II region G5.97-1.17: an evaporating circumstellar disk in M8. STECKLUM B., HENNING T., FELDT M., et al.
1998AJ....115..821M 264 375 ICCD speckle observations of binary stars. XIX. An Astrometric/Spectroscopic survey of O stars. MASON B.D., GIES D.R., HARTKOPF W.I., et al.
1998AJ....116..293B 1 58 179 Externally illuminated young stellar environments in the Orion nebula: Hubble Space Telescope planetary camera and ultraviolet observations. BALLY J., SUTHERLAND R.S., DEVINE D., et al.
1998AJ....116..322H 36   K                 35 62 Modeling the brightness profiles of the Orion proplyds. HENNEY W.J. and ARTHUR S.J.
1998AJ....116..854B 31 82 Disk mass limits and lifetimes of externally irradiated young stellar objects embedded in the Orion nebula. BALLY J., TESTI L., SARGENT A., et al.
1998AJ....116.1816H viz 1592 240 Circumstellar disks in the Orion nebula cluster. HILLENBRAND L.A., STROM S.E., CALVET N., et al.
1998ApJ...492L.173C 2 5 40 2.12 Micron molecular hydrogen emission from circumstellar disks embedded in the Orion nebula. CHEN H., BALLY J. and O'DELL C.R.
1998ApJ...492..540H 8 26 647 A preliminary study of the Orion nebula cluster structure and dynamics. HILLENBRAND L.A. and HARTMANN L.W.
1998ApJ...492..650B 2 15 96 Ionization structure and spectra of iron in gaseous nebulae. BAUTISTA M.A. and PRADHAN A.K.
1998ApJ...493..217K 47 27 Diffuse interstellar bands: physical conditions that facilitate the formation or preservation of their carriers. KRELOWSKI J., GALAZUTDINOV G.A. and MUSAEV F.A.
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1998ApJ...495..853S 2 5 39 Nonequilibrium photodissociation regions with advancing ionization fronts. STOERZER H. and HOLLENBACH D.
1998ApJ...497..276K 3 5 53 High-temperature molecular cores near massive stars and application to the Orion hot core. KAUFMAN M.J., HOLLENBACH D.J. and TIELENS A.G.G.M.
1998ApJ...498..413M 1 7 30 Coupled line-profile and continuum variations in EZ Canis Majoris: implications for the driving mechanism of global wind structures in Wolf-Rayet winds. MOREL T., ST-LOUIS N., MOFFAT A.F.J., et al.
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1998ApJ...499..758J 3 40 399 Photoevaporation of disks and clumps by nearby massive stars: application to disk destruction in the Orion nebula. JOHNSTONE D., HOLLENBACH D. and BALLY J.
1998ApJ...500..825P 56 160 Binary stars in the Orion Trapezium cluster core. PETR M.G., COUDE DU FORESTO V., BECKWITH S.V.W., et al.
1998ApJ...501L.209R 2 5 The He+/H+ abundances in the Orion nebula from infrared space observatory measurements. RUBIN R.H., COLGAN S.W.J., DUFOUR R.J., et al.
1998ApJ...503..760H 1 6 21 Dust scattering of emission lines in H II regions. I. Plane-parallel models and application to the Orion nebula (M42). HENNEY W.J.
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1998ApJ...508..268S 1 6 24 Midcourse space experiment spectra of the Orion nebula and the implications for abundances in the interstellar medium. SIMPSON J.P., WITTEBORN F.C., PRICE S.D., et al.
1998ApJ...509..229B 2 7 46 Constraints on the formation and evolution of circumstellar disks in rotating magnetized cloud cores. BASU S.
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1998MNRAS.295..401E 9 9 249 Chemical composition of the Orion nebula derived from echelle spectrophotometry. ESTEBAN C., PEIMBERT M., TORRES-PEIMBERT S., et al.
1998MNRAS.296.1072H 37 106 A spectropolarimetric survey of northern hemisphere Wolf-Rayet stars. HARRIES T.J., HILLIER D.J. and HOWARTH I.D.
1998PASP..110..317C 6 12 The useful field of view of an adaptive optic system. CHUN M.
1998PASP..110.1356E 36   K                 7 16 The William-Wehlau spectropolarimeter observing hot stars in all four Stokes parameters. EVERSBERG T., MOFFAT A.F.J., DEBRUYNE M., et al.
1998CoSka..27..382D 7 9 Proceedings of the 26th Meeting and Workshop of the European Working Group on CP stars, Vienna, Austria, October 27-29, 1997. High-energy phenomena in magnetic CP stars as revealed by their X-ray and radio emission. DRAKE S.A.
1998EM&P...81...55B 3 0 The tails of externally illuminated young stellar objects in the Orion nebula. BERRY D.L., HARTQUIST T.W. and DYSON J.E.
1998RMxAC...7...34R 7 0 Te fluctuations and N+/O+ in the Orion Nebula. RUBIN R.H., DUFOUR R.J., FERLAND G.J., et al.
1998RMxAC...7Q.217S 2 0 Analytical models of protoplanetary disks in the Orion Nebula. SHULL P.Jr
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1999A&A...346..199K 10 20 Diffuse band shifts: a possible explanation. KRELOWSKI J. and GREENBERG J.M.
1999A&A...347L..15W 110 T K                 10 60 Bispectrum speckle interferometry of the Orion Trapezium stars: detection of a close (33mas) companion of θ1 Ori C. WEIGELT G., BALEGA Y., PREIBISCH T., et al.
1999A&A...348..222R 2 3 23 Fluorescence of [Fe II] in H II regions. RODRIGUEZ M.
1999A&A...349..276E 10 6 Radial velocities of optical lines in three bright Galactic HII regions. ESTEBAN C. and PEIMBERT M.
1999A&A...351..680M 80 42 On correlations between diffuse interstellar bands. MOUTOU C., KRELOWSKI J., D'HENDECOURT L., et al.
1999A&A...351.1075R 13 27 The abundances of O, S, Cl, N, Ar, He and C in seven Galactic HII regions. RODRIGUEZ M.
1999A&AS..139..257L 235 34 Survey of bipolar outflows and methanol masers in the C32S (2-1) and C34S (2-1) lines in the Northern sky. LARIONOV G.M., VAL'TTS I.E., WINNBERG A., et al.
1999AJ....117.1375S viz 315 96 Adaptive optics imaging of the Orion Trapezium cluster. SIMON M., CLOSE L.M. and BECK T.L.
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1999AJ....118.2350H 2 17 149 A Keck high-resolution spectroscopic study of the Orion nebula proplyds. HENNEY W.J. and O'DELL C.R.
1999AJ....118.2409D viz 87 48 A WIYN lithium survey for young stars in the λ Orionis star-forming region. DOLAN C.J. and MATHIEU R.D.
1999ApJ...515..669S 4 14 199 Photodissociation region models of photoevaporating circumstellar disks and application to the proplyds in Orion. STOERZER H. and HOLLENBACH D.
1999ApJ...520..335I 2 2 16 The Hanle effect as a diagnostic of magnetic fields in stellar envelopes. II. Some theoretical results for resolved line profiles. IGNACE R., CASSINELLI J.P. and NORDSIECK K.H.
1999ApJ...521..212M 21 14 Observations of the [O III] λ4931/λ4959 line ratio and O+2 abundances in ionized nebulae. MATHIS J.S. and LIU X.-W.
1999ApJ...526..274H 3 8 He II line emission as a tracer of nonradiative preionized shocks: application to winds and circumstellar disks in the Orion nebula. HARTIGAN P.
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1999PASP..111...63F 68 11 2261 Correcting for the effects of interstellar extinction. FITZPATRICK E.L.
1999PASP..111..465S 20 11 Emission-line properties of the Large Magellanic Cloud bubble N70. SKELTON B.P., WALLER W.H., GELDERMAN R.F., et al.
1999AGAb...15...98W 72 T                   4 0 Bispectrum speckle interferometry of the Orion Trapezium stars: detection of a close (33 mas) companion of teta1 Ori C. WEIGELT G., PREIBISCH T., SCHERTL D., et al.
1999BASI...27..141V 2 0 Interstellar grains towards Orion. VAIDYA D.B., ANANDARAO B.G. and DESAI J.N.
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1999SSRv...90..181W 22 14 Spectroscopy between the stars. WINNEWISSER G. and KRAMER C.
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2000A&A...354L..79H 2 2 12 Detection of deuterium Balmer lines in the Orion Nebula. HEBRARD G., PEQUIGNOT D., VIDAL-MADJAR A., et al.
2000A&A...354..125V 2 15 92 Mass-loss rates and dust-to-gas ratios for obscured. Asymptotic Giant Branch stars of different metallicities. VAN LOON J.T.
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2000A&A...358..708C 1 8 30 Silicate emission in Orion. CESARSKY D., JONES A.P., LEQUEUX J., et al.
2000A&A...362..968A 2 6 45 Suppression of giant planet formation in stellar clusters. ARMITAGE P.J.
2000A&A...363..585R 115 T K                 2 39 Modeling line profile variations of σ Ori E and θ1 Ori C. REINERS A., STAHL O., WOLF B., et al.
2000A&A...364L..31H 12 12 Revealing deuterium Balmer lines in HII regions with VLT-UVES. HEBRARD G., PEQUIGNOT D., WALSH J.R., et al.
2000A&A...364..301W 4 7 87 The structure of the Orion bar. WALMSLEY C.M., NATTA A., OLIVA E., et al.
2000A&AS..144...45F viz 256 25 Hipparcos astrometry for 257 stars using Tycho-2 data. FABRICIUS C. and MAKAROV V.V.
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2000AJ....119..292B 41 57 HST/WFPC2 and VLT/ISAAC observations of proplyds in the giant H II region NGC 3603. BRANDNER W., GREBEL E.K., CHU Y.-H., et al.
2000AJ....119.2311O 11 25 On the nature of linear structures in the Helix and Orion Nebulae. O'DELL C.R.
2000AJ....119.2919B 108 283 Disks, microjets, windblown bubbles, and outflows in the Orion nebula. BALLY J., O'DELL C.R. and McCAUGHREAN M.J.
2000AJ....120..382O 2 12 74 High angular resolution determination of extinction in the Orion nebula. O'DELL C.R. and YUSEF-ZADEH F.
2000AJ....120.1426G viz 1 20 117 Chandra X-ray observatory study of the Orion nebula cluster and BN/KL region. GARMIRE G., FEIGELSON E.D., BROOS P., et al.
2000AJ....120.3162L 100 191 Infrared l-band observations of the Trapezium cluster: a census of circumstellar disks and candidate protostars. LADA C.J., MUENCH A.A., HAISCH K.E.Jr, et al.
2000ApJ...528..186M 60 45 Excitation mechanism of near-infrared [Fe II] emission in Seyfert and starburst galaxies. MOURI H., KAWARA K. and TANIGUCHI Y.
2000ApJ...538L.151C 4 4 53 Young circumstellar disks near evolved massive stars and supernovae. CHEVALIER R.A.
2000ApJ...539..258R 4 8 101 Photoevaporation of protostellar disks. V. Circumstellar disks under the influence of both extreme-ultraviolet and far-ultraviolet radiation. RICHLING S. and YORKE H.W.
2000ApJ...539..342E 4 6 75 Modeling a high-mass turn-down in the stellar initial mass function. ELMEGREEN B.G.
2000ApJ...540..236H viz 831 286 Constraints on the stellar/substellar mass function in the inner Orion nebula cluster. HILLENBRAND L.A. and CARPENTER J.M.
2000ApJ...540..474R 1 7 30 A search for rotational modulation of X-ray centers on the classical Be star γ Cassiopeiae. ROBINSON R.D. and SMITH M.A.
2000ApJ...540..886Y 1 9 40 HCN and HCO+ images of the Orion bar photodissociation region. YOUNG OWL R.C., MEIXNER M.M., WOLFIRE M., et al.
2000ApJ...540.1016L viz 346 241 The initial mass function of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in young clusters. LUHMAN K.L., RIEKE G.H., YOUNG E.T., et al.
2000ApJ...541..250B 59 5 On the correlation between CO absorption and far-ultraviolet nonlinear extinction toward galactic OB stars. BURGH E.B., McCANDLISS S.R., ANDERSSON B.-G., et al.
2000ApJ...543..831V 7 2 43 Continuum pumping of [Fe II] in the Orion nebula. VERNER E.M., VERNER D.A., BALDWIN J.A., et al.
2000ApJ...545L.135S 75 T                   7 74 X-ray line emission from the hot stellar wind of θ1 Orionis C. SCHULZ N.S., CANIZARES C.R., HUENEMOERDER D., et al.
2000ApJS..129..229B 9 2 55 High-resolution spectroscopy of faint emission lines in the Orion nebula. BALDWIN J.A., VERNER E.M., VERNER D.A., et al.
2000ApJS..129..547B viz 14       D               1 1633 94 RBSC-NVSS sample. I. Radio and optical identifications of a complete sample of 1556 bright X-ray sources. BAUER F.E., CONDON J.J., THUAN T.X., et al.
2000MNRAS.311..329D 78 209 Oxygen and helium abundances in Galactic HII regions - II. Abundance gradients. DEHARVENG L., PENA M., CAPLAN J., et al.
2000MNRAS.317..750G 33 30 On the identification of the C60+ interstellar features. GALAZUTDINOV G.A., KRELOWSKI J., MUSAEV F.A., et al.
2000PASP..112.1121B 16 8 Wide-field imaging at mid-infrared wavelengths: reconstruction of chopped and nodded data. BERTERO M., BOCCACCI P. and ROBBERTO M.
2000AN....321...81L viz 317 1 ROSAT PSPC observations of the Orion Trapezium area. II. Source variability and revised source list. LOHMANN P. and WENDKER H.J.
2000BCFHT..41....7H 5 0 Detection of deuterium Balmer emission lines at the CFHT. HEBRARD G., PEQUIGNOT D., VIDAL-MADJAR A., et al.
2000Obs...120..141S 7 4 The strange case of theta.1 Orionis A. STICKLAND D.J. and LLOYD C.
2000PASJ...52L..31S 8 15 Hard X-ray emission from massive star clusters in a giant molecular cloud NGC 6334. SEKIMOTO Y., MATSUZAKI K., KAMAE T., et al.
2000AstL...26..244V 72 T                   7 4 Continuum spectrum of the star tet1 Ori C. VITRICHENKO E.A.
2000RMxAC...9..194O 11 1 Outflows, jets and shocks in the Orion Nebula. O'DELL C.R. and BALLY J.
2000RMxAC...9..223G 10 0 On the bowshocks associated with the Orion proplyds. GARCIA-ARREDONDO F., ARTHUR S.J. and HENNEY W.J.
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2000NewAR..44..205E 29 0 Local high-mass star-forming regions. ESTEBAN C.
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2001A&A...366..585R 10 21 The spectral variability of HD 192639 and its implications for the star's wind structure. RAUW G., MORRISON N.D., VREUX J.-M., et al.
2001A&A...366..651V 13 24 H2 infrared emission and the formation of dense structures in the Orion molecular cloud. VANNIER L., LEMAIRE J.L., FIELD D., et al.
2001A&A...367..521P viz 6127 101 Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics. PASINETTI FRACASSINI L.E., PASTORI L., COVINO S., et al.
2001A&A...368..122G 98 100 High-mass binaries in the very young open cluster NGC 6231. Implication for cluster and star formation. GARCIA B. and MERMILLIOD J.C.
2001A&A...372..208S 1 10 37 Wind circulation in selected rotating magnetic early-B stars. SMITH M.A. and GROOTE D.
2001A&A...372..644P 116 16 Determination of RV towards galactic O stars. PATRIARCHI P., MORBIDELLI L., PERINOTTO M., et al.
2001A&A...376.1073M 8 7 Optically thick Herbig-Haro jets in photoionized regions. MASCIADRI E. and RAGA A.C.
2001A&A...378L..21O 1 6 21 Rotationally modulated X-ray emission from the single O star ζ Ophiuchi. OSKINOVA L.M., CLARKE D. and POLLOCK A.M.T.
2001AJ....122.2662O 33 14 New proplyds, outflows, shocks, and a reflection nebula in M43 and the outer parts of the Orion nebula. O'DELL C.R.
2001ApJ...546..299B 92 125 Irradiated Herbig-Haro jets in the Orion nebula and near NGC 1333. BALLY J. and REIPURTH B.
2001ApJ...547L.165Y 1 3 9 Observation of the C I 3P2-3P1 line toward the Orion Kleinmann-Low region. YAMAMOTO S., MAEZAWA H., IKEDA M., et al.
2001ApJ...549L.119I 2 5 30 Theoretical profile shapes for optically thin X-ray emission lines from spherical stellar winds. IGNACE R.
2001ApJ...549..377W 3 6 Irregular magnetic fields in interstellar clouds and variations in the observed circular polarization of spectral lines. WATSON W.D., WIEBE D.S. and CRUTCHER R.M.
2001ApJ...549..441S viz 131 54 Chandra observations of variable embedded X-ray sources in Orion. I. Resolving the Orion Trapezium. SCHULZ N.S., CANIZARES C., HUENEMOERDER D., et al.
2001ApJ...554L.197H 3 8 91 The mass dependence of stellar rotation in the Orion Nebula Cluster. HERBST W., BAILER-JONES C.A.L. and MUNDT R.
2001ApJ...556..203O 22 11 Measurement and interpretation of deuterium-line emission in the Orion Nebula. O'DELL C.R., FERLAND G.J. and HENNEY W.J.
2001ApJ...557..240W 15 26 Submillimeter CO line emission from Orion. WILSON T.L., MUDERS D., KRAMER C., et al.
2001ApJ...558L.113S 3 4 36 Chandra detection of a close X-ray companion and rich emission-line spectrum in the Wolf-Rayet binary γ Velorum. SKINNER S.L., GUDEL M., SCHMUTZ W., et al.
2001ApJ...559.1094C 7 3 68 Magnetic fields in massive stars. I. Dynamo models. CHARBONNEAU P. and MacGREGOR K.B.
2001ApJ...559.1108O 8 4 99 X-ray line profiles from parameterized emission within an accelerating stellar wind. OWOCKI S.P. and COHEN D.H.
2001ApJ...561..830G 13 26 Hydrodynamic simulations of proplyd bow shocks. GARCIA-ARREDONDO F., HENNEY W.J. and ARTHUR S.J.
2001ApJ...562.1031C 4 3 37 The Chandra HETGS X-ray grating spectrum of η Carinae. CORCORAN M.F., SWANK J.H., PETRE R., et al.
2001MNRAS.325..449S 19 3 179 Destruction of protoplanetary discs in the Orion Nebula Cluster. SCALLY A. and CLARKE C.
2001MNRAS.326..695L 1 44 221 Infrared spectroscopy of substellar objects in Orion. LUCAS P.W., ROCHE P.F., ALLARD F., et al.
2001MNRAS.326.1095M 91 8 Far-ultraviolet extinction and diffuse interstellar bands. MEGIER A., AIELLO S., BARSELLA B., et al.
2001MNRAS.326.1265D 14 3 129 The magnetic field and wind confinement of β Cephei: new clues for interpreting the Be phenomenon. DONATI J.-F., WADE G.A., BABEL J., et al.
2001MNRAS.328..555P 27 26 An ultra-high-resolution study of the interstellar medium towards Orion. PRICE R.J., CRAWFORD I.A., BARLOW M.J., et al.
2001PASP..113...29O 13 32 Structure of the Orion nebula. O'DELL C.R.
2001PASP..113...41F 6 3 60 Physical conditions in the Orion H II region. FERLAND G.J.
2001ARA&A..39...99O 1 59 247 The Orion nebula and its associated population. O'DELL C.R.
2001BASI...29..337M 6 0 Mapping of the Orion Molecular Cloud in the [CII] line and continuum at 158 mu-m. MOOKERJEA B., GHOSH S.K., KANEDA H., et al.
2001IAUS..200...69P 13 26 Multiplicity of massive stars. PREIBISCH T., WEIGELT G. and ZINNECKER H.
2001RMxAC..10....1O 14 2 The Orion nebula: an elephant for the blind. O'DELL C.R.
2001RMxAC..10...19B 1 1 5 Energy implications of temperature fluctuations. BINETTE L., LURIDIANA V. and HENNEY W.J.
2001RMxAC..10...57H 15 9 Ionized photoevaporation flows in H II regions and PNe. HENNEY W.J.
2001RMxAC..10...65G 3 0 Hydrodynamic simulations of proplyd bowshocks. GARCIA-ARREDONDO F., HENNEY W.J. and ARTHUR S.J.
2001RMxAC..10..213H 3 2 Biodiversity loss in the Orion radio zoo ? HENNEY W.J., GARCIA-DIAZ M.T. and KURTZ S.E.
2002A&A...383..636P 6 12 225 In hot pursuit of the hidden companion of η Carinae: An X-ray determination of the wind parameters. PITTARD J.M. and CORCORAN M.F.
2002A&A...388..172S 12 30 The embedded star clusters in the nebulae NGC 2327 and BRC 27 in Canis Majoris R1. SOARES J.B. and BICA E.
2002A&A...391..923G 1         O           71 334 The Milky Way in X-rays for an outside observer. Log(N)-Log(S) and luminosity function of X-ray binaries from RXTE/ASM data. GRIMM H.-J., GILFANOV M. and SUNYAEV R.
2002A&A...394..993R 1 12 41 A multi-wavelength investigation of the non-thermal radio emitting O-star 9 Sgr. RAUW G., BLOMME R., WALDRON W.L., et al.
2002A&A...395..499R viz 173 34 An XMM-Newton observation of the Lagoon Nebula and the very young open cluster NGC 6530. RAUW G., NAZE Y., GOSSET E., et al.
2002A&A...396..513H viz 1564 244 Stellar rotation and variability in the Orion Nebula Cluster. HERBST W., BAILER-JONES C.A.L., MUNDT R., et al.
2002AJ....123.2010M 21 15 Far-infrared spectroscopy of the HH 1/2 outflow. MOLINARI S. and NORIEGA-CRESPO A.
2002AJ....124..445D viz 39 48 Internal velocities in the Orion nebula: large proper-motion features. DOI T., O'DELL C.R. and HARTIGAN P.
2002ApJ...564L..21S 4 3 41 The ionized stellar wind in Vela X-1 during eclipse. SCHULZ N.S., CANIZARES C.R., LEE J.C., et al.
2002ApJ...566L..29H 7 2 42 On disk braking of T Tauri rotation. HARTMANN L.
2002ApJ...566L..45M 6 8 An alternative to spinning dust for the microwave emission of LPH 201.663+1.643: an ultracompact H II region. McCULLOUGH P.R. and CHEN R.R.
2002ApJ...566..315H 25 39 Mass loss and jet outflow in the Orion nebula proplyd LV 2. HENNEY W.J., O'DELL C.R., MEABURN J., et al.
2002ApJ...566..910T 63 17 [Fe II] 1.257 µm and He I 1.083 µm emission in the central region of the Orion nebula: H II region, HH flows, jets, and proplyds. TAKAMI M., USUDA T., SUGAI H., et al.
2002ApJ...567..423K viz 157 32 Chandra observations of high-mass young stellar objects in the Monoceros R2 molecular cloud. KOHNO M., KOYAMA K. and HAMAGUCHI K.
2002ApJ...568L..53T 3 4 37 He I 1.083 µm emission and absorption in DG Tauri: line excitations in the jet, hot wind, and accretion flow. TAKAMI M., CHRYSOSTOMOU A., BAILEY J., et al.
2002ApJ...568..954I 3 3 34 Profile shapes for optically thick X-ray emission lines from stellar winds. IGNACE R. and GAYLEY K.G.
2002ApJ...570..222G 19 16 MERLIN radio detection of an interaction zone within a binary Orion proplyd system. GRAHAM M.F., MEABURN J., GARRINGTON S.T., et al.
2002ApJ...571..366M 16 16 Australia telescope compact array radio imaging of the proplyd-like objects in the giant H II region NGC 3603. MUCKE A., KORIBALSKI B.S., MOFFAT A.F.J., et al.
2002ApJ...572..335F 62 160 Magnetic flaring in the pre-main-sequence Sun and implications for the early solar system. FEIGELSON E.D., GARMIRE G.P. and PRAVDO S.H.
2002ApJ...572..477S 1 9 38 XMM-newton detection of hard X-ray emission in the nitrogen-type Wolf-Rayet star WR 110. SKINNER S.L., ZHEKOV S.A., GUDEL M., et al.
2002ApJ...573..366M viz 1054 350 The luminosity and mass function of the Trapezium cluster: from B stars to the deuterium-burning limit. MUENCH A.A., LADA E.A., LADA C.J., et al.
2002ApJ...573..670S 8 18 Unusually weak diffuse interstellar bands toward HD 62542. SNOW T.P., WELTY D.E., THORBURN J., et al.
2002ApJ...574..187A 48 13 Near-infrared and CO (J=1-0) observations of photodissociation regions in M17. ANDO M., NAGATA T., SATO S., et al.
2002ApJ...574..258F viz 1124 251 X-ray-emitting young stars in the Orion nebula. FEIGELSON E.D., BROOS P., GAFFNEY III J.A., et al.
2002ApJ...576..413U 24 6 443 Dynamical simulations of magnetically channeled line-driven stellar winds. I. Isothermal, nonrotating, radially flow. UD-DOULA A. and OWOCKI S.P.
2002ApJ...578..897R 1 7 27 The emission of circumstellar envelopes, dark silhouettes, and photoionized disks in H II regions. ROBBERTO M., BECKWITH S.V.W. and PANAGIA N.
2002ApJ...578..951C 9 3 86 A magnetically torqued disk model for Be stars. CASSINELLI J.P., BROWN J.C., MAHESWARAN M., et al.
2002ApJ...579..304W 14 21 Intermediate- and high-velocity ionized gas toward ζ Orionis. WELTY D.E., JENKINS E.B., RAYMOND J.C., et al.
2002ApJ...580L.161W 1 9 42 Discovery of nonthermal X-ray emission from the embedded massive star-forming region RCW 38. WOLK S.J., BOURKE T.L., SMITH R.K., et al.
2002ApJS..139..467I 42 92 The distribution of atomic carbon in the Orion giant molecular cloud 1. IKEDA M., OKA T., TATEMATSU K., et al.
2002ApJS..142...53V 15 28 Analysis of the Far-Infrared/Submillimeter polarization spectrum based on temperature maps of Orion. VAILLANCOURT J.E.
2002MNRAS.329..787L 3 1 Identification of a strong emission line at 2.8935 µm in the spectrum of the Orion Nebula. LUCY L.B.
2002MNRAS.333...55D 134 T K                 4 288 The magnetic field and wind confinement of
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2002MNRAS.337..327M 16 2 Two jets from the Orion nebula (M42) `proplyds': kinematics, morphologies and origins. MEABURN J., GRAHAM M.F. and REDMAN M.P.
2002MNRAS.337..499Z 20 28 A spectroscopic study of the bipolar planetary nebula Mz 3. ZHANG Y. and LIU X.-W.
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2002RMxAA..38...51G 7 13 Mass loading by proplyds of an O-star wind. GARCIA-ARREDONDO F., ARTHUR S.J. and HENNEY W.J.
2002RMxAA..38...71H 5 6 Multiple flow interactions in a proplyd binary system. I. The interproplyd shell. HENNEY W.J.
2002RMxAA..38..279B 2 2 Density gradients and internal dust in the Orion nebula. BINETTE L., GONZALEZ-GOMEZ D.I. and MAYYA Y.D.
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2003A&A...402..653R 26 36 XMM-Newton high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of the Wolf-Rayet object WR 25 in the Carina OB1 association. RAASSEN A.J.J., VAN DER HUCHT K.A., MEWE R., et al.
2003A&A...403..217F 5 5 88 X-ray line emission from a fragmented stellar wind. FELDMEIER A., OSKINOVA L. and HAMANN W.-R.
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2003A&A...408..353I 1 5 23 XMM-Newton observations of the nitrogen-rich Wolf-Rayet star WR 1. IGNACE R., OSKINOVA L.M. and BROWN J.C.
2003A&A...412..727K 14 19 H2 excitation imaging of the Orion Molecular Cloud. KRISTENSEN L.E., GUSTAFSSON M., FIELD D., et al.
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2003ApJ...582..382F viz 15       D               1 646 42 Chandra X-ray observation of the Orion Nebula Cluster. I. Detection, identification, and determination of X-ray luminosities. FLACCOMIO E., DAMIANI F., MICELA G., et al.
2003ApJ...582..893M 8 4 97 Viscous diffusion and photoevaporation of stellar disks. MATSUYAMA I., JOHNSTONE D. and HARTMANN L.
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2003ApJ...590..296R 13 13 [Fe IV] emission in ionized nebulae. RODRIGUEZ M.
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2003ApJ...592..532K 7 3 67 X-ray emission-line profile modeling of O stars: fitting a spherically symmetric analytic wind-shock model to the Chandra spectrum of ζ Puppis. KRAMER R.H., COHEN D.H. and OWOCKI S.P.
2003ApJ...593..874T 130 196 10 MK gas in M17 and the Rosette nebula: X-ray flows in galactic H II regions. TOWNSLEY L.K., FEIGELSON E.D., MONTMERLE T., et al.
2003ApJ...595..235A 36 36 Observations of rotationally resolved C3in translucent sight lines. ADAMKOVICS M., BLAKE G.A. and McCALL B.J.
2003ApJ...595..365S 1 24 72 X-ray modeling of very young early-type stars in the Orion Trapezium: signatures of magnetically confined plasmas and evolutionary implications. SCHULZ N.S., CANIZARES C., HUENEMOERDER D., et al.
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2003MNRAS.340..362R 17 33 Temperature variations from Hubble Space Telescope spectroscopy of the Orion Nebula. RUBIN R.H., MARTIN P.G., DUFOUR R.J., et al.
2003MNRAS.341..179I 5 8 The Zeeman effect in the Sobolev approximation: applications to spherical stellar winds. IGNACE R. and GAYLEY K.G.
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2003MNRAS.343..419G 20 8 The Orion nebula (M42) Herbig-Haro object, HH 201, within the tip of a molecular finger. GRAHAM M.F., MEABURN J. and REDMAN M.P.
2003MNRAS.346..369K 7 5 108 On the origin of brown dwarfs and free-floating planetary-mass objects. KROUPA P. and BOUVIER J.
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2003ARA&A..41..517F 3 15 159 Quantitative spectroscopy of photoionized clouds. FERLAND G.J.
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2003ANS...324c..41P 5 ~ The massive multiple stars in the Orion Trapezium: orbital motion, physical properties, and implications on star formation scenarios. PREIBISCH T., BALEGA Y.Y., SCHERTL D., et al.
2003JRASC..97Q.208M 3 0 A photoionized Herbig Haro shock. MARTIN P.G. and BLAGRAVE K.
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2003IAUS..212..749S 9 0 A spectroscopic analysis of the Trapezium Cluster stars. SIMON-DIAZ S., HERRERO A. and ESTEBAN C.
2003RMxAC..15..181B 3 1 Temperature and density gradients in the Orion Nebula. BINETTE L., GONZALEZ-GOMEZ D.I. and MAYYA Y.D.
2003RMxAC..15..220S 12 3 High resolution spectra of stellar winds in very young massive stars. SCHULZ N.S.
2003RMxAC..18...80O 38 1 High velocity outflows in the Orion nebula determined from proper motions. O'DELL C.R.
2003RMxAC..18..113R 5 0 Temperature variations from HST spectroscopy of NGC 1976. RUBIN R.H., MARTIN P.G., BLAGRAVE K.P.M., et al.
2003RMxAC..18..123S 7 2 The Trapezium stars. Preliminary results on detailed atmosphere modeling. SIMON-DIAZ S., HERRERO A. and ESTEBAN C.
2003NewAR..47...85V 125 25 Astral magnetic fields as observed in starforming nurseries, in stars, and in the Solar system. VALLEE J.P.
2004A&A...416.1149B 23 34 Discovery of a huge magnetic field in the very young star NGC 2244-334 in the Rosette Nebula cluster. BAGNULO S., HENSBERGE H., LANDSTREET J.D., et al.
2004A&A...417L...5L 1 5 22 VLT/NACO infrared adaptive optics images of small scale structures in OMC1. LACOMBE F., GENDRON E., ROUAN D., et al.
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2004A&A...422..627B viz 108 29 Speckle interferometry of nearby multiple stars. II. BALEGA I., BALEGA Y.Y., MAKSIMOV A.F., et al.
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2004A&A...427..995D 8 11 Line profile variability in the spectra of Oef stars. II. HD 192281, HD 14442 and HD 14434. DE BECKER M. and RAUW G.
2004AJ....127.3456D viz 186 30 Internal velocities in the Orion nebula: large radial velocity features. DOI T., O'DELL C.R. and HARTIGAN P.
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2004AJ....128.1254L viz 466 55 Deep 3.8 micron observations of the Trapezium cluster. LADA C.J., MUENCH A.A., LADA E.A., et al.
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2004ApJ...605..259P viz 118 33 X-rays from HH 80, HH 81, and the central region. PRAVDO S.H., TSUBOI Y. and MAEDA Y.
2004ApJ...606..952R 60 32 Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 study of the Trapezium cluster: the influence of circumstellar disks on the initial mass function. ROBBERTO M., SONG J., MORA CARRILLO G., et al.
2004ApJ...607L..47T 76 T                   10 71 The Becklin-Neugebauer object as a runaway B star, ejected 4000 years ago from the θ1 Orionis C system. TAN J.C.
2004ApJ...607..904R viz 318 25 Chandra observation of the Trifid nebula: X-ray emission from the O star complex and actively forming pre-main-sequence stars. RHO J., RAMIREZ S.V., CORCORAN M.F., et al.
2004ApJ...609..247A 1 10 46 Physical conditions in Orion's veil. ABEL N.P., BROGAN C.L., FERLAND G.J., et al.
2004ApJ...609.1018I 5 1 17 The Hanle effect as a diagnostic of magnetic fields in stellar envelopes. IV. Application to polarized p Cygni wind lines. IGNACE R., NORDSIECK K.H. and CASSINELLI J.P.
2004ApJ...610L.117S 31 28 Thermal-infrared detection of optical outflow sources in OMC-1 south. SMITH N., BALLY J., SHUPING R.Y., et al.
2004ApJ...610.1045S 112 181 The spectroscopically determined substellar mass function of the Orion nebula cluster. SLESNICK C.L., HILLENBRAND L.A. and CARPENTER J.M.
2004ApJ...611..360A 22 5 337 Photoevaporation of circumstellar disks due to external far-ultraviolet radiation in stellar aggregates. ADAMS F.C., HOLLENBACH D., LAUGHLIN G., et al.
2004ApJ...612..940M 1 8 34 A map of OMC-1 in CO j = 9⟶8. MARRONE D.P., BATTAT J., BENSCH F., et al.
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2004ApJS..151..103M viz 388 209 A galactic O star catalog. MAIZ-APELLANIZ J., WALBORN N.R., GALUE H.A., et al.
2004MNRAS.348..702M 2 6 42 Magnetic fields in massive stars: dynamics and origin. MacDONALD J. and MULLAN D.J.
2004MNRAS.351..552M 28 48 Large-scale wind structures in OB supergiants: a search for rotationally modulated Hα variability. MOREL T., MARCHENKO S.V., PATI A.K., et al.
2004MNRAS.353..991K 155 10 On the highly reddened members in six young galactic star clusters - a multiwavelength study. KUMAR B., SAGAR R., SANWAL B.B., et al.
2004MNRAS.355L..13T 1 6 20 Magnetic fields in white dwarfs and stellar evolution. TOUT C.A., WICKRAMASINGHE D.T. and FERRARIO L.
2004MNRAS.355..229E 6 13 265 A reappraisal of the chemical composition of the Orion nebula based on Very Large Telescope echelle spectrophotometry. ESTEBAN C., PEIMBERT M., GARCIA-ROJAS J., et al.
2004Ap.....47..494V 7 0 The BM Ori system. II. Abundances of helium and iron in the atmosphere of the primary star. VITRICHENKO E.A., KLOCHKOVA V.G. and TSYMBAL V.V.
2004BASI...32..283Q 18 0 Intensities of CII and CO lines and emissions from interstellar dust. QAIYUM A.
2004RMxAC..22...54T 2 1 Photon bubbles in young massive stars. TURNER N.J., YORKE H.W., SOCRATES A., et al.
2004AAS...205.8401H 3 0 Intense diffuse emission from the Orion Nebula. HENRY R.C., MURTHY J. and SAHNOW D.J.
2004AAS...20512703D 3 2 The ``Aerogel'' model for the origin of the short-lived radionuclides in the early solar system. DESCH S.J., OUELLETTE N., HESTER J.J., et al.
2004NewAR..48...47K 13 23 Massive stars: their birth sites and distribution. KROUPA P.
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2005A&A...438..265L 11 10 A Be star with a low nitrogen abundance in the SMC cluster NGC 330. LENNON D.J., LEE J.-K., DUFTON P.L., et al.
2005A&A...441..195V viz 1 23 76 Size distribution of circumstellar disks in the Trapezium cluster. VICENTE S.M. and ALVES J.
2005A&A...441..735M 2 26 160 O stars with weak winds: the Galactic case. MARTINS F., SCHAERER D., HILLIER D.J., et al.
2005AJ....129..355B 20 21 Outflows in the Orion nebula: HH 540 from the Beehive proplyd. BALLY J., LICHT D., SMITH N., et al.
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2005AJ....129.2281B 3 22 216 The birth of high-mass stars: accretion and/or mergers. BALLY J. and ZINNECKER H.
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2005AJ....130.1707V viz 12 18 Gemini multi-object spectrograph integral field unit spectroscopy of the 167-317 (LV2) proplyd in Orion. VASCONCELOS M.J., CERQUEIRA A.H., PLANA H., et al.
2005AJ....130.1763S viz 17 49 Thermal dust emission from proplyds, unresolved disks, and shocks in the Orion nebula. SMITH N., BALLY J., SHUPING R.Y., et al.
2005ApJ...618L..99M 4 5 Intense diffuse far-ultraviolet emission from the Orion nebula. MURTHY J., SAHNOW D.J. and HENRY R.C.
2005ApJ...621..328H 1 9 35 Self-consistent dynamic models of steady ionization fronts. I. Weak-D and weak-R fronts. HENNEY W.J., ARTHUR S.J., WILLIAMS R.J.R., et al.
2005ApJ...624..808L 59 54 Triggered star formation in the Orion bright-rimmed clouds. LEE H.-T., CHEN W.P., ZHANG Z.-W., et al.
2005ApJ...627L..61P 17 10 Low-mass runaway stars from the Orion Trapezium cluster. POVEDA A., ALLEN C. and HERNANDEZ-ALCANTARA A.
2005ApJ...627L..65R 1 26 98 Proper motions of the BN object and the radio source I in Orion: where and when did the BN object become a runaway star? RODRIGUEZ L.F., POVEDA A., LIZANO S., et al.
2005ApJ...627..813H 1 7 32 Photoevaporation flows in blister H II regions. I. Smooth ionization fronts and application to the Orion nebula. HENNEY W.J., ARTHUR S.J. and GARCIA-DIAZ M.T.
2005ApJ...627..953W 1 8 28 Ion-by-Ion differential emission measure determination of collisionally ionized plasma. II. Application to hot stars. WOJDOWSKI P.S. and SCHULZ N.S.
2005ApJ...628..986G 42   K                 12 187 Chandra HETGS multiphase spectroscopy of the young magnetic O star θ1 Orionis C. GAGNE M., OKSALA M.E., COHEN D.H., et al.
2005ApJ...629L..97F 6 5 Molecular hydrogen in Orion as observed by the Far Ultr aviolet Spectroscopic Explorer. FRANCE K. and McCANDLISS S.R.
2005ApJ...629..482P 2 12 98 Bulk velocities, chemical composition, and ionization structure of the X-ray shocks in WR 140 near periastron as revealed by the Chandra gratings. POLLOCK A.M.T., CORCORAN M.F., STEVENS I.R., et al.
2005ApJ...630..368A 1 18 63 H2Pure rotational lines in the Orion Bar. ALLERS K.N., JAFFE D.T., LACY J.H., et al.
2005ApJ...633L..45O 10 5 HST images do not support the presence of three high-velocity, low-mass runaway stars in the core of the Orion Nebula Cluster. O'DELL C.R., POVEDA A., ALLEN C., et al.
2005ApJ...634..451M viz 148 25 Interstellar Ca II line intensities and the distances of the OB stars. MEGIER A., STROBEL A., BONDAR A., et al.
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2005ApJS..160..319G viz         O           2038 330 Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project: observations and sources lists. GETMAN K.V., FLACCOMIO E., BROOS P.S., et al.
2005ApJS..160..353G viz 457 135 Membership of the Orion nebula population from the Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project. GETMAN K.V., FEIGELSON E.D., GROSSO N., et al.
2005ApJS..160..379F 3 21 190 Global X-ray properties of the Orion nebula region. FEIGELSON E.D., GETMAN K., TOWNSLEY L., et al.
2005ApJS..160..401P 9 14 413 The origin of T Tauri X-ray emission: new insights from the Chandra Orion ultradeep project. PREIBISCH T., KIM Y.-C., FAVATA F., et al.
2005ApJS..160..450F viz 308 64 Rotational modulation of X-ray emission in Orion Nebula young stars. FLACCOMIO E., MICELA G., SCIORTINO S., et al.
2005ApJS..160..557S 1 25 117 X-ray emission from early-type stars in the Orion nebula cluster. STELZER B., FLACCOMIO E., MONTMERLE T., et al.
2005MNRAS.356..615F 1 10 59 Magnetic fields and rotation in white dwarfs and neutron stars. FERRARIO L. and WICKRAMASINGHE D.T.
2005MNRAS.356.1139M 2 6 39 Dynamo-generated magnetic fields at the surface of a massive star. MULLAN D.J. and MacDONALD J.
2005MNRAS.357..251T 12 6 221 A rigidly rotating magnetosphere model for circumstellar emission from magnetic OB stars. TOWNSEND R.H.D. and OWOCKI S.P.
2005MNRAS.358..742S 1 6 25 Dynamical evolution of the Orion nebula cluster. SCALLY A., CLARKE C. and McCAUGHREAN M.J.
2005MNRAS.361..191S 54 21 Chandra X-ray observations of the young stellar cluster NGC 6193 in the Ara OB1 association. SKINNER S.L., ZHEKOV S.A., PALLA F., et al.
2005MNRAS.361..211L viz 20 47 A deep survey of brown dwarfs in Orion with Gemini. LUCAS P.W., ROCHE P.F. and TAMURA M.
2005MNRAS.361..813E 1 5 17 The NII spectrum of the Orion nebula. ESCALANTE V. and MORISSET C.
2005PASP..117...13S 40   K                 2 18 A revised geometry for the magnetic wind of θ1 Orionis C. SMITH M.A. and FULLERTON A.W.
2005BASI...33..133G 11 3 Star formation studies at TIFR. GHOSH S.K.
2005RMxAA..41..443G 4 8 Numerical simulations of the fragmentation of photoevaporating nonuniform clumps. GONZALEZ R.F., RAGA A.C. and STEFFEN W.
2006A&A...445..601G 9 10 Probing turbulence with infrared observations in OMC1. GUSTAFSSON M., FIELD D., LEMAIRE J.L., et al.
2006A&A...446.1095B 2 5 29 Multiwavelength monitoring of BD+53 2790, the optical counterpart to 4U 2206+54. BLAY P., NEGUERUELA I., REIG P., et al.
2006A&A...447..761D 2 2 8 Benchmarking atomic data for astrophysics: FeXXIV. DEL ZANNA G.
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2006A&A...448L..29G 20 20 X-rays from HH 210 in the Orion nebula. GROSSO N., FEIGELSON E.D., GETMAN K.V., et al.
2006A&A...448..351S 6 11 142 Detailed spectroscopic analysis of the Trapezium cluster stars inside the Orion nebula. Rotational velocities, stellar parameters, and oxygen abundances. SIMON-DIAZ S., HERRERO A., ESTEBAN C., et al.
2006A&A...449..609J 1 11 32 The effect of a strong external radiation field on protostellar envelopes in Orion. JORGENSEN J.K., JOHNSTONE D., VAN DISHOECK E.F., et al.
2006A&A...449..687R 1         O           12 33 Wind accretion in the massive X-ray binary 4U 2206+54: abnormally slow wind and a moderately eccentric orbit. RIBO M., NEGUERUELA I., BLAY P., et al.
2006A&A...450..777B 306 159 Searching for links between magnetic fields and stellar evolution. I. A survey of magnetic fields in open cluster A- and B-type stars with FORS1. BAGNULO S., LANDSTREET J.D., MASON E., et al.
2006A&A...451..195W 6 5 65 The magnetic field and confined wind of the O star θ Orionis C. WADE G.A., FULLERTON A.W., DONATI J.-F., et al.
2006A&A...454..811P 2 5 27 The fate of discs around massive stars in young clusters. PFALZNER S., OLCZAK C. and ECKART A.
2006A&A...456.1165C 45 60 Probing long-period companions to planetary hosts. VLT and CFHT near infrared coronographic imaging surveys. CHAUVIN G., LAGRANGE A.-M., UDRY S., et al.
2006A&A...457..223S 42 75 On the origin of the X-ray emission from Herbig Ae/Be stars. STELZER B., MICELA G., HAMAGUCHI K., et al.
2006AJ....131..473B 107 36 Irradiated and bent jets in the Orion nebula. BALLY J., LICHT D., SMITH N., et al.
2006AJ....132.1100W viz 830 53 X-ray and infrared point source identification and characteristics in the embedded, massive star-forming region RCW 38. WOLK S.J., SPITZBART B.D., BOURKE T.L., et al.
2006ApJ...637..506M 10 12 Winds from OB stars: a two-component scenario? MULLAN D.J. and WALDRON W.L.
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2006ApJ...640L.191U 6 4 54 Centrifugal breakout of magnetically confined line-driven stellar winds. UD-DOULA A., TOWNSEND R.H.D. and OWOCKI S.P.
2006ApJ...642.1140O viz 4 4 38 Encounter-triggered disk mass loss in the Orion Nebula Cluster. OLCZAK C., PFALZNER S. and SPURZEM R.
2006ApJ...644L..71S 19 13 Silicate emission profiles from low-mass protostellar disks in the Orion nebula: evidence for growth and thermal processing of grains. SHUPING R.Y., KASSIS M., MORRIS M., et al.
2006ApJ...644..355H 5 5 59 Star formation in space and time: the Orion nebula cluster. HUFF E.M. and STAHLER S.W.
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